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sprouted tater 发芽的土豆

fluid 液体,流体
The doctor recommended drinking plenty of fluids 医生建议多喝流质

adapt to the new environment
adjust to the new surroundings
get used to the new setting
accommodate oneself to the new circumstances 适应新环境

humidity 湿度
humility 谦逊
He is admired for his humility 他因谦逊备受赞赏

be praised
be compliment 侧重赞扬,恭维
be commended 用于正式场合,有官方或者权威认可
The solider was commended for his courage
be admired 被钦佩,欣赏,这种赞美是基于内心的认可
She is admired for her intelligence

be acclaimed 强调受到广泛赞誉和喝彩
The filim was acclaimed by critics 这部电影受到评论家的赞美。

consistency 一致性,连贯性
We need to ensure consistency in our approach

break off 中断,表示突然停止
They broke off their conversation when someone entered the room.
He broke off a piece of chocolate .

arches 拱桥
the bridge has three arches。

draughty underpass 通风良好的地下通道
The draughty underpass made pedestrians hurry through. 这个透风的地下通道让行人匆匆而过。

meet doom 遭遇厄运,面临毁灭

should primary school be advanced?
Is advanced leaning a shortcut or a detour? 弯路

this era 时代

sounds exaggerated 听起来很夸张
in first-tier cities
let it go 放手不管
chicken baby circles 鸡娃圈

it’s the consensus of many straight-A student’s mother 很多学霸妈妈的共识
every is rolling 大家都在卷
once you lie down 一旦你躺平
what awaits the child is diversion 等待孩子的就是分流

especially before the third grade
why are we increasingly replying on parents?

An incident that happened when I went back to my hometown during the Chinese New Year.过年回家发生的一件事情

He came to my office on purpose 特意来到。
proposed to me a thought-provoking question 向我提了一个引人深思的问题

what you give is important 你的付出是重要的

spend all the time of the night ,set aside for the children 把时间都留出来给孩子

parents are just auxiliary 家长只是辅助

take a detour 走弯路
把这个道理掰开揉碎 to break the truth apart

coaching skill 辅导能力

what should our average family do? 我们普通家庭要做什么?

accompanying 12 years 陪读十二年

学习强国 智慧中小学 杨视频 人教点读 人民日报

cartoons 动画片
documentaries 纪录片
I watch two episodes a week 每周都要看两集

I tested that on my kids 在孩子身上验证过了

Expand your horizons at the same time also gained a lot of knowledge

Families with poor economic conditions 经济不好的家庭
Blindly signing up for classes is a waste 盲目报班就是浪费
online classes are abundant 很丰富

have no talent 没有天赋

I am stricter on the basics 我对基础抓的比较严

in the senior grade 高年级
physical chemistry is involved 物理化学都涉及
None of them are redundant 没有一本是多余的

Language grades are on the rise 语文成绩蹭蹭往上涨
sort out 整理好了

mutual encouragement 共勉

enlightenment stage 启蒙阶段
original picture books 原版绘本 and animations 原版动画片
develop children‘s language sense and listening skills

4000 episodes of English original graded animation
sorted out the world’s top original English animations 整理了全球顶尖原版英文动画

It has been verified 验证了

beta 90% of the average players
concepts 概念,formulas 公式,symbols 符号

too tightly 太紧
develop the child‘s concentration 专注力
preview and review 预习和复习



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