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  • 3. `struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek()` and `struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek2()`
  • References


水是人体的主要化学成分,约占体重的 50% 至 70%,大语言模型的含水量也不会太低。




// gguf constants (sync with gguf.py)

enum llm_arch {
  • { LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK, "deepseek" } and { LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK2, "deepseek2" }
static const std::map<llm_arch, const char *> LLM_ARCH_NAMES = {
    { LLM_ARCH_LLAMA,            "llama"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_DECI,             "deci"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_FALCON,           "falcon"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_GROK,             "grok"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_GPT2,             "gpt2"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_GPTJ,             "gptj"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_GPTNEOX,          "gptneox"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_MPT,              "mpt"              },
    { LLM_ARCH_BAICHUAN,         "baichuan"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_STARCODER,        "starcoder"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_REFACT,           "refact"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_BERT,             "bert"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_NOMIC_BERT,       "nomic-bert"       },
    { LLM_ARCH_JINA_BERT_V2,     "jina-bert-v2"     },
    { LLM_ARCH_BLOOM,            "bloom"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_STABLELM,         "stablelm"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_QWEN,             "qwen"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_QWEN2,            "qwen2"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_QWEN2MOE,         "qwen2moe"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_QWEN2VL,          "qwen2vl"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_PHI2,             "phi2"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_PHI3,             "phi3"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_PHIMOE,           "phimoe"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_PLAMO,            "plamo"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_CODESHELL,        "codeshell"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_ORION,            "orion"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_INTERNLM2,        "internlm2"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_MINICPM,          "minicpm"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_MINICPM3,         "minicpm3"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_GEMMA,            "gemma"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_GEMMA2,           "gemma2"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_STARCODER2,       "starcoder2"       },
    { LLM_ARCH_MAMBA,            "mamba"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_XVERSE,           "xverse"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_COMMAND_R,        "command-r"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_COHERE2,          "cohere2"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_DBRX,             "dbrx"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_OLMO,             "olmo"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_OLMO2,            "olmo2"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_OLMOE,            "olmoe"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_OPENELM,          "openelm"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_ARCTIC,           "arctic"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK,         "deepseek"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK2,        "deepseek2"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_CHATGLM,          "chatglm"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_BITNET,           "bitnet"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_T5,               "t5"               },
    { LLM_ARCH_T5ENCODER,        "t5encoder"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_JAIS,             "jais"             },
    { LLM_ARCH_NEMOTRON,         "nemotron"         },
    { LLM_ARCH_EXAONE,           "exaone"           },
    { LLM_ARCH_RWKV6,            "rwkv6"            },
    { LLM_ARCH_RWKV6QWEN2,       "rwkv6qwen2"       },
    { LLM_ARCH_GRANITE,          "granite"          },
    { LLM_ARCH_GRANITE_MOE,      "granitemoe"       },
    { LLM_ARCH_CHAMELEON,        "chameleon"        },
    { LLM_ARCH_WAVTOKENIZER_DEC, "wavtokenizer-dec" },
    { LLM_ARCH_UNKNOWN,          "(unknown)"        },



static const std::map<llm_arch, std::map<llm_tensor, const char *>> LLM_TENSOR_NAMES = {
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_ROT_EMBD,   "blk.%d.attn_rot_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate_inp" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_down.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXP,      "blk.%d.ffn_up.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_gate_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_down_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,     "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_ROT_EMBD,   "blk.%d.attn_rot_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate_inp" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_down.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXP,      "blk.%d.ffn_up.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_gate_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_down_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,     "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_ROT_EMBD,   "blk.%d.attn_rot_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2,     "blk.%d.attn_norm_2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_ROT_EMBD,   "blk.%d.attn_rot_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate_inp" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_gate.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXP,    "blk.%d.ffn_down.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXP,      "blk.%d.ffn_up.%d" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_gate_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_down_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,     "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM,  "blk.%d.layer_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM,   "blk.%d.attn_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,        "position_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output"},
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_ACT,         "blk.%d.ffn.act" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,        "position_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_q_norm"},
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_k_norm"},
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,        "position_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "token_embd_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_TYPES,     "token_types" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,        "position_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM,   "blk.%d.attn_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM,  "blk.%d.layer_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_CLS,             "cls" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_CLS_OUT,         "cls.output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "token_embd_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_TYPES,     "token_types" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM,   "blk.%d.attn_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM,  "blk.%d.layer_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "token_embd_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_TYPES,     "token_types" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2,     "blk.%d.attn_norm_2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM,   "blk.%d.attn_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_q_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_k_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM,  "blk.%d.layer_output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_CLS,             "cls" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "token_embd_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_q_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_k_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS,      "rope_freqs" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV,        "blk.%d.attn_qkv" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,     "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,        "blk.%d.ffn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,        "blk.%d.ffn_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,        "blk.%d.ffn_down" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,         "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM,        "output_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,             "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,          "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,     "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,             "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,             "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,             "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,             "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,        "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_SHEXP,     "blk.%d.ffn_gate_shexp" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_SHEXP,       "blk.%d.ffn_up_shexp" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,             "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_A_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_kv_a_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,             "blk.%d.attn_q" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_B,           "blk.%d.attn_q_b" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_B,          "blk.%d.attn_kv_b" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,        "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_SHEXP,     "blk.%d.ffn_gate_shexp" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_SHEXP,       "blk.%d.ffn_up_shexp" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,             "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,             "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,             "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_Q,           "dec.blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_K,           "dec.blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_V,           "dec.blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_Q,     "dec.blk.%d.cross_attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_K,     "dec.blk.%d.cross_attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_V,     "dec.blk.%d.cross_attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_OUT,   "dec.blk.%d.cross_attn_o" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_DEC_FFN_UP,           "dec.blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_Q,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_K,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_V,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_UP,           "enc.blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_NORM,        "enc.blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_Q,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_K,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_V,           "enc.blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_UP,           "enc.blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,        "blk.%d.attn_output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,                    "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2,               "blk.%d.attn_norm_2" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W2,               "blk.%d.time_mix_w2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_X,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_x" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_W,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_w" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_K,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_V,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_R,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_r" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_G,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_g" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_FUSED,       "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_fused" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_FIRST,            "blk.%d.time_mix_first" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY,            "blk.%d.time_mix_decay" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W1,         "blk.%d.time_mix_decay_w1" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W2,         "blk.%d.time_mix_decay_w2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_KEY,              "blk.%d.time_mix_key" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_VALUE,            "blk.%d.time_mix_value" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_RECEPTANCE,       "blk.%d.time_mix_receptance" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_GATE,             "blk.%d.time_mix_gate" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LN,               "blk.%d.time_mix_ln" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_OUTPUT,           "blk.%d.time_mix_output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_LERP_R,        "blk.%d.channel_mix_lerp_r" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_KEY,           "blk.%d.channel_mix_key" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_RECEPTANCE,    "blk.%d.channel_mix_receptance" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,                    "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,                 "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W2,               "blk.%d.time_mix_w2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_X,           "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_x" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_FUSED,       "blk.%d.time_mix_lerp_fused" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_FIRST,            "blk.%d.time_mix_first" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY,            "blk.%d.time_mix_decay" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W1,         "blk.%d.time_mix_decay_w1" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W2,         "blk.%d.time_mix_decay_w2" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_RECEPTANCE,       "blk.%d.time_mix_receptance" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,                    "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_gate_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS,   "blk.%d.ffn_down_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,     "blk.%d.ffn_up_exps" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,          "output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,       "blk.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,          "blk.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,          "blk.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,          "blk.%d.attn_v" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,          "blk.%d.ffn_up" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM,     "blk.%d.attn_k_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,        "token_embd" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM,   "token_embd_norm" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_PW2,      "convnext.%d.pw2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_GAMMA,    "convnext.%d.gamma" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,            "output" },
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            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_CONV2,     "posnet.%d.conv2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM,      "posnet.%d.norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM1,     "posnet.%d.norm1" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM2,     "posnet.%d.norm2" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_NORM, "posnet.%d.attn_norm" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_Q,    "posnet.%d.attn_q" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_K,    "posnet.%d.attn_k" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_V,    "posnet.%d.attn_v" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_OUT,  "posnet.%d.attn_output" },
            { LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "token_embd" },


        const auto tn = LLM_TN(arch);
        switch (arch) {
            case LLM_ARCH_LLAMA:
            case LLM_ARCH_REFACT:
            case LLM_ARCH_MINICPM:
            case LLM_ARCH_GRANITE:
            case LLM_ARCH_GRANITE_MOE:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_head_k * n_head}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k * n_head, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        if (hparams.rope_scaling_type_train == LLAMA_ROPE_SCALING_TYPE_LONGROPE) {
                            layer.rope_long  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_LONG,  "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                            layer.rope_short = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_SHORT, "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        else {
                            layer.rope_freqs = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS, "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));

                        if (n_expert == 0) {
                            layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                            // optional MLP bias
                            layer.ffn_gate_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "bias", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                            layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                            layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        } else {
                            layer.ffn_gate_inp  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,  "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff, n_expert}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                            layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff, n_expert}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_DECI:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];
                        const int64_t n_embd_k_gqa  = hparams.n_embd_k_gqa(i);
                        const int64_t n_embd_v_gqa  = hparams.n_embd_v_gqa(i);
                        const int64_t n_embd_gqa    = hparams.n_embd_v_gqa(i);
                        const int64_t n_ff          = hparams.n_ff(i);
                        const int64_t n_head        = hparams.n_head(i);
                        const int64_t n_head_kv     = hparams.n_head_kv(i);

                        if (n_head_kv == 0 && n_head > 0) {
                            // linear attention for DeciLMCausalModel
                            layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        else if (n_head_kv > 0) {
                            layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_head_k * n_head}, 0);
                            layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k * n_head, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        if (hparams.rope_scaling_type_train == LLAMA_ROPE_SCALING_TYPE_LONGROPE) {
                            layer.rope_long  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_LONG,  "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                            layer.rope_short = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_SHORT, "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        else {
                            layer.rope_freqs = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS, "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                        // optional MLP bias
                        layer.ffn_gate_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "bias", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_MINICPM3:
                    const int64_t n_embd_head_qk_rope = hparams.n_rot;
                    const int64_t n_embd_head_qk_nope = hparams.n_embd_head_k - hparams.n_rot;

                    const int64_t q_lora_rank  = hparams.n_lora_q;
                    const int64_t kv_lora_rank = hparams.n_lora_kv;
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_a_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_A_NORM, "weight", i), {q_lora_rank}, 0);

                        layer.attn_kv_a_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_A_NORM, "weight", i), {kv_lora_rank}, 0);

                        layer.wq_a = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_A, "weight", i), {n_embd, q_lora_rank}, 0);
                        layer.wq_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_B, "weight", i), {q_lora_rank, n_head * n_embd_head_k}, 0);

                        layer.wkv_a_mqa = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_A_MQA, "weight", i), {n_embd, kv_lora_rank + (n_embd_head_qk_rope)}, 0);
                        layer.wkv_b     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_B,     "weight", i), {kv_lora_rank, n_head * (n_embd_head_qk_nope + n_embd_head_v)}, 0);
                        layer.wo        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,      "weight", i), {              n_head * (                      n_embd_head_v), n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.rope_long  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_LONG,  "weight", i), { n_embd_head_qk_rope/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        layer.rope_short = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_SHORT, "weight", i), { n_embd_head_qk_rope/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_GROK:
                    if (n_expert == 0) {
                        throw std::runtime_error("Grok model cannot have zero experts");

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,  "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff, n_expert}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff, n_expert}, 0);

                        layer.layer_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_DBRX:
                    if (n_expert == 0) {
                        throw std::runtime_error("DBRX model cannot have zero experts");

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_out_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,  "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_BAICHUAN:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                        output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                        output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_FALCON:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                        output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                        output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        if (!output) {
                            output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED); // needs to be on GPU

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_norm_2   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_norm_2_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_STARCODER:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    pos_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,   "weight"), {n_embd, n_ctx_train}, 0);

                    // output
                        output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                        output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                        output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        if (!output) {
                            // needs to be on GPU
                            output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);


                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "weight", i),   {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "bias", i),     {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_BERT:
            case LLM_ARCH_NOMIC_BERT:
                    tok_embd     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,  "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    type_embd    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_TYPES, "weight"), {n_embd, n_token_types}, 0);

                    if (arch == LLM_ARCH_BERT) {
                        pos_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,    "weight"), {n_embd, n_ctx_train}, 0);

                        cls   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS, "weight"), {n_embd, n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        cls_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS, "bias"),   {n_embd},         TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        cls_out   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS_OUT, "weight"), {n_embd, 1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        cls_out_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS_OUT, "bias"),   {1},         TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    tok_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    tok_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        if (arch == LLM_ARCH_BERT) {
                            layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i),   {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                            layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i),   {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        } else {
                            layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,      "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_out_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,        "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,      "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);

                        if (arch == LLM_ARCH_BERT) {
                            layer.bo         = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i), {n_ff}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        } else {
                            layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.layer_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.layer_out_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_JINA_BERT_V2:
                    tok_embd  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,  "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0); // word_embeddings
                    type_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_TYPES, "weight"), {n_embd, n_token_types}, 0); // token_type_embeddings

                    tok_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0); // LayerNorm
                    tok_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0); //LayerNorm bias

                    cls   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS, "weight"), {n_embd, 1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    cls_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CLS, "bias"),   {1},         TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i]; // JinaBertLayer

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_q_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_q_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "bias",   i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.attn_k_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_k_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "bias",   i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0); //output_dens
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0); //output_dens

                        layer.attn_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0); //output_norm
                        layer.attn_out_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_norm_2   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_norm_2_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.layer_out_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.layer_out_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_LAYER_OUT_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_BLOOM:
                    tok_embd   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    tok_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    tok_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias",   i), {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "bias",   i), {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_MPT:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    pos_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,   "weight"), {n_embd, n_ctx_train}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    if (!output) {
                        output    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED); // needs to be on GPU

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.attn_q_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_q_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.attn_k_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_k_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        // AWQ ScaleActivation layer
                        layer.ffn_act = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_ACT, "scales", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_STABLELM:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm =   create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors, present in Stable LM 2 1.6B
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        // optional q and k layernorms, present in StableLM 2 12B
                        layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head},    TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head_kv}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        // optional FFN norm, not present in StableLM 2 12B which uses parallel residual
                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_QWEN:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd*3}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd*3}, 0);
                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff/2}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff/2, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff/2}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2:
            case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2VL:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2MOE:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);

                        if (n_expert == 0) {
                            throw std::runtime_error("n_expert must be > 0 for QWEN2MOE");
                        if (n_expert_used == 0) {
                            throw std::runtime_error("n_expert_used must be > 0 for QWEN2MOE");

                        // MoE branch
                        const int64_t n_ff_exp = hparams.n_ff_exp ? hparams.n_ff_exp : n_ff / n_expert_used;

                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff_exp,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);

                        // Shared expert branch
                        const int64_t n_ff_shexp = hparams.n_ff_shexp ? hparams.n_ff_shexp : n_ff;

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP_SHEXP, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_SHEXP, "weight", i), {    n_embd, n_ff_shexp}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_SHEXP, "weight", i), {n_ff_shexp,     n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_shexp   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_SHEXP,   "weight", i), {    n_embd, n_ff_shexp}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_PHI2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    output_b      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "bias"),   {n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        if (layer.wqkv == nullptr) {
                            layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "bias", i),   {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                            layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "bias", i),   {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_PHI3:
                    const int64_t n_embd_head = n_embd / n_head;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab }, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), { n_embd }, 0);
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab }, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd + 2 * n_embd_gqa }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), { n_ff, n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "weight", i), { n_embd, 2 * n_ff }, 0);

                        layer.rope_long  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_LONG,  "weight", i), { n_embd_head/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        layer.rope_short = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_SHORT, "weight", i), { n_embd_head/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_PHIMOE:
                    const int64_t n_embd_head = n_embd / n_head;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab }, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), { n_embd }, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab }, 0);
                    output_b      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "bias"),   { n_vocab }, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), { n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias",   i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd + 2 * n_embd_gqa }, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        if (layer.wqkv == nullptr) {
                            layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "bias",   i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                            layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                            layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "bias",   i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias",   i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), { n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias",   i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP,  "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert},         0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);

                        layer.rope_long  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_LONG,  "weight", i), { n_embd_head/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        layer.rope_short = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FACTORS_SHORT, "weight", i), { n_embd_head/2 }, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_PLAMO:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_GPT2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);
                    pos_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_EMBD,   "weight"), {n_embd, n_ctx_train}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,   "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,   "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_CODESHELL:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "weight", i),   {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "bias", i),     {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_ORION:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_INTERNLM2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        // layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_GEMMA:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,  "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED); // same as tok_embd, duplicated to allow offloading

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_head_k * n_head}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k * n_head, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_GEMMA2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,  "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED); // same as tok_embd, duplicated to allow offloading

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_head_k * n_head}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k * n_head, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_post_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_POST_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_post_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_POST_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_STARCODER2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);

                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP ,  "bias", i), {  n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_MAMBA:
                    const int64_t d_conv  = hparams.ssm_d_conv;
                    const int64_t d_inner = hparams.ssm_d_inner;
                    const int64_t d_state = hparams.ssm_d_state;
                    const int64_t dt_rank = hparams.ssm_dt_rank;

                    // only an expansion factor of 2 is supported for now
                    if (2 * n_embd != d_inner) {
                        throw std::runtime_error("only an expansion factor of 2 is supported for now");

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);

                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed, duplicated to allow offloading
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        // norm
                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ssm_in = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_IN, "weight", i), {n_embd, 2*d_inner}, 0);

                        layer.ssm_conv1d = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_CONV1D, "weight", i), {d_conv, d_inner}, 0);
                        layer.ssm_conv1d_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_CONV1D, "bias", i), {d_inner}, 0);

                        layer.ssm_x = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_X, "weight", i), {d_inner, dt_rank + 2*d_state}, 0);

                        layer.ssm_dt = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_DT, "weight", i), {dt_rank, d_inner}, 0);
                        layer.ssm_dt_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_DT, "bias", i), {d_inner}, 0);

                        // no "weight" suffix for these
                        layer.ssm_a = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_A, i), {d_state, d_inner}, 0);
                        layer.ssm_d = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_D, i), {d_inner}, 0);

                        // out_proj
                        layer.ssm_out = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_SSM_OUT, "weight", i), {d_inner, n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_XVERSE:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_COMMAND_R:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    // init output from the input tok embed
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        if (n_layer >= 64){
                            layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head}, 0);
                            layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head_kv}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_COHERE2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab }, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), { n_embd }, 0);
                    // init output from the input tok embed
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), { n_embd, n_vocab },

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), { n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd_gqa }, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd_gqa }, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_embd }, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_ff }, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), { n_ff, n_embd }, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP, "weight", i), { n_embd, n_ff }, 0);
            case LLM_ARCH_OLMO:  // adapted from LLM_ARCH_LLAMA with norm params removed
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_OLMO2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_post_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_POST_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_post_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_POST_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_OLMOE:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);

                        if (n_expert == 0) {
                            throw std::runtime_error("n_expert must be > 0");
                        if (n_expert_used == 0) {
                            throw std::runtime_error("n_expert_used must be > 0");

                        // MoE branch
                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff,   n_expert}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_OPENELM:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    // init output from the input tok embed
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        const int64_t n_head      =   hparams.n_head(i);
                        const int64_t n_head_qkv  = 2*hparams.n_head_kv(i) + n_head;
                        const int64_t n_ff        =   hparams.n_ff(i);

                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_head_qkv*n_embd_head_k}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k}, 0);
                        layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_head*n_embd_head_k, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_GPTNEOX:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_ARCTIC:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate_inp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff, n_expert}, false);
                        layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff, n_expert}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK:

                    const int64_t n_ff_exp        = hparams.n_ff_exp;
                    const int64_t n_expert_shared = hparams.n_expert_shared;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        if (i < (int) hparams.n_layer_dense_lead) {
                            layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        } else {
                            layer.ffn_gate_inp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);

                            if (n_expert == 0) {
                                throw std::runtime_error("n_expert must be > 0");
                            if (n_expert_used == 0) {
                                throw std::runtime_error("n_expert_used must be > 0");

                            // MoE branch
                            layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff_exp,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);

                            // Shared expert branch
                            layer.ffn_gate_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_SHEXP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_SHEXP, "weight", i), {        n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_shexp   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_SHEXP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK2:
                    const bool is_lite = (hparams.n_layer == 27);

                    const int64_t n_embd_head_qk_rope = hparams.n_rot;
                    const int64_t n_embd_head_qk_nope = hparams.n_embd_head_k - hparams.n_rot;

                    const int64_t q_lora_rank  = hparams.n_lora_q;
                    const int64_t kv_lora_rank = hparams.n_lora_kv;

                    const int64_t n_ff_exp        = hparams.n_ff_exp;
                    const int64_t n_expert_shared = hparams.n_expert_shared;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        if (!is_lite) {
                            layer.attn_q_a_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_A_NORM, "weight", i), {q_lora_rank}, 0);

                        layer.attn_kv_a_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_A_NORM, "weight", i), {kv_lora_rank}, 0);

                        if (!is_lite) {
                            layer.wq_a = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_A, "weight", i), {n_embd, q_lora_rank}, 0);
                            layer.wq_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_B, "weight", i), {q_lora_rank, n_head * n_embd_head_k}, 0);
                        } else {
                            layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wkv_a_mqa = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_A_MQA, "weight", i), {n_embd, kv_lora_rank + (n_embd_head_qk_rope)}, 0);
                        layer.wkv_b     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_KV_B,     "weight", i), {kv_lora_rank, n_head * (n_embd_head_qk_nope + n_embd_head_v)}, 0);
                        layer.wo        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT,      "weight", i), {              n_head * (                      n_embd_head_v), n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        if (i < (int) hparams.n_layer_dense_lead) {
                            layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        } else {
                            layer.ffn_gate_inp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_INP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_exp_probs_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_EXP_PROBS_B, "bias", i), {n_expert}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                            if (n_expert == 0) {
                                throw std::runtime_error("n_expert must be > 0");
                            if (n_expert_used == 0) {
                                throw std::runtime_error("n_expert_used must be > 0");

                            // MoE branch
                            layer.ffn_gate_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_EXPS, "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down_exps = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_EXPS, "weight", i), {n_ff_exp,   n_embd, n_expert}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_exps   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_EXPS,   "weight", i), {  n_embd, n_ff_exp, n_expert}, 0);

                            // Shared expert branch
                            layer.ffn_gate_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE_SHEXP, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_down_shexp = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN_SHEXP, "weight", i), {        n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.ffn_up_shexp   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP_SHEXP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff_exp * n_expert_shared}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_BITNET:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,     "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_sub_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_SUB_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wq_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.wk       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wk_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.wv       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.wo       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wo_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_norm     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,     "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_sub_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_SUB_NORM, "weight", i), {n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down       = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_scale = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_up         = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_scale   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "scale",  i), {1}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_T5:
                    const auto n_rel_attn_bkts = hparams.n_rel_attn_bkts;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);

                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm_enc  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_NORM,  "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_rel_b_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_REL_B, "weight", i), {n_head, n_rel_attn_bkts}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wq_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wk_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_v_gqa, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_enc   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.attn_norm  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_NORM,  "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_rel_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_REL_B, "weight", i), {n_head, n_rel_attn_bkts}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_v_gqa, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_norm_cross  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_NORM,  "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        // this tensor seems to be unused in HF transformers implementation
                        layer.attn_rel_b_cross = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_REL_B, "weight", i), {n_head, n_rel_attn_bkts}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wq_cross = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wk_cross = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv_cross = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo_cross = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_CROSS_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_v_gqa, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_DEC_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_T5ENCODER:
                    const auto n_rel_attn_bkts = hparams.n_rel_attn_bkts;

                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm_enc  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_NORM,  "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_rel_b_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_REL_B, "weight", i), {n_head, n_rel_attn_bkts}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wq_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wk_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_v_gqa, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_down_enc = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_enc   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ENC_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_JAIS:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,   "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM,   "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_gate_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i),   {n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_CHATGLM:
                    tok_embd   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.bqkv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_QKV, "bias", i),   {n_embd + 2*n_embd_gqa}, 0);

                        layer.wo   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff * 2}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_NEMOTRON:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output        = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.bq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "bias", i), {n_embd_gqa}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.bo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "bias", i), {n_embd},     TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);

                        // optional MLP bias
                        layer.ffn_down_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.ffn_up_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "bias", i), {n_ff}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_EXAONE:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_head_k * n_head}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_k_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_v_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k * n_head, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM,   "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.rope_freqs = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ROPE_FREQS, "weight", i), {n_rot/2}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED | (i != 0 ? TENSOR_DUPLICATED : 0));
                        layer.ffn_gate   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN,   "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,     "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_RWKV6:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // Block 0, LN0
                    tok_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    tok_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "bias"), {n_embd}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    const int time_mix_extra_dim = hparams.time_mix_extra_dim;
                    const int time_decay_extra_dim = hparams.time_decay_extra_dim;
                    const int head_size = hparams.wkv_head_size;
                    const int attn_hidden_size = n_embd;
                    const int ffn_size = hparams.n_ff_arr[0];

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.attn_norm_2   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_norm_2_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM_2, "bias", i),   {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_w1 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W1, "weight", i), {n_embd, time_mix_extra_dim * 5}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_w2 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W2, "weight", i), {time_mix_extra_dim, n_embd, 5}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_lerp_x = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_X, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_w = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_W, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_k = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_K, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_v = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_V, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_r = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_R, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_g = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_G, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_fused = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_FUSED, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1, 5}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        GGML_ASSERT(!(layer.time_mix_lerp_fused == NULL && layer.time_mix_lerp_w == NULL));

                        layer.time_mix_first = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_FIRST, "weight", i), {head_size, n_embd / head_size}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_decay = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_decay_w1 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W1, "weight", i), {n_embd, time_decay_extra_dim}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_decay_w2 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W2, "weight", i), {time_decay_extra_dim, attn_hidden_size}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_key = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_KEY, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_value = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_VALUE, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_receptance = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_RECEPTANCE, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_GATE, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_ln = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LN, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_ln_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LN, "bias", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_OUTPUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, attn_hidden_size}, 0);

                        layer.channel_mix_lerp_k = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_LERP_K, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, 0);
                        layer.channel_mix_lerp_r = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_LERP_R, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, 0);

                        layer.channel_mix_key = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_KEY, "weight", i), {n_embd, ffn_size}, 0);
                        layer.channel_mix_value = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_VALUE, "weight", i), {ffn_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.channel_mix_receptance = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CHANNEL_MIX_RECEPTANCE, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_RWKV6QWEN2:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"), {n_embd}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    const int time_mix_extra_dim = hparams.time_mix_extra_dim;
                    const int time_decay_extra_dim = hparams.time_decay_extra_dim;
                    const int head_size = hparams.wkv_head_size;
                    const int attn_hidden_size = n_embd;
                    const int n_head_kv = hparams.n_head_kv();
                    int attn_key_value_size;
                    if (n_head_kv == 0 || attn_hidden_size / head_size == n_head_kv) {
                        attn_key_value_size = attn_hidden_size;
                    } else {
                        attn_key_value_size = n_head_kv * head_size;

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_w1 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W1, "weight", i), {n_embd, time_mix_extra_dim * 5}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_w2 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_W2, "weight", i), {time_mix_extra_dim, n_embd, 5}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_lerp_x = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_X, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_lerp_fused = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_LERP_FUSED, "weight", i), {n_embd, 1, 1, 5}, 0);

                        layer.time_mix_first = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_FIRST, "weight", i), {head_size, n_embd / head_size}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_decay = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_decay_w1 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W1, "weight", i), {n_embd, time_decay_extra_dim}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_decay_w2 = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_DECAY_W2, "weight", i), {time_decay_extra_dim, attn_hidden_size}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_key = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_KEY, "weight", i), {n_embd, attn_key_value_size}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_value = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_VALUE, "weight", i), {n_embd, attn_key_value_size}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_receptance = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_RECEPTANCE, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.time_mix_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_GATE, "weight", i), {attn_hidden_size, n_embd}, 0);
                        // optional bias tensors
                        layer.time_mix_key_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_KEY, "bias", i), {attn_key_value_size}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_value_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_VALUE, "bias", i), {attn_key_value_size}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.time_mix_receptance_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_RECEPTANCE, "bias", i), {attn_hidden_size}, llama_model_loader::TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.time_mix_output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TIME_MIX_OUTPUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, attn_hidden_size}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
            case LLM_ARCH_CHAMELEON:
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, 0);

                    // output
                    output_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                    output      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT,      "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                    // if output is NULL, init from the input tok embed
                    if (output == NULL) {
                        output = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {n_embd, n_vocab}, TENSOR_DUPLICATED);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_layer; ++i) {
                        auto & layer = layers[i];

                        layer.attn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head}, 0);
                        layer.attn_k_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd_head_k, n_head_kv}, 0);
                        layer.attn_q_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q_NORM, "bias", i),  {n_embd_head_k, n_head}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);
                        layer.attn_k_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K_NORM, "bias", i),  {n_embd_head_k, n_head_kv}, TENSOR_NOT_REQUIRED);

                        layer.wq = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_Q,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.wk = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_K,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wv = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_V,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd_gqa}, 0);
                        layer.wo = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_ATTN_OUT, "weight", i), {n_embd, n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_norm = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_NORM, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        layer.ffn_gate = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_GATE, "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_down = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_DOWN, "weight", i), {  n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                        layer.ffn_up   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_FFN_UP,   "weight", i), {n_embd,   n_ff}, 0);
                } break;
                    tok_embd = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD, "weight"), {hparams.n_embd_features, n_vocab}, 0);

                    conv1d   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONV1D, "weight"), {7, hparams.n_embd_features, hparams.posnet.n_embd}, 0);
                    conv1d_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONV1D, "bias"),   {1, hparams.posnet.n_embd}, 0);

                    // posnet
                        const int64_t n_embd = hparams.posnet.n_embd;

                        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hparams.posnet.n_layer; ++i) {
                            auto & layer = layers[i].posnet;

                            // posnet:
                            //  - resnet
                            //  - resnet
                            //  - attn
                            //  - resnet
                            //  - resnet
                            //  - norm
                            switch (i) {
                                case 0:
                                case 1:
                                case 3:
                                case 4:
                                        layer.norm1   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM1, "weight", i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.norm1_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM1, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.conv1   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_CONV1, "weight", i), {3, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.conv1_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_CONV1, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.norm2   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM2, "weight", i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.norm2_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_NORM2, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.conv2   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_CONV2, "weight", i), {3, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.conv2_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_CONV2, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                    } break;
                                case 2:
                                        layer.attn_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.attn_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_NORM, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.attn_q      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_Q,    "weight", i), {1, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.attn_q_b    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_Q,    "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.attn_k      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_K,    "weight", i), {1, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.attn_k_b    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_K,    "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.attn_v      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_V,    "weight", i), {1, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.attn_v_b    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_V,    "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                                        layer.attn_o      = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_OUT,  "weight", i), {1, n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.attn_o_b    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_OUT,  "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                    } break;
                                case 5:
                                        layer.norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_NORM, "weight", i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                        layer.norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_POS_NET_ATTN_NORM, "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);
                                    } break;
                                default: GGML_ABORT("unknown posnet layer");

                    GGML_ASSERT(hparams.posnet.n_embd == hparams.convnext.n_embd);

                    tok_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "weight"), {hparams.posnet.n_embd}, 0);
                    tok_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_TOKEN_EMBD_NORM, "bias"),   {hparams.posnet.n_embd}, 0);

                    // convnext
                        const int64_t n_embd = hparams.convnext.n_embd;

                        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < hparams.convnext.n_layer; ++i) {
                            auto & layer = layers[i].convnext;

                            layer.dw     = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_DW,    "weight", i), {7, 1, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.dw_b   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_DW,    "bias",   i), {1, n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_NORM,  "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_NORM,  "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.pw1    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_PW1,   "weight", i), {n_embd, n_ff}, 0);
                            layer.pw1_b  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_PW1,   "bias",   i), {n_ff}, 0);

                            layer.pw2    = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_PW2,   "weight", i), {n_ff, n_embd}, 0);
                            layer.pw2_b  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_PW2,   "bias",   i), {n_embd}, 0);

                            layer.gamma  = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_CONVNEXT_GAMMA, "weight", i), {n_embd}, 0);

                        // output
                        output_norm   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "weight"), {n_embd}, 0);
                        output_norm_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT_NORM, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);

                    output   = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "weight"), {hparams.convnext.n_embd, n_embd}, 0);
                    output_b = create_tensor(tn(LLM_TENSOR_OUTPUT, "bias"),   {n_embd}, 0);
                } break;
                throw std::runtime_error("unknown architecture");

3. struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek() and struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek2()


  • struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek()
    struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek() {
        struct ggml_cgraph * gf = ggml_new_graph_custom(ctx0, model.max_nodes(), false);

        // mutable variable, needed during the last layer of the computation to skip unused tokens
        int32_t n_tokens = this->n_tokens;

        const int64_t n_embd_head = hparams.n_embd_head_v;
        GGML_ASSERT(n_embd_head == hparams.n_embd_head_k);
        GGML_ASSERT(n_embd_head == hparams.n_rot);

        struct ggml_tensor * cur;
        struct ggml_tensor * inpL;

        inpL = llm_build_inp_embd(ctx0, lctx, hparams, ubatch, model.tok_embd, cb);

        // inp_pos - contains the positions
        struct ggml_tensor * inp_pos = build_inp_pos();

        // KQ_mask (mask for 1 head, it will be broadcasted to all heads)
        struct ggml_tensor * KQ_mask = build_inp_KQ_mask();
        const float kq_scale = hparams.f_attention_scale == 0.0f ? 1.0f/sqrtf(float(n_embd_head)) : hparams.f_attention_scale;
        for (int il = 0; il < n_layer; ++il) {
            struct ggml_tensor * inpSA = inpL;

            // norm
            cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, inpL, hparams,
                    model.layers[il].attn_norm, NULL,
                    LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
            cb(cur, "attn_norm", il);

            // self-attention
                // rope freq factors for llama3; may return nullptr for llama2 and other models
                struct ggml_tensor * rope_factors = build_rope_factors(il);

                // compute Q and K and RoPE them
                struct ggml_tensor * Qcur = llm_build_lora_mm(lctx, ctx0, model.layers[il].wq, cur);
                cb(Qcur, "Qcur", il);
                if (model.layers[il].bq) {
                    Qcur = ggml_add(ctx0, Qcur, model.layers[il].bq);
                    cb(Qcur, "Qcur", il);

                struct ggml_tensor * Kcur = llm_build_lora_mm(lctx, ctx0, model.layers[il].wk, cur);
                cb(Kcur, "Kcur", il);
                if (model.layers[il].bk) {
                    Kcur = ggml_add(ctx0, Kcur, model.layers[il].bk);
                    cb(Kcur, "Kcur", il);

                struct ggml_tensor * Vcur = llm_build_lora_mm(lctx, ctx0, model.layers[il].wv, cur);
                cb(Vcur, "Vcur", il);
                if (model.layers[il].bv) {
                    Vcur = ggml_add(ctx0, Vcur, model.layers[il].bv);
                    cb(Vcur, "Vcur", il);

                Qcur = ggml_rope_ext(
                    ctx0, ggml_reshape_3d(ctx0, Qcur, n_embd_head, n_head, n_tokens), inp_pos, rope_factors,
                    n_rot, rope_type, n_ctx_orig, freq_base, freq_scale,
                    ext_factor, attn_factor, beta_fast, beta_slow
                cb(Qcur, "Qcur", il);

                Kcur = ggml_rope_ext(
                    ctx0, ggml_reshape_3d(ctx0, Kcur, n_embd_head, n_head_kv, n_tokens), inp_pos, rope_factors,
                    n_rot, rope_type, n_ctx_orig, freq_base, freq_scale,
                    ext_factor, attn_factor, beta_fast, beta_slow
                cb(Kcur, "Kcur", il);

                cur = llm_build_kv(ctx0, lctx, kv_self, gf,
                        model.layers[il].wo, model.layers[il].bo,
                        Kcur, Vcur, Qcur, KQ_mask, n_tokens, kv_head, n_kv, kq_scale, cb, il);

            if (il == n_layer - 1) {
                // skip computing output for unused tokens
                struct ggml_tensor * inp_out_ids = build_inp_out_ids();
                n_tokens = n_outputs;
                cur   = ggml_get_rows(ctx0,   cur, inp_out_ids);
                inpSA = ggml_get_rows(ctx0, inpSA, inp_out_ids);

            struct ggml_tensor * ffn_inp = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, inpSA);
            cb(ffn_inp, "ffn_inp", il);

            cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, ffn_inp, hparams,
                    model.layers[il].ffn_norm, NULL,
                    LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
            cb(cur, "ffn_norm", il);

            if ((uint32_t) il < hparams.n_layer_dense_lead) {
                cur = llm_build_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_up,   NULL, NULL,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_gate, NULL, NULL,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_down, NULL, NULL,
                        LLM_FFN_SILU, LLM_FFN_PAR, cb, il);
                cb(cur, "ffn_out", il);
            } else {
                // MoE branch
                ggml_tensor * moe_out =
                        llm_build_moe_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                            n_expert, n_expert_used,
                            LLM_FFN_SILU, false,
                            false, hparams.expert_weights_scale,
                            cb, il);
                cb(moe_out, "ffn_moe_out", il);

                // FFN shared expert
                    ggml_tensor * ffn_shexp = llm_build_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_up_shexp,   NULL, NULL,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_gate_shexp, NULL, NULL,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_down_shexp, NULL, NULL,
                            LLM_FFN_SILU, LLM_FFN_PAR, cb, il);
                    cb(ffn_shexp, "ffn_shexp", il);

                    cur = ggml_add(ctx0, moe_out, ffn_shexp);
                    cb(cur, "ffn_out", il);

            cur = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, ffn_inp);
            cur = lctx.cvec.apply_to(ctx0, cur, il);
            cb(cur, "l_out", il);

            // input for next layer
            inpL = cur;

        cur = inpL;

        cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, cur, hparams,
                model.output_norm, NULL,
                LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, -1);
        cb(cur, "result_norm", -1);

        // lm_head
        cur = llm_build_lora_mm(lctx, ctx0, model.output, cur);

        cb(cur, "result_output", -1);

        ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, cur);

        return gf;
  • struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek2()
    struct ggml_cgraph * build_deepseek2() {
        struct ggml_cgraph * gf = ggml_new_graph_custom(ctx0, model.max_nodes(), false);

        // mutable variable, needed during the last layer of the computation to skip unused tokens
        int32_t n_tokens = this->n_tokens;

        bool is_lite = (hparams.n_layer == 27);

        // We have to pre-scale kq_scale and attn_factor to make the YaRN RoPE work correctly.
        // See https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/discussions/7416 for detailed explanation.
        const float mscale = attn_factor * (1.0f + hparams.rope_yarn_log_mul * logf(1.0f / freq_scale));
        const float kq_scale = 1.0f*mscale*mscale/sqrtf(float(hparams.n_embd_head_k));
        const float attn_factor_scaled = 1.0f / (1.0f + 0.1f * logf(1.0f / freq_scale));

        const uint32_t n_embd_head_qk_rope = hparams.n_rot;
        const uint32_t n_embd_head_qk_nope = hparams.n_embd_head_k - hparams.n_rot;
        const uint32_t kv_lora_rank = hparams.n_lora_kv;

        struct ggml_tensor * cur;
        struct ggml_tensor * inpL;

        // {n_embd, n_tokens}
        inpL = llm_build_inp_embd(ctx0, lctx, hparams, ubatch, model.tok_embd, cb);

        // inp_pos - contains the positions
        struct ggml_tensor * inp_pos = build_inp_pos();

        // KQ_mask (mask for 1 head, it will be broadcasted to all heads)
        struct ggml_tensor * KQ_mask = build_inp_KQ_mask();

        for (int il = 0; il < n_layer; ++il) {
            struct ggml_tensor * inpSA = inpL;

            // norm
            cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, inpL, hparams,
                    model.layers[il].attn_norm, NULL,
                    LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
            cb(cur, "attn_norm", il);

            // self_attention
                struct ggml_tensor * q = NULL;
                if (!is_lite) {
                    // {n_embd, q_lora_rank} * {n_embd, n_tokens} -> {q_lora_rank, n_tokens}
                    q = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.layers[il].wq_a, cur);
                    cb(q, "q", il);

                    q = llm_build_norm(ctx0, q, hparams,
                            model.layers[il].attn_q_a_norm, NULL,
                            LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
                    cb(q, "q", il);

                    // {q_lora_rank, n_head * hparams.n_embd_head_k} * {q_lora_rank, n_tokens} -> {n_head * hparams.n_embd_head_k, n_tokens}
                    q = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.layers[il].wq_b, q);
                    cb(q, "q", il);
                } else {
                    q = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.layers[il].wq, cur);
                    cb(q, "q", il);

                // split into {n_head * n_embd_head_qk_nope, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * q_nope = ggml_view_3d(ctx0, q, n_embd_head_qk_nope, n_head, n_tokens,
                        ggml_row_size(q->type, hparams.n_embd_head_k),
                        ggml_row_size(q->type, hparams.n_embd_head_k * n_head),
                cb(q_nope, "q_nope", il);

                // and {n_head * n_embd_head_qk_rope, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * q_pe = ggml_view_3d(ctx0, q, n_embd_head_qk_rope, n_head, n_tokens,
                        ggml_row_size(q->type, hparams.n_embd_head_k),
                        ggml_row_size(q->type, hparams.n_embd_head_k * n_head),
                        ggml_row_size(q->type, n_embd_head_qk_nope));
                cb(q_pe, "q_pe", il);

                // {n_embd, kv_lora_rank + n_embd_head_qk_rope} * {n_embd, n_tokens} -> {kv_lora_rank + n_embd_head_qk_rope, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * kv_pe_compresseed = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.layers[il].wkv_a_mqa, cur);
                cb(kv_pe_compresseed, "kv_pe_compresseed", il);

                // split into {kv_lora_rank, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * kv_compressed = ggml_view_2d(ctx0, kv_pe_compresseed, kv_lora_rank, n_tokens,
                cb(kv_compressed, "kv_compressed", il);

                // and {n_embd_head_qk_rope, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * k_pe = ggml_view_3d(ctx0, kv_pe_compresseed, n_embd_head_qk_rope, 1, n_tokens,
                        ggml_row_size(kv_pe_compresseed->type, kv_lora_rank));
                cb(k_pe, "k_pe", il);

                kv_compressed = ggml_cont(ctx0, kv_compressed); // TODO: the CUDA backend does not support non-contiguous norm
                kv_compressed = llm_build_norm(ctx0, kv_compressed, hparams,
                        model.layers[il].attn_kv_a_norm, NULL,
                        LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
                cb(kv_compressed, "kv_compressed", il);

                // {kv_lora_rank, n_head * (n_embd_head_qk_nope + n_embd_head_v)} * {kv_lora_rank, n_tokens} -> {n_head * (n_embd_head_qk_nope + n_embd_head_v), n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * kv = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.layers[il].wkv_b, kv_compressed);
                cb(kv, "kv", il);

                // split into {n_head * n_embd_head_qk_nope, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * k_nope = ggml_view_3d(ctx0, kv, n_embd_head_qk_nope, n_head, n_tokens,
                        ggml_row_size(kv->type, n_embd_head_qk_nope + hparams.n_embd_head_v),
                        ggml_row_size(kv->type, n_head * (n_embd_head_qk_nope + hparams.n_embd_head_v)),
                cb(k_nope, "k_nope", il);

                // and {n_head * n_embd_head_v, n_tokens}
                struct ggml_tensor * v_states = ggml_view_3d(ctx0, kv, hparams.n_embd_head_v, n_head, n_tokens,
                        ggml_row_size(kv->type, (n_embd_head_qk_nope + hparams.n_embd_head_v)),
                        ggml_row_size(kv->type, (n_embd_head_qk_nope + hparams.n_embd_head_v)*n_head),
                        ggml_row_size(kv->type, (n_embd_head_qk_nope)));
                cb(v_states, "v_states", il);

                v_states = ggml_cont(ctx0, v_states);
                cb(v_states, "v_states", il);

                v_states = ggml_view_2d(ctx0, v_states, hparams.n_embd_head_v * n_head, n_tokens,
                    ggml_row_size(kv->type, hparams.n_embd_head_v * n_head),
                cb(v_states, "v_states", il);

                q_pe = ggml_cont(ctx0, q_pe); // TODO: the CUDA backend used to not support non-cont. RoPE, investigate removing this
                q_pe = ggml_rope_ext(
                    ctx0, q_pe, inp_pos, nullptr,
                    n_rot, rope_type, n_ctx_orig, freq_base, freq_scale,
                    ext_factor, attn_factor_scaled, beta_fast, beta_slow
                cb(q_pe, "q_pe", il);

                // shared RoPE key
                k_pe = ggml_cont(ctx0, k_pe); // TODO: the CUDA backend used to not support non-cont. RoPE, investigate removing this
                k_pe = ggml_rope_ext(
                    ctx0, k_pe, inp_pos, nullptr,
                    n_rot, rope_type, n_ctx_orig, freq_base, freq_scale,
                    ext_factor, attn_factor_scaled, beta_fast, beta_slow
                cb(k_pe, "k_pe", il);

                struct ggml_tensor * q_states = ggml_concat(ctx0, q_nope, q_pe, 0);
                cb(q_states, "q_states", il);

                struct ggml_tensor * k_states = ggml_concat(ctx0, k_nope, ggml_repeat(ctx0, k_pe, q_pe), 0);
                cb(k_states, "k_states", il);

                cur = llm_build_kv(ctx0, lctx, kv_self, gf,
                        model.layers[il].wo, NULL,
                        k_states, v_states, q_states, KQ_mask, n_tokens, kv_head, n_kv, kq_scale, cb, il);

            if (il == n_layer - 1) {
                // skip computing output for unused tokens
                struct ggml_tensor * inp_out_ids = build_inp_out_ids();
                n_tokens = n_outputs;
                cur   = ggml_get_rows(ctx0,   cur, inp_out_ids);
                inpSA = ggml_get_rows(ctx0, inpSA, inp_out_ids);

            struct ggml_tensor * ffn_inp = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, inpSA);
            cb(ffn_inp, "ffn_inp", il);

            cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, ffn_inp, hparams,
                    model.layers[il].ffn_norm, NULL,
                    LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, il);
            cb(cur, "ffn_norm", il);

            if ((uint32_t) il < hparams.n_layer_dense_lead) {
                cur = llm_build_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_up,   NULL, NULL,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_gate, NULL, NULL,
                        model.layers[il].ffn_down, NULL, NULL,
                        LLM_FFN_SILU, LLM_FFN_PAR, cb, il);
                cb(cur, "ffn_out", il);
            } else {
                // MoE branch
                ggml_tensor * moe_out =
                        llm_build_moe_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                            n_expert, n_expert_used,
                            LLM_FFN_SILU, hparams.expert_weights_norm,
                            true, hparams.expert_weights_scale,
                            (enum llama_expert_gating_func_type) hparams.expert_gating_func,
                            cb, il);
                cb(moe_out, "ffn_moe_out", il);

                // FFN shared expert
                    ggml_tensor * ffn_shexp = llm_build_ffn(ctx0, lctx, cur,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_up_shexp,   NULL, NULL,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_gate_shexp, NULL, NULL,
                            model.layers[il].ffn_down_shexp, NULL, NULL,
                            LLM_FFN_SILU, LLM_FFN_PAR, cb, il);
                    cb(ffn_shexp, "ffn_shexp", il);

                    cur = ggml_add(ctx0, moe_out, ffn_shexp);
                    cb(cur, "ffn_out", il);

            cur = ggml_add(ctx0, cur, ffn_inp);
            cur = lctx.cvec.apply_to(ctx0, cur, il);
            cb(cur, "l_out", il);

            // input for next layer
            inpL = cur;

        cur = inpL;

        cur = llm_build_norm(ctx0, cur, hparams,
                model.output_norm, NULL,
                LLM_NORM_RMS, cb, -1);
        cb(cur, "result_norm", -1);

        // lm_head
        cur = ggml_mul_mat(ctx0, model.output, cur);
        cb(cur, "result_output", -1);

        ggml_build_forward_expand(gf, cur);

        return gf;
    switch (model.arch) {
        case LLM_ARCH_LLAMA:
        case LLM_ARCH_MINICPM:
        case LLM_ARCH_GRANITE:
        case LLM_ARCH_GRANITE_MOE:
                result = llm.build_llama();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_DECI:
                result = llm.build_deci();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_BAICHUAN:
                result = llm.build_baichuan();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_FALCON:
                result = llm.build_falcon();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_GROK:
                result = llm.build_grok();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_STARCODER:
                result = llm.build_starcoder();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_REFACT:
                result = llm.build_refact();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_BERT:
        case LLM_ARCH_JINA_BERT_V2:
        case LLM_ARCH_NOMIC_BERT:
                result = llm.build_bert();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_BLOOM:
                result = llm.build_bloom();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_MPT:
                result = llm.build_mpt();
            } break;
         case LLM_ARCH_STABLELM:
                result = llm.build_stablelm();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_QWEN:
                result = llm.build_qwen();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2:
                result = llm.build_qwen2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2VL:
                lctx.n_pos_per_token = 4;
                result = llm.build_qwen2vl();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_QWEN2MOE:
                result = llm.build_qwen2moe();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_PHI2:
                result = llm.build_phi2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_PHI3:
        case LLM_ARCH_PHIMOE:
                result = llm.build_phi3();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_PLAMO:
                result = llm.build_plamo();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_GPT2:
                result = llm.build_gpt2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_CODESHELL:
                result = llm.build_codeshell();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_ORION:
                result = llm.build_orion();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_INTERNLM2:
                result = llm.build_internlm2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_MINICPM3:
                result = llm.build_minicpm3();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_GEMMA:
                result = llm.build_gemma();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_GEMMA2:
                result = llm.build_gemma2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_STARCODER2:
                result = llm.build_starcoder2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_MAMBA:
                result = llm.build_mamba();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_XVERSE:
                result = llm.build_xverse();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_COMMAND_R:
                result = llm.build_command_r();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_COHERE2:
                result = llm.build_cohere2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_DBRX:
                result = llm.build_dbrx();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_OLMO:
                result = llm.build_olmo();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_OLMO2:
                result = llm.build_olmo2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_OLMOE:
                result = llm.build_olmoe();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_OPENELM:
                result = llm.build_openelm();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_GPTNEOX:
                result = llm.build_gptneox();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_ARCTIC:
                result = llm.build_arctic();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK:
                result = llm.build_deepseek();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_DEEPSEEK2:
                result = llm.build_deepseek2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_CHATGLM:
                result = llm.build_chatglm();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_BITNET:
                result = llm.build_bitnet();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_T5:
                if (lctx.is_encoding) {
                    result = llm.build_t5_enc();
                } else {
                    result = llm.build_t5_dec();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_T5ENCODER:
                result = llm.build_t5_enc();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_JAIS:
                result = llm.build_jais();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_NEMOTRON:
                result = llm.build_nemotron();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_EXAONE:
                result = llm.build_exaone();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_RWKV6:
                result = llm.build_rwkv6();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_RWKV6QWEN2:
                result = llm.build_rwkv6qwen2();
            } break;
        case LLM_ARCH_CHAMELEON:
                result = llm.build_chameleon();
            } break;
                result = llm.build_wavtokenizer_dec();
            } break;
            GGML_ABORT("fatal error");


[1] Yongqiang Cheng, https://yongqiang.blog.csdn.net/
[2] huggingface/gguf, https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface.js/tree/main/packages/gguf



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