当前位置: 首页 > article >正文



1. 批量操作:通过标签支持批量插入

2. 批量操作:通过标签支持批量更新

3. 批量操作:通过标签支持批量删除

4. 动态SQL

3. 多条件分支查询

4. SQL语句优化:使用标签避免多余的AND或OR关键字。

5. 注解方式使用MyBatis

6. 一对多

7. 多对一:每个评论(Comment)都属于一篇文章(Article),并且每篇文章可以有多个评论。

8. MyBatis-Plus集成

1. 批量操作:通过<foreach>标签支持批量插入

<insert id="batchInsert" parameterType="java.util.List">
    INSERT INTO user (username, email,phone, create_time) VALUES
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">
        (#{item.username}, #{item.email},#{item.phone}, #{item.createTime})

2. 批量操作:通过<foreach>标签支持批量更新

<update id="batchUpdate" parameterType="java.util.List">
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=";">
        UPDATE user
        SET username = #{item.username}, email = #{item.email}
        WHERE id = #{item.id}

3. 批量操作:通过<foreach>标签支持批量删除

<delete id="batchDelete" parameterType="java.util.List">
    <foreach collection="list" item="id" open="(" separator="," close=")">

4. 动态SQL

<select id="findUsers" resultType="User">
    SELECT * FROM user
    WHERE 1=1
    <if test="username != null and username != ''">
        AND username LIKE CONCAT('%', #{username}, '%')
    <if test="email != null and email != ''">
        AND email = #{email}
    <if test="status != null">
        AND status = #{status}

3. 多条件分支查询

<select id="findUsersByCondition" resultType="User">
    SELECT * FROM user
            <when test="searchType == 'username'">
                username LIKE CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
            <when test="searchType == 'email'">
                email LIKE CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%')
                (username LIKE CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%') OR email LIKE CONCAT('%', #{keyword}, '%'))

4. SQL语句优化:使用<trim>标签避免多余的ANDOR关键字。

<select id="findUsers" resultType="User">
    SELECT * FROM user
    <trim prefix="WHERE" prefixOverrides="AND |OR ">
        <if test="username != null and username != ''">
            AND username LIKE CONCAT('%', #{username}, '%')
        <if test="email != null and email != ''">
            AND email = #{email}
        <if test="status != null">
            AND status = #{status}

5. 注解方式使用MyBatis

public interface UserMapper {
    @Select("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = #{id}")
    User getUserById(Long id);

    @Insert("INSERT INTO user (username, email, create_time) VALUES (#{username}, #{email}, #{createTime})")
    @Options(useGeneratedKeys = true, keyProperty = "id")
    int insertUser(User user);

    @Update("UPDATE user SET username = #{username}, email = #{email} WHERE id = #{id}")
    int updateUser(User user);

    @Delete("DELETE FROM user WHERE id = #{id}")
    int deleteUser(Long id);

6. 一对多

<resultMap id="userWithOrdersMap" type="User">
    <id property="id" column="user_id"/>
    <result property="username" column="username"/>
    <collection property="orders" ofType="Order">
        <id property="id" column="order_id"/>
        <result property="orderNumber" column="order_number"/>
        <result property="createTime" column="order_create_time"/>

<select id="getUserWithOrders" resultMap="userWithOrdersMap">
    SELECT u.id as user_id, u.username, o.id as order_id, o.order_number, o.create_time as order_create_time
    FROM user u
    LEFT JOIN orders o ON u.id = o.user_id
    WHERE u.id = #{userId}

7. 多对一:每个评论(Comment)都属于一篇文章(Article),并且每篇文章可以有多个评论。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">

<mapper namespace="com.example.mapper.ArticleMapper">

    <!-- 定义 Comment 的 resultMap -->
    <resultMap id="commentWithArticleMap" type="Comment">
        <id property="id" column="comment_id"/>
        <result property="content" column="comment_content"/>
        <result property="createTime" column="comment_create_time"/>
        <association property="article" javaType="Article">
            <id property="id" column="article_id"/>
            <result property="title" column="article_title"/>
            <result property="content" column="article_content"/>

    <!-- 定义 Article 的 resultMap -->
    <resultMap id="articleWithCommentsMap" type="Article">
        <id property="id" column="article_id"/>
        <result property="title" column="article_title"/>
        <result property="content" column="article_content"/>
        <collection property="comments" ofType="Comment" resultMap="commentWithArticleMap"/>

    <!-- 查询文章及其评论列表 -->
    <select id="getArticleWithComments" resultMap="articleWithCommentsMap">
            a.id as article_id,
            a.title as article_title,
            a.content as article_content,
            c.id as comment_id,
            c.content as comment_content,
            c.create_time as comment_create_time
        FROM article a
        LEFT JOIN comment c ON a.id = c.article_id
        WHERE a.id = #{articleId}


8. MyBatis-Plus集成

public class UserServiceImpl extends ServiceImpl<UserMapper, User> implements UserService {
    public List<User> findUsersByCondition(String username, String email) {
        return this.list(new QueryWrapper<User>()
                .like(StringUtils.isNotBlank(username), "username", username)
                .eq(StringUtils.isNotBlank(email), "email", email));



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