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EE308FZ_Sixth Assignment_Beta Sprint_Sprint Essay 3

Assignment 6Beta Sprint
CourseEE308FZ[A] — Software Engineering
Class Link2401_MU_SE_FZU
RequirementsTeamwork—Beta Sprint
Team NameFZUGO
ObjectiveSprint Essay 3_Day5-Day6 (12.15-12.16)
Other Reference1. WeChat Mini Program Design Guide 2. Javascript Style Guide 3. WeChat Developer Tools 4. The Art of Construction


  • 1. SCRUM Section
    • 1.1 Team Achievements
    • 1.2 Achievements Showcase
      • 1.2.1 Front and back end collaboration achievement
      • 1.2.2 Improve homepage fluency and accuracy
    • 1.3 Questionnaire survey feedback collection
    • 1.4 SCRUM Meeting Photos
  • 2. PM Report
    • 2.1 Expected Tasks and Completed Tasks
    • 2.2 Project Burn-Up Chart
  • 3. Result Presentation

The completed task

  • Map and Weather Module Integration and Bug Fixes
  • System Stability Testing
  • User Feedback Feature Collection

1. SCRUM Section

1.1 Team Achievements

Team MemberCompleted TasksTime SpentIssues EncounteredTomorrow’s Schedule
王希瑞Map Module Integration and Bug Fixes3hNoneFourth Beta Test Report Writing
刘丹妮Map Module Integration and Bug Fixes3hNoneFourth Beta Test Report Writing
张子晔System Stability Testing2.5hNoneEnsure system stability under high loads
寿宇浩System Stability Testing2.5hNoneEnsure system stability under high loads
谢荣城Weather Module Integration and Bug Fixes3hNoneImprove frontend performance and user experience
张绍钰Weather Module Integration and Bug Fixes3hNoneImprove frontend performance and user experience
吴杨顺User Feedback Feature Collection2hNoneimprove interface efficiency
唐宁蔚User Feedback Feature Collection2hNoneOptimize data storage
周欣怡Third Beta Test Report Writing3hNoneOptimize data storage
薛墨澜Third Beta Test Report Writing3hNoneEnsure system stability under high loads

1.2 Achievements Showcase

1.2.1 Front and back end collaboration achievement

The mini program map interface integrates positioning, search, navigation and point of interest display and other functions. Users can view the current location in real time, query the target location, and plan walking. The interface supports map mode switching, point of interest display and custom markers, providing smooth interactive experience and multi-language support. This interface is suitable for travel navigation
(1) Map module integration
Map location clustering is a technology that classifies and integrates geographic location data according to specific rules, often used to optimize location-related applications, such as map navigation, location recommendation, and business display. Its core purpose is to group multiple locations that are geographically close or have similar characteristics in order to better present information, improve system efficiency, or improve user experience.

Clustering principle
Clustering refers to the grouping of a set of geographic location data points by their spatial location or other characteristics (such as category, purpose, etc.). Common clustering algorithms include K-means, DBSCAN, hierarchical clustering and so on. These algorithms automatically divide geographic locations into clusters by calculating the similarity or distance between locations, with locations in each cluster having a high degree of similarity.

  • Corresponding code block
includePoints() {
  var points = Array.from(this.data.polyline[0].points); // 路径点数组
  this.mapCtx = wx.createMapContext('map');              // 地图上下文
    padding: [100, 40, 20, 40], // 地图视野的边距
    points: points,             // 包括的所有坐标点

(2)Repair path the SDK planning interface is easy to get stuck

  • Corresponding code block
  mode: 'walking', // 路径规划模式(步行)
  from: e.detail.value.start, // 起点
  to: e.detail.value.dest,    // 终点
  success: function (res) {
    var ret = res.result.routes[0]; // 获取规划结果
    var coors = ret.polyline;       // 获取路径压缩坐标数组
    var pl = [{                    // 初始化路径点串,添加起点
      latitude: e.detail.value.start.split(",")[0],
      longitude: e.detail.value.start.split(",")[1],
    // 解压缩路径点串
    var kr = 1000000;
    for (var i = 2; i < coors.length; i++) {
      coors[i] = Number(coors[i - 2]) + Number(coors[i]) / kr;
    // 将解压后的路径点依次存入 `pl` 数组
    for (var i = 0; i < coors.length; i += 2) {
        latitude: coors[i],
        longitude: coors[i + 1],
    // 添加终点
      latitude: e.detail.value.dest.split(",")[0],
      longitude: e.detail.value.dest.split(",")[1],

    // 更新 `polyline` 数据,显示路径
      polyline: [{
        points: pl,
        color: '#58c16c',    // 路线颜色
        width: 10,           // 路线宽度
        borderColor: '#2f693c', // 边框颜色
        borderWidth: 2,      // 边框宽度
        arrowLine: true,     // 显示箭头
    _this.includePoints(); // 调整地图视野

1.2.2 Improve homepage fluency and accuracy

Home interface design is simple and intuitive, the top display Fuzhou University image and emblem, and provide a school introduction entrance, convenient for users to quickly understand the school information. Functional modules include map navigation, campus guide, location popularity and friendly links to meet users’ needs for campus travel and information inquiry. It also displays real-time weather information in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, and the bottom navigation bar provides a shortcut entry for users to quickly access related functions.
(1)Home scrolling test

  • Corresponding code block
background: [],

        indicatorDots: true, //是否显示面板指示点
        indicatorColor: "white", //指示点颜色
        activeColor: "#2adce2", //当前选中的指示点颜色
        autoplay: true, //是否自动切换
        circular: true, //是否采用衔接滑动
        interval: 3500, //间隔时间
        duration: 1500, //滑动时间
        windowWidth: 400,

        dialogShow: false,
        buttons: [{
            text: '关闭'


     * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
    onLoad(options) {
        var that = this;
            success: function (res) {
                    windowWidth: res.windowWidth,

     * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
    onReady() {


     * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
    onShow() {


     * 用户点击右上角分享
    onShareAppMessage() {


     * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
    onPullDownRefresh() {

     * 用户点击右上角分享到朋友圈
    onShareTimeline: function (res) {


    imgHeight: function (e) {
        var winWid = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth; //获取当前屏幕的宽度
        var imgh = e.detail.height; //图片高度
        var imgw = e.detail.width; //图片宽度
        var swiperH = winWid * imgh / imgw + "px" //等比设置swiper的高度。 即 屏幕宽度 / swiper高度 = 图片宽度 / 图片高度  ==》swiper高度 = 屏幕宽度 * 图片高度 / 图片宽度
            Height: swiperH //设置高度

    // 获取轮播图
    get() {
                name: "轮播图"
            .then(res => {
                console.log('success', res.data[0].img)
                    background: res.data[0].img,
            .catch(err => {
                console.log('fail', err)

    // 学校官微
    toschool() {
            current: this.data.guanwei[0],
            urls: this.data.guanwei

    // 图书馆官微
    tolibrary() {
            current: this.data.guanwei[1],
            urls: this.data.guanwei

    // 财务处官微
    tofinance() {
            current: this.data.guanwei[2],
            urls: this.data.guanwei

    // 招生官微
    toenroll() {
          current: this.data.guanwei[3],
          urls: this.data.guanwei
  • (2)Improving the accuracy of real-time weather temperature, humidity and wind direction involves a variety of technical approaches


  • Corresponding code block
<view class="list-laba">
    <image class="list-laba-image" src="{{weather}}" />
    <view class="list-laba-text weather_text">

  <view class="card-container">
    <view class="card-container-weather">
      <view class="card-container-weather-city">

      <view class="card-container-weather-tmp">
        <image class="card-container-weather-tmp-icon" src="https://icons.qweather.com/assets/icons/{{now.icon}}.svg"></image>

      <view class="card-container-weather-info">
        <view>{{now.windDir}} {{now.windScale}}级</view>
        <view>湿度 {{now.humidity}}%</view>
        <view>气压 {{now.pressure}}Pa</view>

Optimize weather models with machine learning and data assimilation to improve forecast accuracy. High-resolution weather models and automated correction systems can also adjust data in real time to enhance forecast accuracy.

// 获取天气
    getWeather() {
        var that = this
            url: 'https://devapi.qweather.com/v7/weather/now?key=' + that.data.APIKEY + "&location=" + that.data.school_location,
            success(result) {
                var res = result.data
                    now: res.now
  • Test range
    Stability test: Simulate high concurrent user access and test the performance of the system under peak load.
    Response speed testing: Measures the average time it takes a system to process a request to ensure that performance standards are met.

  • Test results
    Stability test results:
    The system performs stably under standard loads without crashes or abnormal outages.In the high load test, the system has a slight performance degradation, but does not affect the normal operation of the core function.

1.3 Questionnaire survey feedback collection

The application of questionnaires in small programs is mainly used to collect user feedback. Through structured questions, users can efficiently obtain comments on the functionality, interface, and performance of the applet, helping the development team identify problems, optimize the experience, and improve the product.


1.4 SCRUM Meeting Photos


2. PM Report

2.1 Expected Tasks and Completed Tasks

Overall Project Prediction TasksCompleted?
Map module integrationYes
Bug of path the SDK planning interface and weatherYes
Test resultsYes
More Aesthetically Pleasing UIYes

2.2 Project Burn-Up Chart


3. Result Presentation




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