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OKHttp3 源码阅读 - Kotlin版本

本篇文章基于 OKHttp 4.11.0 版本阅读的。

1. 介绍

OKHttp 是由 Square 公司开源的,广泛应用于 Android 开发中,并且是 Retrofit 的底层实现。它是一个高效的 HTTP 客户端,适用于 Android 和 Java 应用程序。它支持 HTTP/2、连接池、GZIP 压缩、缓存等功能,能够帮助开发者更高效地处理网络请求。

从 Android 4.4 开始 HttpURLConnection 的底层实现采用的是OKHttp。

2. 基本使用


  • 添加依赖
implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3.okhttp:$version"
  • 使用OkHttp发送一个GET请求
var client = OkHttpClient()

var request: Request = Request.Builder()

var response: Response = client.newCall(request).execute()
var responseData: String = response.body.toString()
  • 使用OkHttp发送一个POST请求
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

RequestBody body = new FormBody.Builder()
        .add("key1", "value1")
        .add("key2", "value2")

Request request = new Request.Builder()

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
String responseData = response.body().string();


OkHttp 的工作流程可以概括为以下几个步骤:

  1. 创建请求:先创建一个OKHttpClient对象,然后通过 Request.Builder 构建一个 Request 对象。
  2. 执行请求:通过 OkHttpClient.newCall(request) 创建一个 Call 对象,调用 execute() (同步)或 enqueue() (异步)方法执行请求。
  3. 分发器:Dispatcher 分发任务,它内部维护队列与线程池,完成请求调配。
  4. 拦截器链:请求会经过一系列的拦截器(如重试、缓存、网络拦截器等),最终发送到服务器。
  5. 获取响应:服务器返回的响应会经过拦截器链处理,最终返回给调用者。

3. 源码阅读

3.1 创建请求

(1)首先在 OkHttpClient 构造方法中,通过 Builder 模式构建了 OkHttpClient 对象。作为全局的客户端对象,负责管理请求的配置(如超时、缓存、拦截器等)。

// OkHttpClient.kt
constructor() : this(Builder())

class Builder constructor() {
    internal var dispatcher: Dispatcher = Dispatcher()
    internal var connectionPool: ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool()
    internal val interceptors: MutableList<Interceptor> = mutableListOf()
    internal val networkInterceptors: MutableList<Interceptor> = mutableListOf()
    internal var eventListenerFactory: EventListener.Factory = EventListener.NONE.asFactory()
    internal var retryOnConnectionFailure = true
    internal var authenticator: Authenticator = Authenticator.NONE
    internal var followRedirects = true
    internal var followSslRedirects = true

(2)然后通过 Request.Builder 构建一个 Request 对象,也是用了 build 建造者模式。封装了 HTTP 请求到 URL、方法(GET/POST)、请求头、请求体等信息。

// Request.kt
open class Builder {
    internal var url: HttpUrl? = null
    internal var method: String
    internal var headers: Headers.Builder
    internal var body: RequestBody? = null

    /** A mutable map of tags, or an immutable empty map if we don't have any. */
    internal var tags: MutableMap<Class<*>, Any> = mutableMapOf()

    constructor() {
      this.method = "GET"
      this.headers = Headers.Builder()

    internal constructor(request: Request) {
      this.url = request.url
      this.method = request.method
      this.body = request.body
      this.tags = if (request.tags.isEmpty()) {
      } else {
      this.headers = request.headers.newBuilder()

3.2 执行请求 和 分发器分发请求

(1)首先通过 OkHttpClient.newCall(request) 创建一个 Call 对象,Call 是一个接口,真正的实现是在 RealCall 中。

override fun newCall(request: Request): Call = RealCall(this, request, forWebSocket = false)

(2)然后再通过 RealCall 去执行异步请求或同步请求。

  • 异步请求 enqueue()
// RealCall.kt
override fun enqueue(responseCallback: Callback) {
	// 代码1 用 AtomicBoolean 检查 realcall 是否被用过了
    check(executed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { "Already Executed" }

    // 代码2 调用分发器执行异步请求

代码1,用 AtomicBoolean 检查 realcall 是否被用过了。
代码2,调用分发器执行异步请求。这里传的是 AsyncCall,一个 runnable。

下面我们就看一下 Dispatcher 的 enqueue() 方法,

// Dispatcher.kt
  // 代码1 异步等待队列
  private val readyAsyncCalls = ArrayDeque<AsyncCall>()

  // 代码2 异步运行队列
  private val runningAsyncCalls = ArrayDeque<AsyncCall>()

  internal fun enqueue(call: AsyncCall) {
    synchronized(this) {
    // 代码3 将Call 加入到异步等待队列

      // 代码4 判断请求是不是 websocket
      if (!call.call.forWebSocket) {
        val existingCall = findExistingCallWithHost(call.host)
        if (existingCall != null) call.reuseCallsPerHostFrom(existingCall)
    // 代码5
   private fun promoteAndExecute(): Boolean {

    val executableCalls = mutableListOf<AsyncCall>()
    val isRunning: Boolean
    synchronized(this) {
      val i = readyAsyncCalls.iterator()
      // 代码6 迭代异步等待队列
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        val asyncCall = i.next()
        //代码7 所有同时请求数不能大于64
        if (runningAsyncCalls.size >= this.maxRequests) break // Max capacity.
        // 代码8 同一个host同时请求数不能大于5。
        if (asyncCall.callsPerHost.get() >= this.maxRequestsPerHost) continue // Host max capacity.

		// 代码9 将 call 从异步等待队列移除
        // 代码10 将 call 加入到异步正在执行队列中
      isRunning = runningCallsCount() > 0

    for (i in 0 until executableCalls.size) {
      val asyncCall = executableCalls[i]
      // 代码11 开始执行

    return isRunning

在 enqueue() 中,先将我们的 Call 加入到异步等待队列,然后判断请求是不是 websocket,如果不是的,调用 findExistingCallWithHost() 查找有没有已经存在的 host。如果不存在调用 promoteAndExecute(),迭代异步等待队列。这里有两个限制,所有同时请求数不能大于64。同一个host同时请求数不能大于5。如果两个限制条件都满足,将 call 从异步等待队列移除,并加入到异步正在执行队列中,然后将请求任务交给线程池去执行请求。

接着,我们再看一下 AsyncCall 的 run() 方法,这里是分发器异步请求分发流程,

// RealCall.kt
internal inner class AsyncCall(
    private val responseCallback: Callback
  ) : Runnable {
  // 代码1
    @Volatile var callsPerHost = AtomicInteger(0)
      private set

    fun reuseCallsPerHostFrom(other: AsyncCall) {
      this.callsPerHost = other.callsPerHost

    val host: String
      get() = originalRequest.url.host

    val request: Request
        get() = originalRequest

    val call: RealCall
        get() = this@RealCall

     * Attempt to enqueue this async call on [executorService]. This will attempt to clean up
     * if the executor has been shut down by reporting the call as failed.
    fun executeOn(executorService: ExecutorService) {

      var success = false
      try {
      // 代码2 将异步任务放到线程池中
        success = true
      } catch (e: RejectedExecutionException) {
        val ioException = InterruptedIOException("executor rejected")
        responseCallback.onFailure(this@RealCall, ioException)
      } finally {
        if (!success) {
          client.dispatcher.finished(this) // This call is no longer running!

    override fun run() {
      threadName("OkHttp ${redactedUrl()}") {
        var signalledCallback = false
        try {
        // 代码3 调用责任分发请求
          val response = getResponseWithInterceptorChain()
          signalledCallback = true
          responseCallback.onResponse(this@RealCall, response)
        } catch (e: IOException) {
          if (signalledCallback) {
            // Do not signal the callback twice!
            Platform.get().log("Callback failure for ${toLoggableString()}", Platform.INFO, e)
          } else {
            responseCallback.onFailure(this@RealCall, e)
        } catch (t: Throwable) {
          if (!signalledCallback) {
            val canceledException = IOException("canceled due to $t")
            responseCallback.onFailure(this@RealCall, canceledException)
          throw t
        } finally {
        // 代码4 请求结束回调

将异步任务放到线程池中后,通过 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 执行请求,请求完成之后调用分发器 dispatch 的 finished() 方法

internal fun finished(call: AsyncCall) {
    finished(runningAsyncCalls, call)

  private fun <T> finished(calls: Deque<T>, call: T) {
    val idleCallback: Runnable?
    synchronized(this) {
      if (!calls.remove(call)) throw AssertionError("Call wasn't in-flight!")
      idleCallback = this.idleCallback

    val isRunning = promoteAndExecute()

    if (!isRunning && idleCallback != null) {

在 finish() 方法中,对请求对 host 数减1,并去启动执行任务的方法。


// Dispatcher.kt
  private var executorServiceOrNull: ExecutorService? = null

  @get:JvmName("executorService") val executorService: ExecutorService
    get() {
      if (executorServiceOrNull == null) {
        executorServiceOrNull = ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Int.MAX_VALUE, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
            SynchronousQueue(), threadFactory("$okHttpName Dispatcher", false))
      return executorServiceOrNull!!

Dispatcher 中的线程池是一个核心线程数为 0,最大线程数没有上限,当有任务加入都有新建线程,这是为了能让新来的任务及时执行,而不是等待。

  • 同步请求 executed()
// RealCall.kt
 override fun execute(): Response {
 	// 代码1 同 enqueue() 用 AtomicBoolean 检查 realcall 是否被用过了
    check(executed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { "Already Executed" }

    try {
    	// 代码2 调用分发器执行同步请求
      // 代码3 通过拦截器执行请求
      return getResponseWithInterceptorChain()
    } finally {
    // 代码4 请求完执行同步队列的finished。

代码2,调用分发器执行同步请求,这里传入的是 RealCall。
代码3,调用 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 方法,通过拦截器执行请求,后面再看。先看分发器的逻辑。

接着看分发器的 executed() 实现,

// Dispatcher.kt
// 代码1 同步正在运行队列
private val runningSyncCalls = ArrayDeque<RealCall>()

  /** Used by [Call.execute] to signal it is in-flight. */
  @Synchronized internal fun executed(call: RealCall) {
  	// 代码2 将 Call 添加到同步正在运行队列中
 /** Used by [Call.execute] to signal completion. */
  internal fun finished(call: RealCall) {
    finished(runningSyncCalls, call)

  private fun <T> finished(calls: Deque<T>, call: T) {
    val idleCallback: Runnable?
    synchronized(this) {
      if (!calls.remove(call)) throw AssertionError("Call wasn't in-flight!")
      idleCallback = this.idleCallback

	// 代码3 执行一次异步等待队列到异步正在执行队列的检查
    val isRunning = promoteAndExecute()

    if (!isRunning && idleCallback != null) {

在 Dispatcher 的 executed() 中逻辑很简单,就是将 Call 添加到同步正在运行队列中。同时在同步请求的 finish() 方法中也会执行一次异步等待队列到异步正在执行队列的检查。

3.3 OkHttp 拦截器责任链设计模式

  • 先复习一下责任链模式:
  • 接着看 RealCall 的 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 方法,在请求需要执行时,通过 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 获得请求的结果:Response。
// RealCall.kt
  internal fun getResponseWithInterceptorChain(): Response {
    // Build a full stack of interceptors.
    val interceptors = mutableListOf<Interceptor>()
    interceptors += client.interceptors
    interceptors += RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor(client)
    interceptors += BridgeInterceptor(client.cookieJar)
    interceptors += CacheInterceptor(client.cache)
    interceptors += ConnectInterceptor
    if (!forWebSocket) {
      interceptors += client.networkInterceptors
    interceptors += CallServerInterceptor(forWebSocket)

    val chain = RealInterceptorChain(
        call = this,
        interceptors = interceptors,
        index = 0,
        exchange = null,
        request = originalRequest,
        connectTimeoutMillis = client.connectTimeoutMillis,
        readTimeoutMillis = client.readTimeoutMillis,
        writeTimeoutMillis = client.writeTimeoutMillis

    var calledNoMoreExchanges = false
    try {
      val response = chain.proceed(originalRequest)
      if (isCanceled()) {
        throw IOException("Canceled")
      return response
    } catch (e: IOException) {
      calledNoMoreExchanges = true
      throw noMoreExchanges(e) as Throwable
    } finally {
      if (!calledNoMoreExchanges) {

在 getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 方法中,默认有五大拦截器,也可以自定义拦截器,在 OkHttpClient 中 addInterceptor() 自定义应用拦截器(在请求发送前和响应返回后执行)或addNetworkInterceptor() 自定义网络拦截器(在请求发送到网络之前执行)。
将一系列拦截器生成 RealInterceptorChain 拦截器链,通过 proceed(request) 方法将请求传递给下一个拦截器。

  • addInterceptor() 和 addNetworkInterceptor() 的区别:
    getResponseWithInterceptorChain() 中先去创建一个集合对象,addInterceptor() 自定义拦截器在第一个添加到集合中的,addNetworkInterceptor() 自定义网络拦截器是在倒数第二添加的。并且 networkInterceptor 拦截器只能在 http 请求中添加,如果socket 请求中不会添加。

  • 默认的五大拦截器:

    • 重试重定向拦截器 RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor:在交给下一个拦截器之前,负责判断用户是否取消了请求;在获得了结果之后,会根据响应码判断是否需要重定向,如果满足条件那么就会重启执行所有拦截器。
    • 桥接拦截器 BridgeInterceptor:在交给下一个拦截器之前,负责将 HTTP 协议必备的请求头加入其中(如:Host)并添加一些默认的行为(如:GZIP 压缩);在获得了结果后,调用保存 cookie 接口并解析 GZIP 数据。
    • 缓存拦截器 CacheInterceptor:在交给下一个拦截器之前,读取并判断是否使用缓存;获得结果后判断是否缓存。
    • 连接拦截器 ConnectInterceptor:在交给下一个拦截器之前,负责找到或者新建一个连接,并获得对应的 socket 流;在获得结果后不进行额外的处理。
    • 请求服务器拦截器 CallServerInterceptor:进行真正的与服务器的通信,向服务器发送数据;解析读取的响应数据。

3.4 五大拦截器

(1)重试重定向拦截器 RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor

class RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor(private val client: OkHttpClient) : Interceptor {

  override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
    val realChain = chain as RealInterceptorChain
    var request = chain.request
    val call = realChain.call
    var followUpCount = 0
    var priorResponse: Response? = null
    var newExchangeFinder = true
    var recoveredFailures = listOf<IOException>()
    // 代码1
    while (true) {
    	// 代码2 创建一个ExchangeFinder对象,获取连接(ConnectInterceptor中使用)。
      call.enterNetworkInterceptorExchange(request, newExchangeFinder)

      var response: Response
      var closeActiveExchange = true
      // 是否进行重试逻辑开始
      try {
      	// 如果请求取消了 抛出异常
        if (call.isCanceled()) {
          throw IOException("Canceled")

        try {
        	// 代码3 将请求交给了下一个拦截器
          response = realChain.proceed(request)
          newExchangeFinder = true
        } catch (e: RouteException) {
          // The attempt to connect via a route failed. The request will not have been sent.
          if (!recover(e.lastConnectException, call, request, requestSendStarted = false)) {
            throw e.firstConnectException.withSuppressed(recoveredFailures)
          } else {
            recoveredFailures += e.firstConnectException
          newExchangeFinder = false
        } catch (e: IOException) {
          // An attempt to communicate with a server failed. The request may have been sent.
          if (!recover(e, call, request, requestSendStarted = e !is ConnectionShutdownException)) {
            throw e.withSuppressed(recoveredFailures)
          } else {
            recoveredFailures += e
          newExchangeFinder = false
		// --------是否进行重试逻辑结束
        // Attach the prior response if it exists. Such responses never have a body.
        if (priorResponse != null) {
          response = response.newBuilder()
		// 是否进行重定向逻辑开始
        val exchange = call.interceptorScopedExchange
        // 代码4
        val followUp = followUpRequest(response, exchange)

        if (followUp == null) {
          if (exchange != null && exchange.isDuplex) {
          closeActiveExchange = false
          return response

        val followUpBody = followUp.body
        if (followUpBody != null && followUpBody.isOneShot()) {
          closeActiveExchange = false
          return response


        if (++followUpCount > MAX_FOLLOW_UPS) {
          throw ProtocolException("Too many follow-up requests: $followUpCount")

        request = followUp
        priorResponse = response
        // ------------是否进行重定向逻辑结束
      } finally {

  // 是否重试
  private fun recover(
    e: IOException,
    call: RealCall,
    userRequest: Request,
    requestSendStarted: Boolean
  ): Boolean {
    // okhttpclient配置不重试
    if (!client.retryOnConnectionFailure) return false

    // 不重试:
    // 1. 如果是 IO 异常(非http2中断异常)表示请求可能发出
    // 2. 如果请求体只能被使用一次(默认是false)
    if (requestSendStarted && requestIsOneShot(e, userRequest)) return false

    // 异常不重试:协议异常、IO中断异常(除Socket读写超时之外),ssl认证异常
    if (!isRecoverable(e, requestSendStarted)) return false

    // 是否有更多的路线
    if (!call.retryAfterFailure()) return false

    // For failure recovery, use the same route selector with a new connection.
    return true

  private fun requestIsOneShot(e: IOException, userRequest: Request): Boolean {
    val requestBody = userRequest.body
    return (requestBody != null && requestBody.isOneShot()) ||
        e is FileNotFoundException

  private fun isRecoverable(e: IOException, requestSendStarted: Boolean): Boolean {
    // If there was a protocol problem, don't recover.
    if (e is ProtocolException) {
      return false

    // If there was an interruption don't recover, but if there was a timeout connecting to a route
    // we should try the next route (if there is one).
    if (e is InterruptedIOException) {
      return e is SocketTimeoutException && !requestSendStarted

    // Look for known client-side or negotiation errors that are unlikely to be fixed by trying
    // again with a different route.
    if (e is SSLHandshakeException) {
      // If the problem was a CertificateException from the X509TrustManager,
      // do not retry.
      if (e.cause is CertificateException) {
        return false
    if (e is SSLPeerUnverifiedException) {
      // e.g. a certificate pinning error.
      return false
    // An example of one we might want to retry with a different route is a problem connecting to a
    // proxy and would manifest as a standard IOException. Unless it is one we know we should not
    // retry, we return true and try a new route.
    return true

  private fun followUpRequest(userResponse: Response, exchange: Exchange?): Request? {
    val route = exchange?.connection?.route()
    val responseCode = userResponse.code

    val method = userResponse.request.method
    when (responseCode) {
    // 响应码 407,代理需要授权,如付费代理,需要验证身份
      HTTP_PROXY_AUTH -> {
        val selectedProxy = route!!.proxy
        // 需要是HTTP请求
        if (selectedProxy.type() != Proxy.Type.HTTP) {
          throw ProtocolException("Received HTTP_PROXY_AUTH (407) code while not using proxy")
        return client.proxyAuthenticator.authenticate(route, userResponse)
	// 响应码 401,服务器需要授权,如某些接口需要登陆才能使用(不安全,基本上没用了)
      HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED -> return client.authenticator.authenticate(route, userResponse)

	// 响应码 3XX 重定向响应
        return buildRedirectRequest(userResponse, method)

	// 响应码 408 请求超时
        if (!client.retryOnConnectionFailure) {
          // 如果应用层指示我们不要重试请求,则直接返回null
          return null

        val requestBody = userResponse.request.body
        // 如果请求体是一次性的,则不能重试
        if (requestBody != null && requestBody.isOneShot()) {
          return null
        val priorResponse = userResponse.priorResponse
        if (priorResponse != null && priorResponse.code == HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) {
           // 如果之前已经尝试过重试并且再次超时,则放弃重试
          return null

		 // 如果服务器指定了非零的重试等待时间,则不进行重试
        if (retryAfter(userResponse, 0) > 0) {
          return null

        return userResponse.request
		// 响应码 503 服务不可用
        val priorResponse = userResponse.priorResponse
        if (priorResponse != null && priorResponse.code == HTTP_UNAVAILABLE) {
          // We attempted to retry and got another timeout. Give up.
          return null

        if (retryAfter(userResponse, Integer.MAX_VALUE) == 0) {
          // specifically received an instruction to retry without delay
          return userResponse.request

        return null
		// 响应码 421 从当前客户端所在的 IP 地址到服务器的连接数超过了服务器许可的最大范围
        // OkHttp can coalesce HTTP/2 connections even if the domain names are different. See
        // RealConnection.isEligible(). If we attempted this and the server returned HTTP 421, then
        // we can retry on a different connection.
        val requestBody = userResponse.request.body
        if (requestBody != null && requestBody.isOneShot()) {
          return null

        if (exchange == null || !exchange.isCoalescedConnection) {
          return null

        return userResponse.request

      else -> return null

 * 构建基于用户响应的重定向请求。
 * 该函数用于处理重定向逻辑,根据客户端配置和响应的具体信息判断是否需要跟随重定向。如果条件满足,它将构建一个新的请求对象用于重定向。
 * @param userResponse 原始请求的响应对象,包含重定向所需的信息,例如重定向URL。
 * @param method 原始请求的HTTP方法,可能会影响重定向请求的构造方式。
 * @return 如果条件满足,返回一个新的重定向请求对象;否则返回null。
  private fun buildRedirectRequest(userResponse: Response, method: String): Request? {
    // 检查客户端是否允许重定向
    if (!client.followRedirects) return null

 // 从响应头中获取重定向位置
    val location = userResponse.header("Location") ?: return null
    // 不支持重定向到无效协议的情况
    val url = userResponse.request.url.resolve(location) ?: return null

    // 如果配置禁止跨SSL和非SSL重定向,则检查协议一致性
    val sameScheme = url.scheme == userResponse.request.url.scheme
    if (!sameScheme && !client.followSslRedirects) return null

    // 大多数重定向不需要请求体,根据方法判断是否保留或修改请求体
    val requestBuilder = userResponse.request.newBuilder()
    if (HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(method)) {
      val responseCode = userResponse.code
      val maintainBody = HttpMethod.redirectsWithBody(method) ||
          responseCode == HTTP_PERM_REDIRECT ||
          responseCode == HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT
      if (HttpMethod.redirectsToGet(method) && responseCode != HTTP_PERM_REDIRECT && responseCode != HTTP_TEMP_REDIRECT) {
        requestBuilder.method("GET", null)
      } else {
        val requestBody = if (maintainBody) userResponse.request.body else null
        requestBuilder.method(method, requestBody)
      if (!maintainBody) {

    // 跨主机重定向时,移除所有身份验证头信息
    if (!userResponse.request.url.canReuseConnectionFor(url)) {

    return requestBuilder.url(url).build()

  private fun retryAfter(userResponse: Response, defaultDelay: Int): Int {
    val header = userResponse.header("Retry-After") ?: return defaultDelay

    // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1.3
    // currently ignores a HTTP-date, and assumes any non int 0 is a delay
    if (header.matches("\\d+".toRegex())) {
      return Integer.valueOf(header)
    return Integer.MAX_VALUE

  companion object {
    // 重定向最大次数限制
    private const val MAX_FOLLOW_UPS = 20

  • 重试限制(请求)

代码1,用了一个 while(true) 死循环。
代码3,调用 realChain.proceed(request),将请求交给了下一个拦截器。如果这里出现了异常就会判断是否需要重试。

具体可以看 recover() 方法,有4种情况不重试:

  • 重定向规则(响应)

根据得到的 response 判断要不要重定向,判断 followUpRequest() 返回的是否为空,如果是空,不需要重定向,直接返回 response;否则需要重定向。

如果重定向次数超过 20 次,也不会重定向。否则执行 while 中下一次。

followUpRequest() 中主要是根据响应码判断是否要重定向。

408请求超时。1、用户允许自动重试(默认允许) 2、本次请求的结果不是响应408的重试结果 3、服务器未响应Retry-After(稍后重试),或者响应Retry-After:0。
503服务不可用1、本次请求的结果不是响应503的重试结果 2、服务器明确响应Retry-After:0,立即重试


  • 补全请求头
Connection: Keep-Alive默认保持长连接
Accept-Encoding: gzip接收响应体使用gzip压缩
  • 响应后处理
    1. 读取 Set-Cookie 响应头并调用接口告知用户,在下次请求则会读取对应的数据设置进入请求头,默认 CookieJar 无实现;
    2. 响应头 Content-Encoding 为 gzip,使用 GzipSource 包装解析。


作用:缓存 HTTP 响应,减少重复请求。

  • 缓存规则:
    Http 的缓存我们可以按照行为将他们分为:强缓存和协商缓存。
    • 命中强缓存时,浏览器并不会将请求发送给服务器。强缓存是利用 Http 的返回头中的 Expires 或者 Cache-Control 两个字段来控制的,用来表示资源的缓存时间;
    • 若未命中强缓存,则浏览器会将请求发送至服务器。服务器根据 http 头信息中的 Last-Modify/If-Modify-Since或Etag/If-None-Match 来判断是否命中了协商缓存。如果命中,则 http 返回码为 304,客户端从缓存中加载资源。
  • 缓存策略
    拦截器通过 CacheStrategy 判断使用缓存或发起网络请求。此对象中的 networkRequest 与 cacheResponse 分别代表需要发起请求或者直接使用缓存。
NullNot Null直接使用缓存
Not NullNull向服务器发起请求
Not NullNot Null发起请求,若得到响应为304,则更新缓存响应并返回

即:networkRequest 存在则优先发起网络请求,否则使用 cacheResponse 缓存,若都不存在则请求失败。


object ConnectInterceptor : Interceptor {
  override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
    val realChain = chain as RealInterceptorChain
    // 代码1
    val exchange = realChain.call.initExchange(chain)
    val connectedChain = realChain.copy(exchange = exchange)
    return connectedChain.proceed(realChain.request)
  • 新建连接 realChain.call.initExchange(chain)
    在 ConnectInterceptor 中调用了 initExchange() 方法,
// RealCall.kt
internal fun initExchange(chain: RealInterceptorChain): Exchange {
    synchronized(this) {
      check(expectMoreExchanges) { "released" }

    val exchangeFinder = this.exchangeFinder!!
    // 代码2
    val codec = exchangeFinder.find(client, chain)
    val result = Exchange(this, eventListener, exchangeFinder, codec)
    this.interceptorScopedExchange = result
    this.exchange = result
    synchronized(this) {
      this.requestBodyOpen = true
      this.responseBodyOpen = true

    if (canceled) throw IOException("Canceled")
    return result

initExchange() 方法又调用了 exchangeFinder.find() 方法,返回 ExchangeCodec 对象。

// ExchangeFinder.kt
  fun find(
    client: OkHttpClient,
    chain: RealInterceptorChain
  ): ExchangeCodec {
    try {
    // 代码3 生成 RealConnection 对象,是对 Socket 的封装
      val resultConnection = findHealthyConnection(
          connectTimeout = chain.connectTimeoutMillis,
          readTimeout = chain.readTimeoutMillis,
          writeTimeout = chain.writeTimeoutMillis,
          pingIntervalMillis = client.pingIntervalMillis,
          connectionRetryEnabled = client.retryOnConnectionFailure,
          doExtensiveHealthChecks = chain.request.method != "GET"
      // 代码4
      return resultConnection.newCodec(client, chain)
    } catch (e: RouteException) {
      throw e
    } catch (e: IOException) {
      throw RouteException(e)

代码3,生成 RealConnection 对象,是对 Socket 的封装。
代码4,调用 newCodec() 方法,生成 ExchangeCodec 对象。

  internal fun newCodec(client: OkHttpClient, chain: RealInterceptorChain): ExchangeCodec {
    val socket = this.socket!!
    val source = this.source!!
    val sink = this.sink!!
    val http2Connection = this.http2Connection
	// 代码5 判断使用Http2还是Http1
    return if (http2Connection != null) {
      Http2ExchangeCodec(client, this, chain, http2Connection)
    } else {
      socket.soTimeout = chain.readTimeoutMillis()
      source.timeout().timeout(chain.readTimeoutMillis.toLong(), MILLISECONDS)
      sink.timeout().timeout(chain.writeTimeoutMillis.toLong(), MILLISECONDS)
      Http1ExchangeCodec(client, this, source, sink)

在 newCodec() 中,代码5 判断使用Http2还是Http1。


  • 连接池
    在 ExchangeFinder 中,生成 RealConnection 对象之前,会先判断能不能拿到连接对象复用
// ExchangeFinder.kt
  private fun findHealthyConnection(
    connectTimeout: Int,
    readTimeout: Int,
    writeTimeout: Int,
    pingIntervalMillis: Int,
    connectionRetryEnabled: Boolean,
    doExtensiveHealthChecks: Boolean
  ): RealConnection {
    while (true) {
      val candidate = findConnection(
          connectTimeout = connectTimeout,
          readTimeout = readTimeout,
          writeTimeout = writeTimeout,
          pingIntervalMillis = pingIntervalMillis,
          connectionRetryEnabled = connectionRetryEnabled

      // Confirm that the connection is good.
      if (candidate.isHealthy(doExtensiveHealthChecks)) {
        return candidate

      // If it isn't, take it out of the pool.

      // Make sure we have some routes left to try. One example where we may exhaust all the routes
      // would happen if we made a new connection and it immediately is detected as unhealthy.
      if (nextRouteToTry != null) continue

      val routesLeft = routeSelection?.hasNext() ?: true
      if (routesLeft) continue

      val routesSelectionLeft = routeSelector?.hasNext() ?: true
      if (routesSelectionLeft) continue

      throw IOException("exhausted all routes")
  private fun findConnection(
    connectTimeout: Int,
    readTimeout: Int,
    writeTimeout: Int,
    pingIntervalMillis: Int,
    connectionRetryEnabled: Boolean
  ): RealConnection {
    if (call.isCanceled()) throw IOException("Canceled")

    // Attempt to reuse the connection from the call.
    val callConnection = call.connection // This may be mutated by releaseConnectionNoEvents()!
    if (callConnection != null) {
      var toClose: Socket? = null
      synchronized(callConnection) {
        if (callConnection.noNewExchanges || !sameHostAndPort(callConnection.route().address.url)) {
          toClose = call.releaseConnectionNoEvents()

      // If the call's connection wasn't released, reuse it. We don't call connectionAcquired() here
      // because we already acquired it.
      if (call.connection != null) {
        check(toClose == null)
        return callConnection

      // The call's connection was released.
      eventListener.connectionReleased(call, callConnection)

    // We need a new connection. Give it fresh stats.
    refusedStreamCount = 0
    connectionShutdownCount = 0
    otherFailureCount = 0

    // Attempt to get a connection from the pool.
    if (connectionPool.callAcquirePooledConnection(address, call, null, false)) {
      val result = call.connection!!
      eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result)
      return result

    // Nothing in the pool. Figure out what route we'll try next.
    val routes: List<Route>?
    val route: Route
    if (nextRouteToTry != null) {
      // Use a route from a preceding coalesced connection.
      routes = null
      route = nextRouteToTry!!
      nextRouteToTry = null
    } else if (routeSelection != null && routeSelection!!.hasNext()) {
      // Use a route from an existing route selection.
      routes = null
      route = routeSelection!!.next()
    } else {
      // Compute a new route selection. This is a blocking operation!
      var localRouteSelector = routeSelector
      if (localRouteSelector == null) {
        localRouteSelector = RouteSelector(address, call.client.routeDatabase, call, eventListener)
        this.routeSelector = localRouteSelector
      val localRouteSelection = localRouteSelector.next()
      routeSelection = localRouteSelection
      routes = localRouteSelection.routes

      if (call.isCanceled()) throw IOException("Canceled")

      // Now that we have a set of IP addresses, make another attempt at getting a connection from
      // the pool. We have a better chance of matching thanks to connection coalescing.
      if (connectionPool.callAcquirePooledConnection(address, call, routes, false)) {
        val result = call.connection!!
        eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result)
        return result

      route = localRouteSelection.next()

    // Connect. Tell the call about the connecting call so async cancels work.
    val newConnection = RealConnection(connectionPool, route)
    call.connectionToCancel = newConnection
    try {
    } finally {
      call.connectionToCancel = null

    // If we raced another call connecting to this host, coalesce the connections. This makes for 3
    // different lookups in the connection pool!
    if (connectionPool.callAcquirePooledConnection(address, call, routes, true)) {
      val result = call.connection!!
      nextRouteToTry = route
      eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, result)
      return result

    synchronized(newConnection) {

    eventListener.connectionAcquired(call, newConnection)
    return newConnection

connectionPool: RealConnectionPool 就是连接池,其实就是一个对象池。

class RealConnectionPool(
  taskRunner: TaskRunner,
  /** The maximum number of idle connections for each address. */
  private val maxIdleConnections: Int,
  keepAliveDuration: Long,
  timeUnit: TimeUnit
) {
private val cleanupTask = object : Task("$okHttpName ConnectionPool") {
    override fun runOnce() = cleanup(System.nanoTime())
  private val connections = ConcurrentLinkedQueue<RealConnection>()
   fun put(connection: RealConnection) {

// ConnectionPool.kt
class ConnectionPool internal constructor(
  internal val delegate: RealConnectionPool
) {
    maxIdleConnections: Int,
    keepAliveDuration: Long,
    timeUnit: TimeUnit
  ) : this(RealConnectionPool(
      taskRunner = TaskRunner.INSTANCE,
      maxIdleConnections = maxIdleConnections,
      keepAliveDuration = keepAliveDuration,
      timeUnit = timeUnit

  constructor() : this(5, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

连接池就是一个装载 RealConnection 的ConcurrentLinkedQueue 队列。

在put方法中,除了往队列中添加 connection,还启动了一个周期性任务 cleanupTask,在任务中调用cleanup(),清除无效连接。
在默认连接池中,最大允许的空闲连接数是 5,连接最大允许的空闲时间 5 分钟。
1、连接池中 连接对象 闲置了多久 超过了 5 分钟没用的连接,就清理掉
2、连接池中 存放了 大量的 空闲连接对象,超过 5个空闲连接,如何清理?
把空闲时间最长的连接一个个清理掉,至少不超过 5 个(LRU思想)

(5)请求服务拦截器 CallServerInterceptor

 * 此拦截器是拦截链中的最后一个拦截器。它负责向服务器发起网络请求。
 * @param forWebSocket 指示此拦截器是否用于 WebSocket 连接
class CallServerInterceptor(private val forWebSocket: Boolean) : Interceptor {

  override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
    // 将传入的 Chain 转换为 RealInterceptorChain,以获取更详细的上下文信息
    val realChain = chain as RealInterceptorChain
    val exchange = realChain.exchange!!
    val request = realChain.request
    val requestBody = request.body
    val sentRequestMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()

    var invokeStartEvent = true
    var responseBuilder: Response.Builder? = null
    var sendRequestException: IOException? = null
    try {
      // 写入请求头到服务器

      if (HttpMethod.permitsRequestBody(request.method) && requestBody != null) {
        // 如果请求方法允许带有请求体,并且请求体不为空,则处理请求体
        if ("100-continue".equals(request.header("Expect"), ignoreCase = true)) {
          // 如果请求头中包含 "Expect: 100-continue",则等待服务器返回 "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue"
          responseBuilder = exchange.readResponseHeaders(expectContinue = true)
          invokeStartEvent = false
        if (responseBuilder == null) {
          if (requestBody.isDuplex()) {
            // 准备一个双工请求体,以便应用程序稍后发送请求体
            val bufferedRequestBody = exchange.createRequestBody(request, true).buffer()
          } else {
            // 如果 "Expect: 100-continue" 的期望已满足,则写入请求体
            val bufferedRequestBody = exchange.createRequestBody(request, false).buffer()
        } else {
          // 如果没有收到 "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" 响应,则不发送请求体
          if (!exchange.connection.isMultiplexed) {
            // 如果 "Expect: 100-continue" 的期望未满足,防止 HTTP/1 连接被重用
      } else {
        // 如果请求方法不允许带有请求体或请求体为空,则不发送请求体

      if (requestBody == null || !requestBody.isDuplex()) {
        // 完成请求发送
    } catch (e: IOException) {
      if (e is ConnectionShutdownException) {
        throw e // 请求未发送,因此没有响应可读取
      if (!exchange.hasFailure) {
        throw e // 请求发送失败,不要尝试读取响应
      sendRequestException = e

    try {
      if (responseBuilder == null) {
        // 读取响应头
        responseBuilder = exchange.readResponseHeaders(expectContinue = false)!!
        if (invokeStartEvent) {
          invokeStartEvent = false
      var response = responseBuilder
      var code = response.code

      if (shouldIgnoreAndWaitForRealResponse(code)) {
        // 如果响应码为 100 或者在 102 到 199 之间,则忽略并等待实际响应
        responseBuilder = exchange.readResponseHeaders(expectContinue = false)!!
        if (invokeStartEvent) {
        response = responseBuilder
        code = response.code

      // 结束响应头读取

      response = if (forWebSocket && code == 101) {
        // 如果是 WebSocket 升级连接,确保拦截器看到非空响应体
      } else {
      if ("close".equals(response.request.header("Connection"), ignoreCase = true) ||
          "close".equals(response.header("Connection"), ignoreCase = true)) {
        // 如果请求或响应头中包含 "Connection: close",则关闭连接
      if ((code == 204 || code == 205) && response.body?.contentLength() ?: -1L > 0L) {
        // 如果响应码为 204 或 205,但响应体长度不为零,则抛出异常
        throw ProtocolException(
            "HTTP $code had non-zero Content-Length: ${response.body?.contentLength()}")
      return response
    } catch (e: IOException) {
      if (sendRequestException != null) {
        throw sendRequestException
      throw e

   * 判断是否应忽略当前响应并等待实际响应。
   * @param code HTTP 响应码
   * @return 如果应忽略当前响应并等待实际响应,则返回 true;否则返回 false
  private fun shouldIgnoreAndWaitForRealResponse(code: Int): Boolean = when {
    // 如果服务器发送了 100-continue,即使我们没有请求它,也应再次尝试读取实际响应状态
    code == 100 -> true

    // 处理 Processing (102) 和 Early Hints (103),以及任何新的 1xx 状态码,但不包括 100 和 101
    code in (102 until 200) -> true

    else -> false

请求头中 Expect 为 100-continue:

  • 使用场景:一般出现于上传大容量请求体或者需要验证。代表了先询问服务器是否愿意接收发送请求体数据。
  • OkHttp 的做法:
    • 如果服务器允许则返回100, 客户端继续发送请求体。
    • 如果服务器不允许则直接返回给用户。
    • 同时服务器也可能会忽略此请求头,一致无法读取应答,此时抛出超时异常。

4. 其它

4.1 OKHttp 如何处理大文件上传和下载?

  • 大文件上传:可以通过 RequestBody 的 create 方法创建流式请求体,避免一次性加载大文件到内存中。
    • 创建 RequestBody,使用 File 或 InputStream 作为数据源,避免一次性加载大文件到内存中。
    • 将 RequestBody 封装到 MultipartBody 中,支持文件上传。
    • 构建 Request 并执行上传。
// 1. 创建文件
File file = new File("path/to/large/file.zip");

// 2. 创建 RequestBody
RequestBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
    .addFormDataPart("file", file.getName(), RequestBody.create(file, MediaType.parse("application/octet-stream")))

// 3. 构建 Request
Request request = new Request.Builder()

// 4. 执行上传
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
    if (response.isSuccessful()) {
        System.out.println("Upload successful!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Upload failed: " + response.code());
  • 大文件下载:可以通过 ResponseBody 的 source 方法获取输入流,逐步写入文件,避免内存溢出。
    • 构建 Request,设置下载 URL。
    • 执行请求并获取 ResponseBody。
    • 使用 BufferedSink 将响应体写入文件。
// 1. 构建 Request
Request request = new Request.Builder()

// 2. 执行下载
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
    if (response.isSuccessful()) {
        // 3. 获取 ResponseBody
        ResponseBody body = response.body();
        if (body != null) {
            // 4. 创建文件输出流
            File file = new File("path/to/save/largefile.zip");
            try (BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.sink(file))) {
                // 5. 将响应体写入文件
            System.out.println("Download successful!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Download failed: " + response.code());
  • 断点续传:通过设置 Range 请求头,下载文件的指定部分。记录已下载的文件大小,从断点处继续下载。
    • 检查本地已下载的文件大小。
    • 设置 Range 请求头,从断点处开始下载。
    • 将下载的数据追加到本地文件中。
// 1. 检查本地文件大小
File file = new File("path/to/save/largefile.zip");
long fileSize = file.exists() ? file.length() : 0;

// 2. 构建 Request,设置 Range 请求头
Request request = new Request.Builder()
    .header("Range", "bytes=" + fileSize + "-") // 从断点处开始下载

// 3. 执行下载
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
    if (response.isSuccessful()) {
        ResponseBody body = response.body();
        if (body != null) {
            // 4. 将下载的数据追加到本地文件
            try (BufferedSink sink = Okio.buffer(Okio.appendingSink(file))) {
            System.out.println("Download successful!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Download failed: " + response.code());
  • 扩展:可以提到 OKHttp 的 ProgressListener 可以用于监控上传和下载的进度。

4.2 OKHttp 如何处理 SSL/TLS?

  • OKHttp 默认支持 SSL/TLS,并且会自动处理证书验证。开发者可以通过 OkHttpClient.Builder 自定义 SSL 配置,例如设置自定义的信任管理器(TrustManager)或证书(X509Certificate)。

  • 扩展: 可以提到 OKHttp 支持 HTTP/2 的 ALPN(应用层协议协商),能够自动选择最佳的协议进行通信。

4.3 OKHttp如何复用TCP连接

  • OKHttp中有一个连接池,连接池就是一个对象池,用了一个 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 缓存所有的有效连接对象,当我们需要一个连接发起请求时,我们先去连接池中查找。
  • 能够满足复用连接的对象,一定是和本次请求的域名、端口、设置的代理、设置的DNS解析等参数一定是相同的,才能复用。
  • 连接池也会去清理垃圾连接。如超过了5分钟没用过的连接,还有超过了5个闲置连接后,从最久闲置的连接开始执行清理

5. 总结





  • IIC通信协议详解与STM32实战指南
  • 如何在Ubuntu上构建编译LLVM和ISPC,以及Ubuntu上ISPC的使用方法
  • Fiora聊天系统本地化部署:Docker搭建与远程在线聊天的实践指南
  • 广告牌倾斜安全监测:保障公共安全的智能化解决方案
  • OpenMCU(三):STM32F103 FreeRTOS移植
  • 【学习笔记】《逆向工程核心原理》03.abex‘crackme-2、函数的调用约定、视频讲座-Tut.ReverseMe1
  • 【LangChain】理论及应用实战(4):Memory
  • 视觉语言模型VLM发展脉络
  • windows第十二章 MFC控件常用消息
  • FANUC机器人几种常用的通讯网络及接口
  • Gone v2 中 Gone-Gin 性能测试报告
  • AUTOSAR_CP_EthernetSwitchDriver
  • 人工智能之数学基础:线性变换及其机器学习领域中的应用
  • Flutter_学习记录_connectivity_plus 检测网络
  • Yashan DB 应用开发
  • Python里matplotlib不显示中文的问题
  • MoonSharp 文档五
  • 前瞻技术:未来生活的新动力与改变
  • spark实验
  • 树与二叉树的遍历