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0. 在开始之前,我们需要设置工作目录并导入数据集 liver.df 作为案例示范,如果需要liver.df可以评论。 

# set your own working directory!

liver.cells.df <- read.table("liver.cells.txt", header = FALSE)
liver.section.df <- read.table("liver.section.txt", header = FALSE)
liver.exper.df <- read.table("liver.exper.txt", header = FALSE) 
liver.gt.df <- read.table("liver.gt.txt", header = TRUE)
liver.df <- data.frame(liver.cells.df, liver.section.df, liver.exper.df, liver.gt.df)
colnames(liver.df) <- c("cells", "section", "exper", colnames(liver.gt.df))

1. 安装ggplot包。


ggplot2 是由 Hadley Wickham 创建的 R 包。它提供了一个强大的图形工具,用于创建美观且复杂的图表。近年来,它在 R 社区中的受欢迎程度急剧上升。该包允许您以直接的方式创建图表,展示单变量和多变量的数值和分类数据。分组可以通过颜色、符号、大小和透明度来表示。

2. 散点图绘制:

ggplot(liver.df, aes(x = cells, y = PRL)) + geom_point(col = "red") +
  labs(title = "Cells vs PRL", x = "Number of Cells", y = "PRL Response")


3. 密度图绘制:

ggplot(liver.df, aes(x = PRL, colour = exper, fill = exper)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.5) + xlim(-20,40) + 
  labs(title = "Density of PRL", x = "PRL Response", y = "Density")


 4. 多张散点图绘制:

ggplot(liver.df, aes(x = PRL, y = ARL, color = exper)) +
  geom_point() + facet_wrap(section ~ exper) + theme_minimal()

命令 facet_wrap(section ~ exper) 按照章节和实验分割散点图,theme_minimal() 将绘图风格改为极简主题(例如,它移除了灰色背景)。

 5. 回归线绘制:

ggplot(liver.df, aes(x = cells, y = ARL, colour = exper)) + geom_point() +
      labs(title = "Regression of ARL on cells", 
      x = "Number of Injected Cells", y = "ARL Response") +
      geom_smooth(method = 'lm', formula = y ~ x)

我们为每个实验在细胞上绘制ARL的回归图,使用geom_smooth(method = 'lm'),color根据exper选择不同颜色。

6. 箱形图:

ggplot(liver.df, aes(y = PRL, x = exper, fill = exper)) +
      geom_boxplot()  +
      labs(y = "PRL Response", x = "Experiment")

 使用 geom_boxplot()生成各实验的 PRL 方框图。



  1. the ggplot reference site: Function reference • ggplot2

  2. this ggplot2 Tutorial (short version and part 1-3): How to make any plot in ggplot2? | ggplot2 Tutorial



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