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数据库模式(Database Schema)
1  表结构:定义了数据库中各个表的名称、列的名称、数据类型、约束条件(如主键、外键、唯一性约束等)。
2  关系:描述了表与表之间的关系,如一对多、多对多等。
3  索引:定义了表上的索引,用于提高查询性能。
4  视图:定义了虚拟表,这些虚拟表基于SQL查询结果,可以简化复杂的查询操作。
5  存储过程和函数:定义了数据库中的存储过程和函数,用于执行特定的业务逻辑。
6  触发器:定义了在特定事件发生时自动执行的操作。

在 DatabaseHistory 接口中的应用
在 DatabaseHistory 接口中,数据库模式的变更记录和恢复功能主要用于以下场景:
    1  记录变更:当数据库模式发生变化时(如添加新表、修改表结构、删除表等),通过 record 方法记录这些变更。
    2  恢复:当需要恢复到某个历史点的数据库模式时,通过 recover 方法恢复到指定的历史状态。


    public void start(Map<String, String> props) {
        if (context == null) {
            throw new ConnectException("Unexpected null context");

        // Validate the configuration ...
        final Configuration config = Configuration.from(props);
        if (!config.validate(MySqlConnectorConfig.ALL_FIELDS, logger::error)) {
            throw new ConnectException("Error configuring an instance of " + getClass().getSimpleName() + "; check the logs for details");

        // Create and configure the database history ...
        this.dbHistory = config.getInstance(MySqlConnectorConfig.DATABASE_HISTORY, DatabaseHistory.class);
        if (this.dbHistory == null) {
            throw new ConnectException("Unable to instantiate the database history class " +
        Configuration dbHistoryConfig = config.subset(DatabaseHistory.CONFIGURATION_FIELD_PREFIX_STRING, false); // do not remove
                                                                                                                 // prefix
        this.dbHistory.configure(dbHistoryConfig); // validates

        // Read the configuration ...
        final String user = config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.USER);
        final String password = config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.PASSWORD);
        final String host = config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.HOSTNAME);
        final int port = config.getInteger(MySqlConnectorConfig.PORT);
        final String initialBinLogFilename = config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.INITIAL_BINLOG_FILENAME);
        final long serverId = config.getLong(MySqlConnectorConfig.SERVER_ID);
        serverName = config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.SERVER_NAME.name(), host + ":" + port);
        final boolean keepAlive = config.getBoolean(MySqlConnectorConfig.KEEP_ALIVE);
        final int maxQueueSize = config.getInteger(MySqlConnectorConfig.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
        final long timeoutInMilliseconds = config.getLong(MySqlConnectorConfig.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS);
        final boolean includeSchemaChanges = config.getBoolean(MySqlConnectorConfig.INCLUDE_SCHEMA_CHANGES);
        final long pollIntervalMs = config.getLong(MySqlConnectorConfig.POLL_INTERVAL_MS);
        maxBatchSize = config.getInteger(MySqlConnectorConfig.MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
        metronome = Metronome.parker(pollIntervalMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, Clock.SYSTEM);

        // Define the filter using the whitelists and blacklists for tables and database names ...
        Predicate<TableId> tableFilter = TableId.filter(config.getString(MySqlConnectorConfig.DATABASE_WHITELIST),
        if (config.getBoolean(MySqlConnectorConfig.TABLES_IGNORE_BUILTIN)) {
            Predicate<TableId> isBuiltin = (id) -> {
                return BUILT_IN_DB_NAMES.contains(id.catalog().toLowerCase()) || BUILT_IN_TABLE_NAMES.contains(id.table().toLowerCase());
            tableFilter = tableFilter.and(isBuiltin.negate());

        // Create the queue ...
        events = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(maxQueueSize);
        batchEvents = new ArrayDeque<>(maxBatchSize);

        // Set up our handlers for specific kinds of events ...
        tables = new Tables();
        tableConverters = new TableConverters(topicSelector, dbHistory, includeSchemaChanges, tables, tableFilter);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.ROTATE, tableConverters::rotateLogs);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.TABLE_MAP, tableConverters::updateTableMetadata);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.QUERY, tableConverters::updateTableCommand);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.EXT_WRITE_ROWS, tableConverters::handleInsert);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.EXT_UPDATE_ROWS, tableConverters::handleUpdate);
        eventHandlers.put(EventType.EXT_DELETE_ROWS, tableConverters::handleDelete);

        // Set up the log reader ...
        client = new BinaryLogClient(host, port, user, password);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) client.registerEventListener(this::logEvent);

        // Set up the event deserializer with additional types ...
        EventDeserializer eventDeserializer = new EventDeserializer();
        eventDeserializer.setEventDataDeserializer(EventType.STOP, new StopEventDataDeserializer());

        // Check if we've already processed some of the log for this database ...
        // Get the offsets for our partition ...
        Map<String, ?> offsets = context.offsetStorageReader().offset(source.partition());
        if (offsets != null) {
            // And set the client to start from that point ...
            // The event row number will be used when processing the first event ...
            logger.info("Restarting MySQL connector '{}' from binlog file {}, position {}, and event row {}",
                        serverName, source.binlogFilename(), source.binlogPosition(), source.eventRowNumber());

            // We have to make our Tables reflect the state of the database at the above source partition (e.g., the location
            // in the MySQL log where we last stopped reading. Since the TableConverts writes out all DDL statements to the
            // TopicSelector.getTopic(serverName) topic, we can consume that topic and apply each of the DDL statements
            // to our Tables object. Each of those DDL messages is keyed by the database name, and contains a single string
            // of DDL. However, we should consume no further than offset we recovered above.
            try {
                logger.info("Recovering MySQL connector '{}' database schemas from history stored in {}", serverName, dbHistory);
                DdlParser ddlParser = new MySqlDdlParser();
                dbHistory.recover(source.partition(), source.offset(), tables, ddlParser);
                logger.debug("Recovered MySQL connector '{}' database schemas: {}", serverName, tables.subset(tableFilter));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new ConnectException("Failure while recovering database schemas", t);
        } else {
            // initializes this position, though it will be reset when we see the first event (should be a rotate event) ...
            logger.info("Starting MySQL connector from beginning of binlog file {}, position {}",
                        source.binlogFilename(), source.binlogPosition());

        // Start the log reader, which starts background threads ...
        try {
            logger.debug("Connecting to MySQL server");
            logger.debug("Successfully connected to MySQL server and beginning to read binlog");
        } catch (TimeoutException e) {
            double seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(timeoutInMilliseconds);
            throw new ConnectException("Timed out after " + seconds + " seconds while waiting to connect to the MySQL database at " + host
                    + ":" + port + " with user '" + user + "'", e);
        } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
            throw new ConnectException("Failed to authenticate to the MySQL database at " + host + ":" + port + " with user '" + user + "'",
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new ConnectException(
                    "Unable to connect to the MySQL database at " + host + ":" + port + " with user '" + user + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);


  1. 验证配置:从传入的属性中创建配置对象并验证其有效性。
  2. 创建数据库历史记录:根据配置实例化 DatabaseHistory 对象并启动。
  3. 读取配置参数:从配置中读取各种必要的参数,如用户名、密码、主机、端口等。
  4. 定义表过滤器:根据白名单和黑名单定义表过滤器,忽略内置表。
  5. 创建队列:初始化事件队列和批处理队列。
  6. 设置事件处理器:为不同的事件类型设置处理器。
  7. 设置日志读取器:创建并配置 BinaryLogClient,注册事件监听器和生命周期监听器。
  8. 设置事件反序列化器:配置事件反序列化器以处理特定类型的事件。
  9. 恢复数据库状态:检查是否有已处理的日志,如果有则恢复数据库模式。
  10. 连接到 MySQL 服务器:尝试连接到 MySQL 服务器并开始读取二进制日志。


 * 该类负责配置和初始化MySQL连接器,包括设置数据库和表的过滤条件、创建事件队列、注册事件处理器、设置二进制日志客户端、恢复数据库模式等。
 * 主要功能包括:
 * - 应用数据库和表的黑白名单过滤条件。
 * - 配置是否忽略内置表。
 * - 创建事件队列和批处理事件队列。
 * - 注册不同类型的事件处理器。
 * - 初始化二进制日志客户端并设置相关参数。
 * - 检查并恢复已处理的日志位置。
 * - 连接到MySQL服务器并开始读取二进制日志。



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