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解决SpringBoot 3.3.x集成Micrometer和Prometheus,导致项目阻塞,无法启动


使用SpringBoot 3.3.x集成Micrometer和Prometheus,导致项目无法启动,因为集成的组件特别多,具体什么组件有问题,无法得知。但是,作为一名程序员,基本排查问题的思路,还是需要具备的!




因此,按照这两个方向进行排查,首先,排除 错误使用 剩下就是版本问题,因为是引入micrometer-registry-prometheus才导致项目阻塞,而对于组件,一般有两种解决方案,一种是降低版本【治标不治本】,另一种阅读源码,找出具体代码,然后改掉【治本】


1.降低micrometer的版本至1.11.12,但是需要注意的是spring boot 3.5会删除 PrometheusSimpleclientMetricsExportAutoConfiguration 因此,这种方式不推荐

1  <dependencies>



Since the MeterRegistry can depend on the {@link Tracer} (Exemplars) and the {@link Tracer} can depend on the MeterRegistry (recording metrics),

this {@link SpanContext} breaks the cycle by lazily loading the {@link Tracer}.

 注意:ObjectProvider.getObject() 本身不会直接造成项目阻塞,但如果Bean的获取耗时过长,可能会导致调用该方法的线程被阻塞,此外,如果存在循环依赖,还会造成死锁的情况

@AutoConfiguration(before = PrometheusMetricsExportAutoConfiguration.class,
		after = MicrometerTracingAutoConfiguration.class)
@ConditionalOnClass({ Tracer.class, SpanContext.class })
public class PrometheusExemplarsAutoConfiguration {

    // 延迟加载
	SpanContext spanContext(ObjectProvider<Tracer> tracerProvider) {
		return new LazyTracingSpanContext(tracerProvider);

	 * Since the MeterRegistry can depend on the {@link Tracer} (Exemplars) and the
	 * {@link Tracer} can depend on the MeterRegistry (recording metrics), this
	 * {@link SpanContext} breaks the cycle by lazily loading the {@link Tracer}.
	static class LazyTracingSpanContext implements SpanContext {

		private final SingletonSupplier<Tracer> tracer;

		LazyTracingSpanContext(ObjectProvider<Tracer> tracerProvider) {
			this.tracer = SingletonSupplier.of(tracerProvider::getObject);

		public String getCurrentTraceId() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			return (currentSpan != null) ? currentSpan.context().traceId() : null;

		public String getCurrentSpanId() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			return (currentSpan != null) ? currentSpan.context().spanId() : null;

		public boolean isCurrentSpanSampled() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			if (currentSpan == null) {
				return false;
			Boolean sampled = currentSpan.context().sampled();
			return sampled != null && sampled;

		public void markCurrentSpanAsExemplar() {

		private Span currentSpan() {
			return this.tracer.obtain().currentSpan();




@AutoConfiguration(before = PrometheusMetricsExportAutoConfiguration.class,
		after = MicrometerTracingAutoConfiguration.class)
@ConditionalOnClass({ Tracer.class, SpanContext.class })
public class PrometheusExemplarsAutoConfiguration {

	SpanContext spanContext() {
		return new TracingSpanContext();

	 * Since the MeterRegistry can depend on the {@link Tracer} (Exemplars) and the
	 * {@link Tracer} can depend on the MeterRegistry (recording metrics), this
	 * {@link SpanContext} breaks the cycle by lazily loading the {@link Tracer}.
	static class TracingSpanContext implements SpanContext {

		public String getCurrentTraceId() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			return ObjectUtil.isNotNull(currentSpan) ? currentSpan.context().traceId() : null;

		public String getCurrentSpanId() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			return ObjectUtil.isNotNull(currentSpan) ? currentSpan.context().spanId() : null;

		public boolean isCurrentSpanSampled() {
			Span currentSpan = currentSpan();
			if (ObjectUtil.isNull(currentSpan)) {
				return false;
			return currentSpan.context().sampled();

		public void markCurrentSpanAsExemplar() {

		private Span currentSpan() {
			try {
				return SpringContextUtil.getBean(Tracer.class).currentSpan();
			catch (Exception e) {
				return null;








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