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  • 新增,2本:分别是ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer和Communications in Analysis and Mechanics。

  • 更名,6本:包括影响因子高达13.538的Evidence-Based Mental Health,更名为BMJ Mental Health。另外两本Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering和Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,在上一期中已经改为新名字Gas Science and Engineering和Geoenergy Science and Engineering,但这一期旧名字才被剔除。

  • 剔除,35本:包括影响因子高达7.310的Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity。这35本期刊,在过去的3年中,有10本曾被中科院预警。


  1. Advances m Materials Science and Engineering 2.098
  2. Annals of Palliative Medicine 1.925
  3. Annals of Translational Medicine 3.616
  4. Applied Nanoscience 3.869
  5. Biomed Research inteimational 3.246
  6. Computational and Mathematical Methods 2.809
  7. Neuroscience Computational intelligence and 3.120
  8. Concurrent Engineering-Research and 2.118
  9. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 3.009
  10. Disease Markers 3.464
  11. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2.650
  12. Food Science and Technology 2.602
  13. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 0.618
  14. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 4.614
  15. Journal of Coastal Research 1.110
  16. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2.791
  17. Ecology Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 0.507
  18. Journal of Healthcare Engineering 3.822
  19. Journal of Nanomaterials 3.791
  20. Journal of Oncology 4.501
  21. Journal of Renewable Materials 2.115
  22. Agronomy Journal of The American Society of AGRONOMY
  23. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1.430
  24. Mobile information Systems 1.863
  25. Netherlands Journal of Medicine 1.105
  26. Ochrona Srodowiska
  27. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 7.310
  28. Progress in Nutrition 0.567
  29. Psychiatria Danubina 2.696
  30. Revista Brasileira De Medicina Do Esporte 0.652
  31. Scanning 1.750
  32. Scientific Programming 1.672
  33. Security and Communication Networks 1.968
  34. Waves in Random and Complex Media 4.051
  35. Wireless Communications &Mobile 2.146



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