命令 | 注释 |
rasa init | 使用示例训练数据、操作和配置文件创建新项目。 |
rasa train | 使用 NLU 数据和故事训练模型,将训练好的模型保存在 中。./models |
rasa interactive | 启动交互式学习会话,通过与助手聊天来创建新的训练数据。 |
rasa shell | 加载经过训练的模型,并允许您在命令行上与助手交谈。 |
rasa run | 使用已训练的模型启动服务器。 |
rasa run actions | 使用 Rasa SDK 启动操作服务器。 |
rasa visualize | 生成故事的可视化表示形式。 |
rasa test | 在以test_ 开头的任何文件上测试经过训练的 Rasa 模型。 |
rasa data split nlu | 对 NLU 训练数据执行 80/20 拆分。 |
rasa data convert | 在不同格式之间转换训练数据。 |
rasa data migrate | 将 2.0 域迁移到 3.0 格式。 |
rasa data validate | 检查域、NLU 和会话数据是否存在不一致。 |
rasa export | 将对话从跟踪器存储导出到事件代理。 |
rasa evaluate markers | 从现有跟踪器存储中提取标记。 |
rasa -h | 显示所有可用的命令。 |
rasa init
├── actions
│ ├── __init__.py
│ └── actions.py
├── config.yml
├── credentials.yml
├── data
│ ├── nlu.yml
│ └── stories.yml
├── domain.yml
├── endpoints.yml
├── models
│ └── <timestamp>.tar.gz
└── tests
└── test_stories.yml
它会询问您是否要使用此数据训练初始模型。 如果回答“否”,则目录将为空。models
任何默认的 CLI 命令都需要此项目设置,因此这是最好的开始方式。您可以运行rasa train
rasa shell
rasa test
rasa train
该命令可训练 Rasa 模型
下),则仅模型中已更改的部分将被重新训练。例如,如果您编辑您的 NLU 训练数据仅此而已,只会训练 NLU 部分。
如果要单独训练 NLU 或对话模型,可以运行 rasa train nlu
或rasa train core
。如果仅提供其中一个的训练数据 默认情况下,这些rasa train
rasa train
默认情况下,将训练好的模型存储在 定义的目录中。 默认情况下--out
, models/
。如果要以不同的方式命名模型, 您可以使用--fixed-model-name
usage: rasa train [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE]
[--data DATA [DATA ...]] [-c CONFIG] [-d DOMAIN] [--out OUT]
[--dry-run] [--augmentation AUGMENTATION] [--debug-plots]
[--num-threads NUM_THREADS]
[--fixed-model-name FIXED_MODEL_NAME] [--persist-nlu-data]
[--force] [--finetune [FINETUNE]]
[--epoch-fraction EPOCH_FRACTION] [--endpoints ENDPOINTS]
{core,nlu} ...
positional arguments:
core Trains a Rasa Core model using your stories.
nlu Trains a Rasa NLU model using your NLU data.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA [DATA ...]
Paths to the Core and NLU data files. (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
The policy and NLU pipeline configuration of your bot.
(default: config.yml)
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Domain specification. This can be a single YAML file,
or a directory that contains several files with domain
specifications in it. The content of these files will
be read and merged together. (default: domain.yml)
--out OUT Directory where your models should be stored.
(default: models)
--dry-run If enabled, no actual training will be performed.
Instead, it will be determined whether a model should
be re-trained and this information will be printed as
the output. The return code is a 4-bit bitmask that
can also be used to determine what exactly needs to be
retrained: - 0 means that no extensive training is
required (note that the responses still might require
updating by running 'rasa train'). - 1 means the model
needs to be retrained - 8 means the training was
forced (--force argument is specified) (default:
--augmentation AUGMENTATION
How much data augmentation to use during training.
(default: 50)
--debug-plots If enabled, will create plots showing checkpoints and
their connections between story blocks in a file
called `story_blocks_connections.html`. (default:
--num-threads NUM_THREADS
Maximum amount of threads to use when training.
(default: None)
--fixed-model-name FIXED_MODEL_NAME
If set, the name of the model file/directory will be
set to the given name. (default: None)
--persist-nlu-data Persist the NLU training data in the saved model.
(default: False)
--force Force a model training even if the data has not
changed. (default: False)
--finetune [FINETUNE]
Fine-tune a previously trained model. If no model path
is provided, Rasa Open Source will try to finetune the
latest trained model from the model directory
specified via '--out'. (default: None)
--epoch-fraction EPOCH_FRACTION
Fraction of epochs which are currently specified in
the model configuration which should be used when
finetuning a model. (default: None)
--endpoints ENDPOINTS
Configuration file for the connectors as a yml file.
(default: endpoints.yml)
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
-vv, --debug Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
to DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
rasa interactive
这将首先训练模型,然后启动交互式 shell 会话。 然后,您可以在与助手交谈时更正助手的预测。 如果 UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy
The bot wants to run 'action_unlikely_intent' to indicate that the last user message was unexpected
at this point in the conversation. Check out UnexpecTEDIntentPolicy docs to learn more.
如消息所述,这表明您已探索对话路径 根据当前的培训故事集,这是出乎意料的,因此添加了这个 建议使用培训故事的路径。与其他机器人操作一样,您可以选择确认或拒绝运行此操作。
参数提供经过训练的模型,则会跳过训练 并且将改为加载该模型。
在互动学习过程中,Rasa将绘制当前对话 以及来自训练数据的一些类似对话来帮助您 跟踪您的位置。您可以查看可视化效果 在 http://localhost:5005/visualization.html 一旦会话开始。生成此图可能需要一些时间。 要跳过可视化效果,请运行 rasa interactive --skip-visualization
usage: rasa interactive [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE] [--e2e]
[-p PORT] [-m MODEL] [--data DATA [DATA ...]]
[--conversation-id CONVERSATION_ID]
[--endpoints ENDPOINTS] [-c CONFIG] [-d DOMAIN]
[--out OUT] [--augmentation AUGMENTATION]
[--debug-plots] [--finetune [FINETUNE]]
[--epoch-fraction EPOCH_FRACTION] [--force]
{core} ... [model-as-positional-argument]
positional arguments:
core Starts an interactive learning session model to create
new training data for a Rasa Core model by chatting.
Uses the 'RegexMessageHandler', i.e. `/<intent>` input
Path to a trained Rasa model. If a directory is
specified, it will use the latest model in this
directory. (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--e2e Save story files in e2e format. In this format user
messages will be included in the stories. (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to run the server at. (default: 5005)
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Path to a trained Rasa model. If a directory is
specified, it will use the latest model in this
directory. (default: None)
--data DATA [DATA ...]
Paths to the Core and NLU data files. (default:
--skip-visualization Disable plotting the visualization during interactive
learning. (default: False)
--conversation-id CONVERSATION_ID
Specify the id of the conversation the messages are
in. Defaults to a UUID that will be randomly
generated. (default: 875709465b4e42399d8fd60d91038bc1)
--endpoints ENDPOINTS
Configuration file for the model server and the
connectors as a yml file. (default: endpoints.yml)
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
-vv, --debug Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
to DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
Train Arguments:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
The policy and NLU pipeline configuration of your bot.
(default: config.yml)
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
Domain specification. This can be a single YAML file,
or a directory that contains several files with domain
specifications in it. The content of these files will
be read and merged together. (default: domain.yml)
--out OUT Directory where your models should be stored.
(default: models)
--augmentation AUGMENTATION
How much data augmentation to use during training.
(default: 50)
--debug-plots If enabled, will create plots showing checkpoints and
their connections between story blocks in a file
called `story_blocks_connections.html`. (default:
--finetune [FINETUNE]
Fine-tune a previously trained model. If no model path
is provided, Rasa Open Source will try to finetune the
latest trained model from the model directory
specified via '--out'. (default: None)
--epoch-fraction EPOCH_FRACTION
Fraction of epochs which are currently specified in
the model configuration which should be used when
finetuning a model. (default: None)
--force Force a model training even if the data has not
changed. (default: False)
--persist-nlu-data Persist the NLU training data in the saved model.
(default: False)
rasa shell
默认情况下,这将加载最新的训练模型。 您可以使用标志指定要加载的--model
如果使用仅 NLU 模型启动 shell,rasa shell
如果您已经训练了组合的Rasa模型,但只想查看您的模型 从文本中提取为意图和实体,您可以使用命令 rasa shell nlu
rasa shell --debug
以下参数可用于配置命令。 大多数参数与 rasa run
参数将始终设置为 cmdline
运行rasa shell
时 。 这意味着您的凭证文件中的所有凭证都将被忽略, 如果您为--connector
usage: rasa shell [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE]
[--conversation-id CONVERSATION_ID] [-m MODEL]
[--log-file LOG_FILE] [--use-syslog]
[--syslog-address SYSLOG_ADDRESS]
[--syslog-port SYSLOG_PORT]
[--syslog-protocol SYSLOG_PROTOCOL] [--endpoints ENDPOINTS]
[-i INTERFACE] [-p PORT] [-t AUTH_TOKEN] [--cors [CORS ...]]
[--enable-api] [--response-timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT]
[--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
[--remote-storage REMOTE_STORAGE]
[--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE]
[--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE] [--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE]
[--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD] [--credentials CREDENTIALS]
[--connector CONNECTOR] [--jwt-secret JWT_SECRET]
[--jwt-method JWT_METHOD]
[--jwt-private-key JWT_PRIVATE_KEY]
{nlu} ... [model-as-positional-argument]
positional arguments:
nlu Interprets messages on the command line using your NLU
Path to a trained Rasa model. If a directory is
specified, it will use the latest model in this
directory. (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--conversation-id CONVERSATION_ID
Set the conversation ID. (default:
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
Path to a trained Rasa model. If a directory is
specified, it will use the latest model in this
directory. (default: models)
--log-file LOG_FILE Store logs in specified file. (default: None)
--use-syslog Add syslog as a log handler (default: False)
--syslog-address SYSLOG_ADDRESS
Address of the syslog server. --use-sylog flag is
required (default: localhost)
--syslog-port SYSLOG_PORT
Port of the syslog server. --use-sylog flag is
required (default: 514)
--syslog-protocol SYSLOG_PROTOCOL
Protocol used with the syslog server. Can be UDP
(default) or TCP (default: UDP)
--endpoints ENDPOINTS
Configuration file for the model server and the
connectors as a yml file. (default: endpoints.yml)
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
-vv, --debug Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
to DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
Server Settings:
Network interface to run the server on. (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to run the server at. (default: 5005)
-t AUTH_TOKEN, --auth-token AUTH_TOKEN
Enable token based authentication. Requests need to
provide the token to be accepted. (default: None)
--cors [CORS ...] Enable CORS for the passed origin. Use * to whitelist
all origins. (default: None)
--enable-api Start the web server API in addition to the input
channel. (default: False)
--response-timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
Maximum time a response can take to process (sec).
(default: 3600)
--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT
Maximum time a request can take to process (sec).
(default: 300)
--remote-storage REMOTE_STORAGE
Set the remote location where your Rasa model is
stored, e.g. on AWS. (default: None)
--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE
Set the SSL Certificate to create a TLS secured
server. (default: None)
--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
Set the SSL Keyfile to create a TLS secured server.
(default: None)
--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE
If your SSL certificate needs to be verified, you can
specify the CA file using this parameter. (default:
--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD
If your ssl-keyfile is protected by a password, you
can specify it using this paramer. (default: None)
--credentials CREDENTIALS
Authentication credentials for the connector as a yml
file. (default: None)
--connector CONNECTOR
Service to connect to. (default: None)
JWT Authentication:
--jwt-secret JWT_SECRET
Public key for asymmetric JWT methods or shared
secretfor symmetric methods. Please also make sure to
use --jwt-method to select the method of the
signature, otherwise this argument will be
ignored.Note that this key is meant for securing the
HTTP API. (default: None)
--jwt-method JWT_METHOD
Method used for the signature of the JWT
authentication payload. (default: HS256)
--jwt-private-key JWT_PRIVATE_KEY
A private key used for generating web tokens,
dependent upon which hashing algorithm is used. It
must be used together with --jwt-secret for providing
the public key. (default: None)
rasa run
默认情况下,Rasa 服务器使用 HTTP 进行通信。保护与SSL的通信 并在HTTPS上运行服务器,需要提供有效的证书和相应的私钥文件。可以将这些文件指定为rasa run
命令的一部分。 如果您在创建过程中使用密码加密了密钥文件, 您还需要添加--ssl-password
rasa run --ssl-certificate myssl.crt --ssl-keyfile myssl.key --ssl-password mypassword
默认情况下,Rasa 侦听每个可用的网络接口。您可以将其限制为特定的使用命令行选项-i
rasa run -i
默认情况下,Rasa 将连接到凭证文件中指定的所有通道。 要连接到单个通道并忽略凭据文件中的所有其他通道, 在参数中指定通道的--connector
rasa run --connector rest
以下参数可用于配置 Rasa 服务器:
usage: rasa run [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE] [-m MODEL]
[--log-file LOG_FILE] [--use-syslog]
[--syslog-address SYSLOG_ADDRESS] [--syslog-port SYSLOG_PORT]
[--syslog-protocol SYSLOG_PROTOCOL] [--endpoints ENDPOINTS]
[-i INTERFACE] [-p PORT] [-t AUTH_TOKEN] [--cors [CORS ...]]
[--enable-api] [--response-timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT]
[--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT]
[--remote-storage REMOTE_STORAGE]
[--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE]
[--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE] [--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE]
[--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD] [--credentials CREDENTIALS]
[--connector CONNECTOR] [--jwt-secret JWT_SECRET]
[--jwt-method JWT_METHOD] [--jwt-private-key JWT_PRIVATE_KEY]
{actions} ... [model-as-positional-argument]
positional arguments:
actions Runs the action server.
Path to a trained Rasa model. If a directory is
specified, it will use the latest model in this
directory. (default: None)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL, --model MODEL
(default: models)
--log-file LOG_FILE 将日志存储在指定文件中。 (default: None)
--use-syslog Add syslog as a log handler (default: False)
--syslog-address SYSLOG_ADDRESS
Address of the syslog server. --use-sylog flag is
required (default: localhost)
--syslog-port SYSLOG_PORT
Port of the syslog server. --use-sylog flag is
required (default: 514)
--syslog-protocol SYSLOG_PROTOCOL
Protocol used with the syslog server. Can be UDP
(default) or TCP (default: UDP)
--endpoints ENDPOINTS
作为YML文件的模型服务器和连接器的配置文件 (default: endpoints.yml)
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
-vv, --debug Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
to DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
Server Settings:
运行服务器的网络接口. (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT 运行服务器的端口. (default: 5005)
-t AUTH_TOKEN, --auth-token AUTH_TOKEN
启用基于令牌的身份验证。请求需要提供令牌才能接受. (default: None)
--cors [CORS ...] 为传递的原点启用CORS(跨源资源共享)。使用*将所有来源列入白名单。
(default: None)
--enable-api 除输入通道外,还启动Web服务器API. (default: False)
--response-timeout RESPONSE_TIMEOUT
处理响应所需的最长时间 (sec).(default: 3600)
--request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT
处理请求所需的最长时间 (sec).(default: 300)
--remote-storage REMOTE_STORAGE
设置存储您的RASA模型的远程位置,例如在AWS上. (default: None)
--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE
Set the SSL Certificate to create a TLS secured
server. (default: None)
--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
Set the SSL Keyfile to create a TLS secured server.
(default: None)
--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE
If your SSL certificate needs to be verified, you can
specify the CA file using this parameter. (default:
--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD
If your ssl-keyfile is protected by a password, you
can specify it using this paramer. (default: None)
--credentials CREDENTIALS
Authentication credentials for the connector as a yml
file. (default: None)
--connector CONNECTOR
Service to connect to. (default: None)
JWT Authentication:
--jwt-secret JWT_SECRET
Public key for asymmetric JWT methods or shared
secretfor symmetric methods. Please also make sure to
use --jwt-method to select the method of the
signature, otherwise this argument will be
ignored.Note that this key is meant for securing the
HTTP API. (default: None)
--jwt-method JWT_METHOD
Method used for the signature of the JWT
authentication payload. (default: HS256)
--jwt-private-key JWT_PRIVATE_KEY
A private key used for generating web tokens,
dependent upon which hashing algorithm is used. It
must be used together with --jwt-secret for providing
the public key. (default: None)
rasa run actions
使用 Rasa SDK 启动操作服务器
usage: rasa run actions [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE] [-p PORT]
[--cors [CORS ...]] [--actions ACTIONS]
[--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE]
[--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE]
[--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD] [--auto-reload]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PORT, --port PORT 运行服务器的端口 (default: 5055)
--cors [CORS ...] 为传递的原点启用CORS。使用*将原点列入白名单 (default: None)
--actions ACTIONS 要加载的动作包的名称 (default: None)
--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
Set the SSL certificate to create a TLS secured
server. (default: None)
--ssl-certificate SSL_CERTIFICATE
Set the SSL certificate to create a TLS secured
server. (default: None)
--ssl-password SSL_PASSWORD
If your ssl-keyfile is protected by a password, you
can specify it using this paramer. (default: None)
--auto-reload 启用包含操作子类的模块的自动重新加载. (default: False)
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose 要详细。将日志记录级别设置为INFO. (default:None)
-vv, --debug 打印大量调试语句。将日志记录级别设置为DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
rasa visualize
以外的其他位置, 您可以使用标志--stories
usage: rasa visualize [-h] [-v] [-vv] [--quiet]
[--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE] [-d DOMAIN]
[-s STORIES] [--out OUT] [--max-history MAX_HISTORY]
[-u NLU]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
(default: domain.yml)
-s STORIES, --stories STORIES
包含training stories的文件或文件夹.
(default: data)
--out OUT Filename of the output path, e.g. 'graph.html'.
(default: graph.html)
--max-history MAX_HISTORY
合并输出图中的路径时要考虑的最大历史记录. (default: 2)
-u NLU, --nlu NLU 包含NLU数据的文件或文件夹,用于将示例消息插入图表. (default:
Python Logging Options:
You can control level of log messages printed. In addition to these
arguments, a more fine grained configuration can be achieved with
environment variables. See online documentation for more info.
-v, --verbose Be verbose. Sets logging level to INFO. (default:
-vv, --debug Print lots of debugging statements. Sets logging level
to DEBUG. (default: None)
--quiet Be quiet! Sets logging level to WARNING. (default:
--logging-config-file LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE
If set, the name of the logging configuration file
will be set to the given name. (default: None)
rasa test
rasa data split
创建 NLU 训练数据的训练-测试拆分
rasa data convert nlu
rasa data migrate
可以将 2.0 域自动迁移到 3.0 格式。
rasa data validate
验证数据。可以检查域、NLU 数据或故事数据是否存在错误和不一致之处。
rasa export
rasa evaluate markers
应用您在标记配置文件中定义的标记, 到存储在智能设备商店中的预先存在的对话框,并生成包含以下内容的文件.csv