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1. 引言

在深度学习中,张量的形状决定了数据如何在模型中流动。例如,在卷积神经网络(CNN)中,输入图像的形状通常是 [batch_size, height, width, channels],而在Transformer模型中,输入张量的形状通常是 [batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size]。正确管理这些形状可以避免许多常见的错误,如维度不匹配导致的异常。

2. get_shape_list 函数

get_shape_list 函数用于获取张量的形状列表,优先返回静态维度。如果某些维度是动态的(即在运行时确定),则返回相应的 tf.Tensor 标量。

def get_shape_list(tensor, expected_rank=None, name=None):
  """Returns a list of the shape of tensor, preferring static dimensions.

    tensor: A tf.Tensor object to find the shape of.
    expected_rank: (optional) int. The expected rank of `tensor`. If this is
      specified and the `tensor` has a different rank, and exception will be
    name: Optional name of the tensor for the error message.

    A list of dimensions of the shape of tensor. All static dimensions will
    be returned as python integers, and dynamic dimensions will be returned
    as tf.Tensor scalars.
  if name is None:
    name = tensor.name

  if expected_rank is not None:
    assert_rank(tensor, expected_rank, name)

  shape = tensor.shape.as_list()

  non_static_indexes = []
  for (index, dim) in enumerate(shape):
    if dim is None:

  if not non_static_indexes:
    return shape

  dyn_shape = tf.shape(tensor)
  for index in non_static_indexes:
    shape[index] = dyn_shape[index]
  return shape
3. reshape_to_matrix 函数

reshape_to_matrix 函数用于将秩大于等于2的张量重塑为矩阵(即秩为2的张量)。这对于某些需要二维输入的操作非常有用。

def reshape_to_matrix(input_tensor):
  """Reshapes a >= rank 2 tensor to a rank 2 tensor (i.e., a matrix)."""
  ndims = input_tensor.shape.ndims
  if ndims < 2:
    raise ValueError("Input tensor must have at least rank 2. Shape = %s" %
  if ndims == 2:
    return input_tensor

  width = input_tensor.shape[-1]
  output_tensor = tf.reshape(input_tensor, [-1, width])
  return output_tensor
4. reshape_from_matrix 函数

reshape_from_matrix 函数用于将矩阵(即秩为2的张量)重塑回其原始形状。这对于恢复张量的原始维度非常有用。

def reshape_from_matrix(output_tensor, orig_shape_list):
  """Reshapes a rank 2 tensor back to its original rank >= 2 tensor."""
  if len(orig_shape_list) == 2:
    return output_tensor

  output_shape = get_shape_list(output_tensor)

  orig_dims = orig_shape_list[0:-1]
  width = output_shape[-1]

  return tf.reshape(output_tensor, orig_dims + [width])
5. assert_rank 函数

assert_rank 函数用于检查张量的秩是否符合预期。如果张量的秩不符合预期,则会抛出异常。

def assert_rank(tensor, expected_rank, name=None):
  """Raises an exception if the tensor rank is not of the expected rank.

    tensor: A tf.Tensor to check the rank of.
    expected_rank: Python integer or list of integers, expected rank.
    name: Optional name of the tensor for the error message.

    ValueError: If the expected shape doesn't match the actual shape.
  if name is None:
    name = tensor.name

  expected_rank_dict = {}
  if isinstance(expected_rank, six.integer_types):
    expected_rank_dict[expected_rank] = True
    for x in expected_rank:
      expected_rank_dict[x] = True

  actual_rank = tensor.shape.ndims
  if actual_rank not in expected_rank_dict:
    scope_name = tf.get_variable_scope().name
    raise ValueError(
        "For the tensor `%s` in scope `%s`, the actual rank "
        "`%d` (shape = %s) is not equal to the expected rank `%s`" %
        (name, scope_name, actual_rank, str(tensor.shape), str(expected_rank)))
6. 实际应用示例

假设我们有一个输入张量 input_tensor,其形状为 [2, 10, 768],我们可以通过以下步骤来展示这些函数的使用方法:

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

# 创建一个输入张量
input_tensor = tf.random.uniform([2, 10, 768])

# 获取张量的形状列表
shape_list = get_shape_list(input_tensor, expected_rank=3)
print("Shape List:", shape_list)

# 将张量重塑为矩阵
matrix_tensor = reshape_to_matrix(input_tensor)
print("Matrix Tensor Shape:", matrix_tensor.shape)

# 将矩阵重塑回原始形状
reshaped_tensor = reshape_from_matrix(matrix_tensor, shape_list)
print("Reshaped Tensor Shape:", reshaped_tensor.shape)

# 检查张量的秩
assert_rank(input_tensor, expected_rank=3)
7. 总结


  1. TensorFlow Official Documentation: TensorFlow Official Documentation
  2. TensorFlow Tutorials: TensorFlow Tutorials



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