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【echarts】报错series.render is required.


1.描述:控制台报错series.render is required.


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              var text = `<div style="width: 180px;height: 78px;backdrop-filter: blur(10px);background-color:#1A474266;
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                                                <div style="margin:8px 0 10px 10px; font-size: 12px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between"><p> 数据:</p></div>
                                                <div style="margin:4px 0 9px 8px; padding:11px 10px 9px 9px;font-size: 12px;border-radius:4px;display: flex; justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;background: #1F7D7DE6;width: 164px;height: 28px;"><div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;"><div style="width: 10px;
                                                height: 10px;background: #3AFDF1;border-radius:50%;margin:5px 5px 0 0"></div><p>${params[0].name}</p></div>  <p>${params[0].value}</p></div>
              return text;
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                      shape: {
                        x: location[0],
                        y: location[1],
                        xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
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                        fill: "#4EFCDDFF",
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                        x: location[0],
                        y: location[1],
                        xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
                      style: {
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              data: [],





renderItem: (params, api) => {
                const location = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
                return {
                  type: "group",
                  children: [
                      type: "CubeLeft",
                      shape: {
                        x: location[0],
                        y: location[1],
                        xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
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                        x: location[0],
                        y: location[1],
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                        x: location[0],
                        y: location[1],
                        xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
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    const renderItem1 = (params, api) => {
        const location = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
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                x: location[0],
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              style: {
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                x: location[0],
                y: location[1],
                xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
              style: {
                fill: "#135146FF",
      const renderItem2 = (params, api) => {
        const location = api.coord([api.value(0), api.value(1)]);
        return {
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                x: location[0],
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                x: location[0],
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              style: {
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                x: location[0],
                y: location[1],
                xAxisPoint: api.coord([api.value(0), 0]),
              style: {
                fill: "#3AFDCEFF",
      option.series[0].renderItem = renderItem1;
      option.series[1].renderItem = renderItem2;
 const formatter = (params) => {
        var text = `<div style="width: 180px;height: 78px;backdrop-filter: blur(10px);background-color:#1A474266;
                          border-radius: 6px 6px 6px 6px;border: 1px solid #2c7d72FF;
                                                <div style="margin:8px 0 10px 10px; font-size: 12px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between"><p> 数据:</p></div>
                                                <div style="margin:4px 0 9px 8px; padding:11px 10px 9px 9px;font-size: 12px;border-radius:4px;display: flex; justify-content: space-between;align-items: center;background: #1F7D7DE6;width: 164px;height: 28px;"><div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-between;"><div style="width: 10px;
                                                height: 10px;background: #3AFDF1;border-radius:50%;margin:5px 5px 0 0"></div><p>${params[0].name}</p></div>  <p>${params[0].value}</p></div>
        return text;
      option.tooltip.formatter = formatter;




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