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aws ses生产环境申请


aws ses生产环境申请经验:

  1. 要有域名邮箱作为反馈联系邮箱 且有收发记录 最好使用aws的WorkMail
  2. 要说明清晰的使用用途、预估量、如何处理退信和投诉、防spam策略 等内容,这里可以先问问AI(比如:如何处理退信和投诉?),然后将答案按自己的实际情况修改下。

你计划如何使用 SES(例如,发送营销邮件、通知邮件等)。

  1. 要有明显的退订(unsubscribe)方式=>按钮或者链接,且接口可以调通
  2. 要有至少一到两周的沙盒环境发信记录
  3. 耐心的保持沟通, 积极主动提供必要信息 并提供关键步骤,比如取消订阅后的接口调用记录和数据入库记录

我重新打开工单进行回复 主动申请了 5,6次,花费了一个月零5天的时间,才申请通过。

  1. 先申请,被拒,
  2. 使用沙盒测试一周,被拒
  3. 再说明退订策略, 被拒
  4. 再去做的退订页面和接口,被拒,
  5. 再去做了域名邮箱(aws workmail)后,主动重开工单,说明情况,



Hello there,

We have set up the workmail service in aws,and get the ability to receive any support quest from our user.
So we are here to commit a request for production environment again.
If there is anything still being unconfigured or incomplete,please tell us directly,
any suggestion form aws-ses-team will be highly valued in our team.

Best regards



My name is Manav and your case has been escalated to me for a Senior Review. Thank you for your patience while we have reviewed your case.

We appreciate the additional information that you have provided. After a thorough review, I have decided to grant your request. Your new sending quota is 50,000 messages per day. Your maximum send rate is now 14 messages per second. We have also moved your account out of the Amazon SES sandbox.

This takes effect immediately in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region. You can view the current sending rate and sending quota for your account on the Sending Statistics page of the Amazon SES console, or by using the GetSendQuota API.

As you get started with Amazon SES, keep in mind that you must:

- Comply with the AWS Acceptable Use Policy ( http://aws.amazon.com/aup/  ) and read the Amazon SES Service Terms (section Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) of http://aws.amazon.com/service-terms/  ).

- Send only high-quality emails to recipients who expect to hear from you. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/tips-and-best-practices.html .

- Set up a process to handle bounces and complaints. For more information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/bounce-complaint-notifications.html .

- Use your new account to send a different type of email than you are sending from your other account(s), if applicable. For more information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/multiple-accounts.html .

- Use the Amazon SES mailbox simulator to test your system so that your testing does not adversely impact your account. For more information, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/mailbox-simulator.html .

- Apply for higher sending limits before you need them. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/dg/manage-sending-quotas.html .

- With Amazon SES, you pay only for what you use. There are no contract negotiations and no minimum charges. For more information see: https://aws.amazon.com/ses/pricing/ 

Thank you for using Amazon Web Services.

We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this and other correspondences in the AWS Support Center. You can rate a correspondence by selecting the stars in the top right corner of the correspondence.

Best regards,
Trust and Safety

便宜 稳定 好用!




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