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答疑解惑:EMC VMAX3 MMCS控制台不定期重启原因分析

今天有个朋友咨询他们有一台EMC的VMAX100k设备,其中MMCS2的管理控制台定期重启,但始终无法找到重启原因,稍微花了点时间,帮客户看了下。先说结论,MMCS2确实不定期发生重启,每次reboot都是一样的message信息:The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be  caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. 由于时间很短,问题的根本原因没有找到,但这里把处理问题的思路和用到的一些脚本分享给大家。

首先,客户的反馈是不定期重启,没有一个定量的描述,比如什么时间,有没有规律,发生过什么变更后等。针对这个问题,我们用下面的power shell来检查windows系统的reboot情况:


Windows PowerShell

Copyright (C) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Users\mmcs> Get-EventLog -LogName System | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 41} | Format-Table -AutoSize

Index Time         EntryType Source                         InstanceID Message

----- ----         --------- ------                         ---------- -------

11468 Mar 25 01:26 0         Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power         41 The s...



在 Message 字段中,应该有更详细的错误描述,通常会提到重启的原因。你可以尝试执行以下命令来查看完整的错误消息:

PS C:\Users\mmcs> Get-EventLog -logname system -InstanceId 41 | format-list

Index              : 11468

EntryType          : 0

InstanceId         : 41

Message            : The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down firs

                     t. This error could be caused if the system stopped respon

                     ding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

Category           : (63)

CategoryNumber     : 63

ReplacementStrings : {0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0...}

Source             : Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power

TimeGenerated      : 3/25/2025 1:26:33 AM

TimeWritten        : 3/25/2025 1:26:33 AM

UserName           : NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM




Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 100 | Where-Object { $_.TimeGenerated -lt '3/25/2025 1:26:33 AM' } | Format-Table TimeGenerated, EntryType, Source, EventID, Message -Wrap


# Save this script as Diagnose-Reboot.ps1 and run in PowerShell as Administrator

$report = @()
$now = Get-Date
$header = "===== Windows Unexpected Reboot Diagnostic Report =====`nGenerated at: $now`n===================================================="
$report += $header

# 1. Recent Kernel-Power (Event ID 41) errors
$report += "`n[1] Recent Kernel-Power (Event ID 41) errors:"
$report += Get-EventLog -LogName System -InstanceId 41 -Newest 5 | 
    Select-Object TimeGenerated, Message | Format-List | Out-String

# 2. Recent blue screens or system errors
$report += "`n[2] Recent blue screen or system errors:"
$report += Get-EventLog -LogName System -InstanceId 1001 -Newest 3 | 
    Select-Object TimeGenerated, Message | Format-List | Out-String

# 3. System events within 5 minutes before last Kernel-Power event
$report += "`n[3] System events within 5 minutes before last Kernel-Power event (up to 20 entries):"
$lastKP = Get-EventLog -LogName System -InstanceId 41 -Newest 1
$cutoff = $lastKP.TimeGenerated.AddMinutes(-5)
$report += Get-EventLog -LogName System -After $cutoff -Before $lastKP.TimeGenerated -Newest 20 |
    Select-Object TimeGenerated, Source, EventID, EntryType, Message | Format-List | Out-String

# 4. Recent disk-related errors (Source: Disk)
$report += "`n[4] Recent disk-related errors (Source: Disk):"
$report += Get-EventLog -LogName System | Where-Object { $_.Source -eq "Disk" } | 
    Select-Object -First 5 TimeGenerated, Message | Format-List | Out-String

# 5. Current power plan configuration
$report += "`n[5] Power plan configuration (current plan):"
$report += powercfg /query | Out-String

# 6. System file check suggestion
$report += "`n[6] Suggested command: Run 'sfc /scannow' to check system file integrity"

# 7. Memory diagnostic suggestion
$report += "`n[7] Suggested tool: Run 'mdsched.exe' to perform Windows Memory Diagnostic"

# Output report
$path = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Reboot-Diag-Report.txt"
$report | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 -FilePath $path
Write-Output "Report generated: $path"
在powershell下运行这个脚本就可以在桌面自动生成一个叫做 Reboot-Diag_report.txt的文件,把一些有价值的信息直接输出到这文档中,便于分析查看。也可以发给我们来帮忙分析,添加vx: StorageExpert。

写到最后,其实EMC VMAX MMCS不定期重启无外乎就是软件或者硬件,从我们上面的检查来看,没有明确的硬件问题,再结合message的信息内容,就是The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be  caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly。首先lost power这个可以排除,剩下的就是系统停止响应了,系统crash了。再结合MMCS,可以推测由于破解了系统,导致部分后台进程有问题,所以出现 stopped responding,crashed,还有和对端MMCS的communication没有了,或者长时间timeout等,都有可能导致windows系统重启。如果需要进一步分析,可以从service crash 或者application crash的event入手去查看。当然,这个需要花费大量的时间和精力。最简单的处理方式就是直接更换一个MMCS,硬件问题和软件问题一起解决了。



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