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Movie review —— The Imitation Game

        It's a biography of Alan Turing. Since my major is about computer science, I have heard and read his story for many times.

        The movie goes with three lines —— school time,war time and post-war time.But the main things I want to share is not about the content.

        As I get more and more high education and reading or think more deeply, I find it's hard to behave like someone in our parents's generation. I mean I will find lots of things they do that make no meaning or happiness to me. I have tried to feel but fail.Even I have tried to find happiness from games or sexy movies, I find they brought no happiness or satisfaction.Talking with the strangers online just kills time not generates happiness.

        There are several things I will do the following days. Running, watching English movies, words memorizing,AI-Tech-Videos in bilibili,Paper reading and codes revising.Other things have tried, and no longer attract me anymore. Why not do something that gives you satisfaction.

        Alan Turing is a outstanding one. He focus on his problems and thoughts. Focus is what I need.

        The main influence of this movie on me is showing me what a excellent man behave like.

        Oh,I almost forget.Runing is Alan Turing's main hobby. I like running, too. Cost nothing, but bring lots satisfaction and benefits.



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