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C语言 | Leetcode C语言题解之第519题随机翻转矩阵



typedef struct {
    unsigned long long val;
    UT_hash_handle hh;
} Hash;

typedef struct {
    Hash *hash;
    int n_rows;
    int n_cols;
} Solution, SL;

Solution* solutionCreate(int n_rows, int n_cols) {
    SL *obj = malloc(sizeof(SL));
    obj->hash = NULL;
    obj->n_rows = n_rows;
    obj->n_cols = n_cols;
    return obj;

int* solutionFlip(Solution* obj, int* retSize) {
    *retSize = 2;
    int *res = malloc(2 * sizeof(int));
    while (true) {
        int x = rand() % obj->n_rows;
        int y = rand() % obj->n_cols;
        unsigned long long t = x;
        t <<= 32;
        t |= y;
        // printf("%ld\n", t);
        Hash *p;
        HASH_FIND(hh, obj->hash, &t, sizeof(unsigned long long), p);
        if (!p) {
            res[0] = x;
            res[1] = y;
            p = malloc(sizeof(Hash));
            p->val = t;
            HASH_ADD(hh, obj->hash, val, sizeof(unsigned long long), p);
    return res;

void solutionReset(Solution* obj) {
    Hash *cur, *tmp;
    HASH_ITER(hh, obj->hash, cur, tmp) {
        HASH_DEL(obj->hash, cur);

void solutionFree(Solution* obj) {
    Hash *cur, *tmp;
    HASH_ITER(hh, obj->hash, cur, tmp) {
        HASH_DEL(obj->hash, cur);

 * Your Solution struct will be instantiated and called as such:
 * Solution* obj = solutionCreate(n_rows, n_cols);
 * int* param_1 = solutionFlip(obj, retSize);
 * solutionReset(obj);
 * solutionFree(obj);



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