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Go语言现代web开发07 map字典

Maps are complex data types used to store key-value pairs. Each key can appear only once on the map and can be used to find the value paired with that key. The default value for the map is nil. A nil map has no keys and keys cannot be added.


Function make() will create and initialize a map of the given type. The key type is defined between square brackets and the value type is defined at the end. The returned map will be empty. This statement will create and initialize the map with a string key and string value.


var countryMap = make(map[string]string)

Without make() function, the var statement will define a nil map which will be more or less useless.


The following operations can be executed on maps:

  • Insert and update elements
  • Get element
  • Test if the key is present


  • 插入和更新元素
  • 获取元素
  • 测试是否存在密钥
countryMap["fr"] = "France"
country = countryMap["fr"]
delete(countryMap, "fr")
country, ok = countryMap["fr"]

If the key is in the map, the value true will be assigned to variable ok and the elements value will be assigned to country, otherwise, the value false will be assigned to variable ok and nill will be assigned to country.


The following example shows map creation and usage of described operations:

var countryMap = make(map[string]string)
countryMap["fr"] = "France"
country := countryMap["fr"]
fmt.Println("Country in map is:", country)

delete(countryMap, "fr")

if _, ok := countryMap["fr"]; ok {
    fmt.Println("Country is still in map")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Country is not in map")

In the code is sucessfully executed, the following output will be displayed.


Country in map is: France
Country is not in map

If we use integers for keys, they don’t have to be in order (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 …). For example, if we have a map that represents the basketball team (five players), we can use shirt numbers as keys, and player names as values. It is a regular situation that we use these keys: 3, 9, 10, 12, 32. If we need ordered keys, maybe map is not a good solution for our problem and we should use a slice instead.




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