在HarmonyOS next中实现防截屏主要有两种方式
方式一: 在onWindowStageCreate回调中设置主窗口为隐私模式,具体可参考示例代码:
import { window } from '@kit.ArkUI';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void {
// Main window is created, set main page for this ability
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onWindowStageCreate');
// 获取主窗口
windowStage.getMainWindow((err: BusinessError, data) => {
let errCode: number = err.code;
if (errCode) {
console.error('Failed to obtain the main window. Cause: ' + JSON.stringify(err));
let windowClass: window.Window = data;
console.info('Succeeded in obtaining the main window. Data: ' + JSON.stringify(data));
// 设置窗口隐私模式
let isPrivacyMode: boolean = true;
try {
windowClass.setWindowPrivacyMode(isPrivacyMode, (err: BusinessError) => {
const errCode: number = err.code;
if (errCode) {
console.error('Failed to set the window to privacy mode. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
console.info('Succeeded in setting the window to privacy mode.');
} catch (exception) {
console.error('Failed to set the window to privacy mode. Cause:' + JSON.stringify(exception));
windowStage.loadContent('pages/Index', (err, data) => {
if (err.code) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Failed to load the content. Cause: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(err) ?? '');
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Succeeded in loading the content. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data) ?? '');
方式二: 进入页面开启隐式模式,离开页面取消,具体可参考以下步骤:
首先在module.json5文件中声明需要使用的ohos.permission.PRIVACY_WINDOW 权限
"requestPermissions": [
{"name": "ohos.permission.PRIVACY_WINDOW"}
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { common } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { window } from '@kit.ArkUI';
class windowUtils {
static setWindowPrivacyModeInPage(context: common.UIAbilityContext, isFlag: boolean) {
window.getLastWindow(context).then((lastWindow) => {
lastWindow.setWindowPrivacyMode(isFlag, (err: BusinessError) => {
const errCode: number = err.code;
if (errCode) {
console.error('Failed to set the window to privacy mode. 1Cause:' + JSON.stringify(err));
console.info('Succeeded in setting the window to privacy mode.');
struct Index {
@State message: string = 'Hello World';
onPageShow() {
windowUtils.setWindowPrivacyModeInPage(getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext, true);
onPageHide() {
windowUtils.setWindowPrivacyModeInPage(getContext(this) as common.UIAbilityContext, false);
build() {
RelativeContainer() {
center: { anchor: '__container__', align: VerticalAlign.Center },
middle: { anchor: '__container__', align: HorizontalAlign.Center }