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1. thunderbird 是支持 mailto In-Reply-To 的客户端,因此可以直接点击 kernel mailinglist 上的 reply 去回邮件。非常方便。

2. 为了配置,必须配置以下选项:

user_pref("mail.html_compose", false);

user_pref("mail.identity.default.compose_html", false);

user_pref("mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed", false);

3. 配置方法

打开 everything,搜索:“prefs.js”



4. 参考源头:

Completely plain email

By default, Thunderbird will wrap plain text emails as well as send them in flowed format. This creates an experience that is better for most senders and receivers of email. However, there are certain cases where having an unaltered email is preferred, such as submitting a patch to an open source project. In that case, you will want to use plain text format, set wrap to zero in Options (Preferences) - Composition - General, and disable flowed e-mails.

Plain text e-mail - Thunderbird - MozillaZine Knowledge Base

Disabling "Compose messages in HTML format" doesn't work | Thunderbird Support Forum | Mozilla Support



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