ActiViz.NET 9.2.2023 Crack
适用于 .Net C# 和 Unity 的 3D 可视化库
释放可视化工具包的强大功能,在 C#、.Net 和 Unity 软件中为您的 3D 内容服务。
ActiViz 允许您轻松地将 3D 可视化集成到您的应用程序中。
Kitware 围绕 ActiViz 和 3D 应用程序提供支持和自定义开发
- C#中的3D可视化软件系统
- 允许在 .NET 环境中快速开发生产就绪的交互式 3D 应用程序
- 支持窗口演示基础 (WPF)
- 围绕开源可视化工具包 VTK 构建
- 支持多种可视化算法,包括标量、矢量、张量、纹理和体积方法
- ActiViz 包括高级建模技术,例如隐式建模、多边形缩减、网格平滑、剪切、轮廓绘制和 Delaunay 三角测量
- 可与 Unity 软件集成
ActiViz 9.2 版本实现了重大改进以及与渲染、过滤和 I/O 相关的众多功能,包括:
– 支持从 .NET Framework 4.0 到 .NET 7
的多个 .NET 版本 – 增强了对读取和写入 DICOM 图像
的支持– 使用 OpenXR 远程处理
支持 Hololens 2 – 使用新的散射模型增强了体积渲染
ActiViz 64 是否适用于 Visual Studio?
Visual Studio 是一个 32 位应用程序,因此 64 位控制不起作用,在 Visual Studio 中使用设计器时,您需要 32 位版本的 ActiViz。
使用面向 .NET Core 的 ActiViz 版本时,64 位和 32 位在设计器中都可以正常工作。
ActiViz in Unity
ActiViz enables the integration of the high-performance algorithms, data representation,
scalability, and visualization techniques offered by VTK into the high quality and
convenient environment that Unity provides.
In the following examples, we dispense with the details of the code and project creation.
Rather we provide an eclectic mix of examples demonstrating some of the power of VTK,
including highlighting some code snippets that are relevant to key functionality. The
complete code, in C# and Visual Basic, is available in the installation directory under the
Examples subdirectory.
Important Notes: These examples were written to be simple, clear demonstrations of the
potential of ActiViz .NET. In general less than an hour was spent writing these examples,
and even the Wikipedia browser was completed in well under a day. Thus Kitware does
not claim that these are bulletproof applications meant for industrial application. Further,
there are some specific limitations of which you should be aware:
● If you install the software in the “Program Files” directory (or other privileged
location), then you will have to build the software with admin privileges, or
preferably, copy the examples to a non-privileged location and fix the appropriate
reference paths.
● If you are building with 32-bit ActiViz (Win32 x86) on a Win64 installation of
Windows you must change the "Target CPU" of the project to use x86 as the
target CPU type, not "Any CPU" which is typical. This step is necessary because
unmanaged code specific to the given processor in linked in during the build
process. With the setting “Any CPU”, the system runs the managed code as x64
and expects any unmanaged dlls to be in x64 format.
● The two pre-compiled applications, the Wikipedia Browser and the File Browser,
may experience problems when requests lead to processing large amounts of data.
Please refer to the specific examples for further clarification.
Despite these caveats, VTK is commonly used in applications requiring robust, high-
performance code. However, this requires extra programming safeguards omitted from
these examples for the sake of clarity.