# 输入参数举例,以front_long_camera为例
# 示例相机标定的pitch角
front_long_camera_pitch_angle = 3.1397834
vehicle_param_wheeldiameter = 0.786
# 示例相机到坐标原点的高度(坐标原点一般是自车后轴中心)
front_long_camera_pose_translation_z = 1.1628705
# 示例相机到地面高度
front_long_camera_ground_height = front_long_camera_pose_translation_z + vehicle_param_wheeldiameter / 2
# 示例相机内参 (fx, fy, cx, cy)
front_long_camera_K = np.array([[7329.6445, 0., 1915.2565],
[0., 7330.802, 1079.506],
[0., 0., 1]])
# 示例相机外参(平移和旋转参数)
front_long_camera_translation = [1.982978, -0.18810384, 1.1628705]
front_long_camera_rotation = [-0.49923673, 0.49701047, -0.5016547, 0.5020815]
# 图像中的轮胎位置 (像素坐标),通过2D模型得到
wheel1_xmin, wheel1_ymin, wheel1_xmax, wheel1_ymax = [3364.4599609375, 1882.9097900390625, 3637.5610961914062, 2160.0]
wheel2_xmin, wheel2_ymin, wheel2_xmax, wheel2_ymax = [2750.3476333618164, 1678.0156860351562, 2905.0335388183594, 2159.3624267578125]
wheel1 = [(wheel1_xmin + wheel1_xmax) / 2, wheel1_ymax] # 图像中的轮胎1接地点坐标
wheel2 = [(wheel2_xmin + wheel2_xmax) / 2, wheel2_ymax] # 图像中的轮胎2接地点坐标
import numpy as np
import math
def pixel2cam(wheel, K, pitch_angle=0, camera_ground_height=1.55):
将图像坐标转换为相机坐标系中的 3D 坐标。
- wheel: 图像中的像素坐标,格式为 (u, v)
- K: 相机的内参矩阵 (3x3)
- pitch_angle: 相机俯仰角 (默认 0)
- camera_ground_height: 相机到地面的高度 (默认 1.55 米)
- cam_points: 相机坐标系中的 3D 坐标
# 将图像坐标转换为相机坐标系的 3D 点
x, y = wheel
pt_m = np.array([x, y, 1]).reshape(3, 1)
# 相机内参的逆矩阵
intrinsic_params_inverse = np.linalg.inv(K)
# 反向投影,得到相机坐标系中的点
org_camera_point = intrinsic_params_inverse @ pt_m
# 计算俯仰角的旋转矩阵
cos_pitch = math.cos(pitch_angle)
sin_pitch = math.sin(pitch_angle)
pitch_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cos_pitch, sin_pitch], [0, -sin_pitch, cos_pitch]])
# 应用旋转矩阵
rotate_point = pitch_matrix @ org_camera_point
# 缩放因子,保证 Z 轴的深度与地面高度一致
scale = -camera_ground_height / rotate_point[1] # 使用相机坐标系中的 y 坐标 (深度)
# 计算 3D 坐标
cam_points = scale * org_camera_point.flatten()
return cam_points
def quaternion_to_euler(q):
四元数 (w, x, y, z) 转欧拉角 (roll, pitch, yaw)
输出:欧拉角 (弧度制)
w, x, y, z = q
# 计算 Roll
sin_r_cos_p = 2 * (w * x + y * z)
cos_r_cos_p = 1 - 2 * (x**2 + y**2)
roll = np.arctan2(sin_r_cos_p, cos_r_cos_p)
# 计算 Pitch
sin_p = 2 * (w * y - z * x)
pitch = np.arcsin(sin_p) # 限制范围 [-1, 1]
# 计算 Yaw
sin_y_cos_p = 2 * (w * z + x * y)
cos_y_cos_p = 1 - 2 * (y**2 + z**2)
yaw = np.arctan2(sin_y_cos_p, cos_y_cos_p)
return np.array([roll, pitch, yaw])
def quaternion2Rot(q):
功能: 四元数转旋转矩阵
q: 四元素
return R: 旋转矩阵
return R
def getPose(translation, rotation):
"""功能: 获取设备的旋转平移矩阵
translation: 平移参数['x', 'y', 'z']
rotation: 四元素参数['w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
tranformation: 根据四元素和平移量计算出来的旋转平移矩阵
tranformation = np.identity(4)
if rotation.ndim == 1:
tranformation[0:3, 0:3] = quaternion2Rot(rotation)
elif rotation.ndim == 2:
tranformation[0:3, 0:3] = rotation
tranformation[0][3] = translation[0]
tranformation[1][3] = translation[1]
tranformation[2][3] = translation[2]
return tranformation
def transformPoints(points, transformation):
功能: 坐标转换
points: 点(n,3)
transformation: 旋转平移矩阵(4,4)
return points: 坐标转换之后的点
points =[0:3, 0:3], points.transpose()).transpose()
points += transformation[0:3, 3]
return points
def angle_between_points(x1, y1, x2, y2):
# 计算方向向量的 y 和 x 分量
delta_x = x2 - x1
delta_y = y2 - y1
# 使用反正切函数计算弧度
angle_radians = math.atan2(delta_y, delta_x)
return angle_radians
def normalize_angle(angle):
将角度归一化到 [-π, π] 范围。
while angle > math.pi:
angle -= 2 * math.pi
while angle < -math.pi:
angle += 2 * math.pi
return angle
# 通过车轮接地点修正3D框示例
def rectify_original_data(original_position_y, original_dimension_width, original_yaw, wheel_rectify_data, current_gt_ids, position_y_threshold = 0.15, yaw_threshold = 0.05):
car_rearview_mirror_distance = 0.2
big_car_rearview_mirror_distance = 0.9
width_diff = abs(abs(original_position_y - wheel_rectify_data[current_gt_ids]["two_ego_point_mean_y"]) - original_dimension_width / 2)
#wheel_label classes = ['LEFT_FRONT', 'LEFT_REAR', 'RIGHT_FRONT', 'RIGHT_REAR', 'MID']
wheel_label = wheel_rectify_data[current_gt_ids]["wheel_label"]
if wheel_label == 5:
width_diff_flag = 0
elif wheel_label == 4:
width_diff_flag = 0
elif wheel_label < 2 :
width_diff_flag = -1
width_diff_flag = 1
if abs(width_diff - car_rearview_mirror_distance) < position_y_threshold:
new_position_y = original_position_y + width_diff_flag * np.sign(original_yaw) * abs(width_diff - car_rearview_mirror_distance)
elif abs(width_diff - big_car_rearview_mirror_distance) < position_y_threshold:
new_position_y = original_position_y + width_diff_flag * np.sign(original_yaw) * abs(width_diff - big_car_rearview_mirror_distance)
new_position_y = original_position_y
two_ego_point_angle = wheel_rectify_data[current_gt_ids]["two_ego_point_angle"]
two_ego_point_angle_2 = normalize_angle(two_ego_point_angle - math.pi) #补角
if abs(two_ego_point_angle - original_yaw) > yaw_threshold and abs(two_ego_point_angle_2 - original_yaw) > yaw_threshold:
new_yaw = original_yaw
if abs(two_ego_point_angle - original_yaw) <= yaw_threshold:
new_yaw = two_ego_point_angle
new_yaw = two_ego_point_angle_2
return new_position_y, new_yaw
def find_closest_points_by_y(points_info):
根据第二个坐标 y 的值找出距离最近的两个点
:param points: 点的列表,每个点是一个 numpy 数组
:return: 距离最近的点对和对应的 y 距离
min_distance = float('inf')
closest_pair = None
closest_indices = None
indexed_points_info = list(enumerate(points_info))
# 遍历所有点对的组合
for (i1, p1), (i2, p2) in combinations(indexed_points_info, 2):
y1 = p1["wheel_cam_ego"][1] # 提取第一个点的 y 坐标
y2 = p2["wheel_cam_ego"][1] # 提取第二个点的 y 坐标
distance = abs(y1 - y2) # 计算 y 坐标的绝对差值
if distance < min_distance:
min_distance = distance
closest_pair = (p1, p2)
closest_indices = (i1, i2) # 保存索引
return closest_pair, min_distance, closest_indices
def get_ego_wheel_data(camera_info, gt_lidar_info, original_wheel_data_info):
ego_wheel_data_info = {}
for box_id, original_box_info in original_wheel_data_info.items():
if len(original_box_info) > 1:
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)] = {}
ego_wheel_point_info = []
for current_original_box_info_i in original_box_info:
current_wheel = [(current_original_box_info_i["wheel_xmin"] + current_original_box_info_i["wheel_xmax"]) / 2, current_original_box_info_i["wheel_ymax"]]
current_wheel_cam = pixel2cam(current_wheel, camera_info["front_long_camera_K"], \
camera_info["front_long_camera_pitch_angle"], \
current_wheel_cam_ego = transformPoints(np.array(current_wheel_cam), \
current_wheel_ego_point_info = {}
current_wheel_ego_point_info["wheel_cam_ego"] = current_wheel_cam_ego
current_wheel_ego_point_info["obs_class"] = current_original_box_info_i["obs_class"]
current_wheel_ego_point_info["wheel_label"] = current_original_box_info_i["wheel_label"]
if len(ego_wheel_point_info) > 2:
new_ego_wheel_point_info, two_ego_point_min_distance, two_ego_point_closest_indices = find_closest_points_by_y(ego_wheel_point_info)
ego_wheel_point = (ego_wheel_point_info[two_ego_point_closest_indices[0]]["wheel_cam_ego"], ego_wheel_point_info[two_ego_point_closest_indices[0]]["wheel_cam_ego"])
ego_wheel_point = (ego_wheel_point_info[0]["wheel_cam_ego"], ego_wheel_point_info[1]["wheel_cam_ego"])
two_ego_point_min_distance = abs(ego_wheel_point_info[0]["wheel_cam_ego"][1] - ego_wheel_point_info[1]["wheel_cam_ego"][1])
two_ego_point_closest_indices = (0, 1)
new_ego_wheel_point_info = ego_wheel_point_info
two_ego_point_angle = angle_between_points(ego_wheel_point[0][0], \
ego_wheel_point[0][1], \
ego_wheel_point[1][0], \
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["ego_wheel_point_info"] = ego_wheel_point_info
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["new_ego_wheel_point_info"] = new_ego_wheel_point_info
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["two_ego_point_angle"] = two_ego_point_angle
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["two_ego_point_min_distance"] = two_ego_point_min_distance
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["obs_class"] = ego_wheel_point_info[0]["obs_class"]
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["two_ego_point_mean_y"] = (ego_wheel_point[0][1] + ego_wheel_point[1][1]) / 2
wheel_label_0 = ego_wheel_point_info[two_ego_point_closest_indices[0]]["wheel_label"]
wheel_label_1 = ego_wheel_point_info[two_ego_point_closest_indices[1]]["wheel_label"]
if wheel_label_0 == 4 or wheel_label_1 == 4:
if wheel_label_0 == 4 and wheel_label_1 == 4: #两个中间车轮
current_wheel_label = 4
elif wheel_label_0 == 4 and wheel_label_1 != 4:
current_wheel_label = wheel_label_1
current_wheel_label = wheel_label_0
elif wheel_label_0 < 2 and wheel_label_1 < 2:
current_wheel_label = 0
elif wheel_label_0 >= 2 and wheel_label_1 >= 2:
current_wheel_label = 2
else: #一个左轮一个右轮
current_wheel_label = 5
ego_wheel_data_info[str(box_id)]["wheel_label"] = current_wheel_label
return ego_wheel_data_info
front_long_camera_transform = getPose(np.array(front_long_camera_translation), np.array(front_long_camera_rotation))
# 将图像坐标转换为相机坐标系中的 3D 坐标。
wheel1_cam = pixel2cam(wheel1, front_long_camera_K, front_long_camera_pitch_angle, front_long_camera_ground_height)
wheel2_cam = pixel2cam(wheel2, front_long_camera_K, front_long_camera_pitch_angle, front_long_camera_ground_height)
# 将相机坐标系下的点转换到自车坐标系
wheel1_cam_ego = transformPoints(np.array(wheel1_cam), np.array(front_long_camera_transform))
wheel2_cam_ego = transformPoints(np.array(wheel2_cam), np.array(front_long_camera_transform))
# 计算两点连线的角度(yaw角)
two_ego_point_angle = angle_between_points(wheel1_cam_ego[0], wheel1_cam_ego[1], wheel2_cam_ego[0], wheel2_cam_ego[1])
two_ego_point_mean_y = (wheel1_cam_ego[1] + wheel2_cam_ego[1]) / 2
# 通过车轮接地点修正3D框示例
new_position_y, new_yaw = rectify_original_data(vehicle_position[1], vehicle_dimension[0], vehicle_yaw, wheel_rectify_data, current_gt_ids)
2)横向位置:小车后视镜距离车身car_rearview_mirror_distance0.2米左右,打车后视镜距离车身big_car_rearview_mirror_distance0.9米左右。根据检测出的距离最近的车轮的属性classes = [‘LEFT_FRONT’, ‘LEFT_REAR’, ‘RIGHT_FRONT’, ‘RIGHT_REAR’, ‘MID’],判断位置调整方向,两轮都是中间车轮时,无法判断车轮方向,width_diff_flag = 0,两轮一左一右时,width_diff_flag = 0,有一个以上为左轮时,width_diff_flag = -1,有一个以上为右轮时,width_diff_flag = 1;自车前方车辆有同向车辆和对向车辆,可以根据原始gt的yaw角正负值判断,一起用于位置调整方向判断,最终目的,计算的车辆宽度减去后视镜距离的差值绝对值后与原始gt的宽度差值绝对值小于阈值position_y_threshold(小车与大车的阈值都设为0.15米)时,以自车坐标系前进方向视角,目标车辆位于自车左侧,将目标车辆gt中心点向左移,目标车辆位于自车右侧,将目标车辆gt中心点向右移;具体计算逻辑如下,计算两个车轮接地点横向坐标的中点y_mean,计算y_mean与原始gt横向边界的差值width_diff,原始gt的中心点横向坐标为original_position_y,修复的中心点横向坐标new_position_y,
if abs(width_diff - car_rearview_mirror_distance) < position_y_threshold:
new_position_y = original_position_y + width_diff_flag * np.sign(original_yaw) * abs(width_diff - car_rearview_mirror_distance)
elif abs(width_diff - big_car_rearview_mirror_distance) < position_y_threshold:
new_position_y = original_position_y + width_diff_flag * np.sign(original_yaw) * abs(width_diff - big_car_rearview_mirror_distance)
new_position_y = original_position_y
import cv2
import torch
import numpy as np
def check_numpy_to_torch(x):
if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
return torch.from_numpy(x).float(), True
return x, False
def rotate_points_along_z(points, angle):
points: (B, N, 3 + C)
angle: (B), angle along z-axis, angle increases x ==> y
points, is_numpy = check_numpy_to_torch(points)
angle, _ = check_numpy_to_torch(angle)
cosa = torch.cos(angle)
sina = torch.sin(angle)
zeros = angle.new_zeros(points.shape[0])
ones = angle.new_ones(points.shape[0])
rot_matrix = torch.stack((
cosa, sina, zeros,
-sina, cosa, zeros,
zeros, zeros, ones
), dim=1).view(-1, 3, 3).float()
points_rot = torch.matmul(points[:, :, 0:3], rot_matrix)
points_rot =, points[:, :, 3:]), dim=-1)
return points_rot.numpy() if is_numpy else points_rot
def boxes_to_corners_3d(boxes3d):
7 -------- 4
/| /|
6 -------- 5 .
| | | |
. 3 -------- 0
|/ |/
2 -------- 1
boxes3d: (N, 7) [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center
boxes3d, is_numpy = check_numpy_to_torch(boxes3d)
template = boxes3d.new_tensor((
[1, 1, -1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1], [-1, 1, -1],
[1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, 1],
)) / 2
corners3d = boxes3d[:, None, 3:6].repeat(1, 8, 1) * template[None, :, :]
corners3d = rotate_points_along_z(corners3d.view(-1, 8, 3).float(), boxes3d[:, 6]).view(-1, 8, 3)
corners3d += boxes3d[:, None, 0:3]
return corners3d.numpy() if is_numpy else corners3d
def lidar2camera(position: list, lv_trans: tuple, vc_trans: tuple):
lidar_position = np.array(position).reshape(3, 1)
lv_R, lv_T = lv_trans
vehicle_position = np.matmul(lv_R, lidar_position) + lv_T
vc_R, vc_T = vc_trans
camera_postion = np.matmul(vc_R, vehicle_position) + vc_T
return list(camera_postion.reshape(-1)), list(vehicle_position.reshape(-1))
def draw_line(img, pt0, pt1, width, height, color, line_width):
if 0 <= int(pt0[0]) < width and 0 <= int(pt0[1]) < height \
and 0 <= int(pt1[0]) < width and 0 <= int(pt1[1]) < height:
cv2.line(img, (int(pt0[0]), int(pt0[1])),
(int(pt1[0]), int(pt1[1])), color, line_width)
def draw_3dbbox_in_image(name, cv_img, fov, lidar_boxes3d_list=None, vehicle_boxes3d_list=None,
lv_trans=None, vc_trans=None, camera_intrinsics=None, distort=None,
color = (0, 255, 0),
show_score = True,
show_heading = True,
if lidar_boxes3d_list is None and vehicle_boxes3d_list is None:
print("error: lidar_boxes3d_list is None, vehicle_boxes3d_list is None")
if lidar_boxes3d_list and vehicle_boxes3d_list:
print("error: lidar_boxes3d_list and vehicle_boxes3d_list is both not None!")
height, width = cv_img.shape[0:2]
if lidar_boxes3d_list is not None:
lidar_position = lidar_boxes3d_list[0][:3]
lidar_boxes3d = torch.tensor(lidar_boxes3d_list)
# 雷达坐标系x朝左,y朝后,z朝上,,传入的对应的lidar_yaw角为与x轴的夹角
# 其lidar_yaw角转车辆坐标系(x朝前,y朝左)需要+lv_yaw的操作,即车辆系yaw角=lidar_yaw+lv_yaw
# 传入的position(x, y, z) is of the box center, not bootom center
lidar_boxes3d = boxes_to_corners_3d(lidar_boxes3d)
camera_center, vehicle_center = lidar2camera(lidar_position, lv_trans, vc_trans)
cor_fov = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(camera_center[0], camera_center[2]))*2
if abs(cor_fov)+3 > fov: return
# print("cam_key: ", cam_key, lidar_boxes3d_list, lidar_boxes3d, __file__) # =================ct:===========
# 把每个lidar的3d点转换到相机上
corner_3d_gts = []
for i in range(9): # 最后一維是中心点
corner_3d_camera = None
if lidar_boxes3d_list is not None and i < 8:
corner_3d_camera, _ = lidar2camera(lidar_boxes3d[0][i], lv_trans, vc_trans)
if i == 8:corner_3d_camera = camera_center
if "fisheye" in cam_key:
corner_3d_gt, _ = cv2.fisheye.projectPoints(np.array([[corner_3d_camera]]),
(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0),
corner_3d_gt, _ = cv2.projectPoints(np.array(corner_3d_camera),
np.array((0,0,0), dtype=np.float32).reshape(3,1),
# draw_3dbbox_in_image 支持 过滤无效的投影点!!!
Xc,Yc,Zc = corner_3d_camera[0]/corner_3d_camera[2], corner_3d_camera[1]/corner_3d_camera[2], corner_3d_camera[2]
# z=1平面上的入射点,与x轴的夹角和y轴的夹角
arctanx = np.arctan(np.abs(Xc)) / np.pi * 180
arctany = np.arctan(np.abs(Yc)) / np.pi * 180
corner_3d_gt = corner_3d_gt[0][0]
valid_mask = (corner_3d_gt[0] >= 0) & (corner_3d_gt[0] < width) \
& (corner_3d_gt[1] >= 0) & (corner_3d_gt[1] < height) & (Zc > 0.01)
if valid_mask==False: corner_3d_gt = [-1, -1]
7 -------- 4
/| /|
6 -------- 5 .
| | | |
. 3 -------- 0
|/ |/
2 -------- 1
[0, 1, 4, 5]為正前方
########################################### 3D框在圖像上的绘制 #############################
line_width = 1, (int(corner_3d_gts[8][0]), int(corner_3d_gts[8][1])), 2, (0, 0, 255),3) # 3D框中心點
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[0], corner_3d_gts[1], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[0], corner_3d_gts[3], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[1], corner_3d_gts[2], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[2], corner_3d_gts[3], width, height, color, line_width)
if bbox_show_height:
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[0], corner_3d_gts[4], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[1], corner_3d_gts[5], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[3], corner_3d_gts[7], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[2], corner_3d_gts[6], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[4], corner_3d_gts[5], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[4], corner_3d_gts[7], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[5], corner_3d_gts[6], width, height, color, line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[6], corner_3d_gts[7], width, height, color, line_width)
if show_heading:
########################################### 立方体前面四边形heading:# draw `X' in the front
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[0], corner_3d_gts[5], width, height, (241, 101, 72), line_width)
draw_line(cv_img, corner_3d_gts[1], corner_3d_gts[4], width, height, (241, 101, 72), line_width)
if show_score:
info_str = ""
if score: info_str += f"{score:.2f}"
cv2.putText(cv_img, info_str, (int(corner_3d_gts[4][0]+1), int(corner_3d_gts[4][1])-7),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.9, color, thickness=line_width)