To understand Elasticsearch’s distributed search, let’s take a moment to understand how querying and fetching work. Unlike simple CRUD tasks, distributed search is like navigating through a maze of shards spread across the cluster.
In Elasticsearch, CRUD operations handle individual documents identified by their unique index, type, and routing-value (usually the document’s _id). However, search queries are more complex. They don’t have a fixed destination and must search through every shard in the index or indices to locate potential matches.
However, discovering matching documents marks just the beginning. The search API needs to combine results from various shards into a unified, organized list before displaying them to the user. This initiates the two-step process of querying and fetching.
By default, Elasticsearch utilizes a search method known as “Query Then Fetch.” This approach progresses through the following steps:
- Client sent a query to Elasticsearch
- Broadcast the query to each shard
- Find all matching documents and calculate scores using local Term/Document Frequencies
- Build a priority queue of results (sort, pagination with from/to, etc)
- Return metadata about the results to requesting node. Note, the actual document is not sent yet, just the scores
- Scores from all the shards are merged and sorted on the requesting node, docs are selected according to query criteria
- Finally, the actual docs are retrieved from individual shards where they reside.
- Results are returned to the client
Note: Coordinator node responsible for the steps 1,2, and 8.
Query Phase (3,4,5,6): the search query is sent to every shard, initiating local execution and the creation of a priority queue containing matching documents.
Fetch Phase (7): while the query phase identifies relevant documents, the fetch phase is responsible for fetching the actual documents from their respective shards.
This divided method guarantees effective and scalable search operations in a distributed setting. In the query phase, the search query navigates through each shard copy (primary or replica shards) to initiate local searches and compile a prioritized list of matching documents. This phase marks the initial step in refining the search results.
The fetch phase, resulting in the delivery of desired search outcomes. This phase acts as a bridge between query execution and result retrieval, ensuring the thoroughness of the search process.
Additional information:
Enabling Elasticsearch’s slow logs separately for query and fetch phases enables precise monitoring and optimization of search performance. Administrators can pinpoint potential bottlenecks and adjust system parameters by establishing thresholds for query and fetch durations separately.
For instance, configuring slow logs with specific thresholds for query and fetch phases can be done as follows:
PUT *,-.*/_settings { "index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.warn": "1s", "index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn": "100ms" } #or with curl curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/*,-.*/_settings" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d' { "index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.warn": "1s", "index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn": "100ms" }'
Elasticsearch query vs fetch times
It’s expected to see way more less fetch time compared to query time. Here is a topic that created in elastic discuss about the speed.
Elasticsearch 的分布式搜索分为 查询阶段(Query Phase) 和 获取阶段(Fetch Phase)。
客户端发送查询请求到协调节点(Coordinator Node)。
分片返回元数据(如文档 ID 和评分)到协调节点,协调节点合并和排序所有分片的结果。
PUT *,-.*/_settings { "index.search.slowlog.threshold.query.warn": "1s", "index.search.slowlog.threshold.fetch.warn": "100ms" }
通常情况下,获取时间(Fetch Time)远低于 查询时间(Query Time),因为查询阶段涉及更多的计算和排序操作。