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datafilecopy header validation failure for file +DATA/orcl/datafile/file1.ora

linux 6.8
oracle rac 未打补丁


datafilecopy header validation failure for file +DATA/orcl/datafile/file1.ora

用rman的backup as copy 对数据文件进行了copy或者叫位置更改时候,在sqlplus中对文件名进行了rename,这个只是更新了v$datafile,而
v$datafile_copy中还未更新,正确的方式是使用rman的switch datafile all命令进行更改。


1. Confirm the name of the current datafiles:

RMAN>report schema;

2. Confirm the name of the datafile copies (this will show the SAME list of datafiles):

RMAN>list copy of database;

3. Remove the datafilecopy entries from the rman repository (this will NOT remove the physical
files but simply update the rman repository):

RMAN>change datafilecopy <key> uncatalog;

You can get <key> value from the list copy of database output - do this for every datafile
that is 'duplicated' in the list copy output.

4. Confirm that the copies have been removed:

RMAN>list copy of database;



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