AI绘图丨中国风 古典 产品展台电商场景第三弹(附关键词)
元旦佳节即将来临,对于电商行业来说,这又是一个营销推广的好时机,而电商场景的打造更是重中之重。在这个争分夺秒、追求创意与效率的电商美工领域,千鹿 AI 网页版无疑是一款能够助力大家事半功倍的得力工具,今天就来详细给各位电商美工同仁们介绍一下它的独特优势。
电商美工往往需要大量不同风格、角度的图片来丰富产品展示,满足不同营销活动的需求。千鹿 AI 网页版最吸引人的一点,就是它每天提供 300 张图的免费生成额度。想象一下,在筹备元旦电商大促活动时,你可以尽情地利用这个额度,围绕着中国风古典产品展台这一主题,尝试各种不同的构图、色彩搭配以及产品摆放方式,不用担心成本问题,可以节约很多成本呢!
咒语:Chinese classical elegant style,less flowers,A poster for an organic natural podium display,an empty elegant E-commerce booth, spring theme backgroundflowers, surrounded by flowers and two small butterfly wings, With traditional Chinese elegant beauty,The overall style should be fresh and exquisite, creating a sense of high-end elegance conveying a sense of freshness and vitality. The picture is clean with soft lighting, creating an atmosphere full of springtime,with soft light and shadow, delicate texture, delicate colors, pink tone as main color,It has an overall sense of luxury and high quality in the style of mkp