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3.metagpt中的软件公司智能体 (Architect 角色)


  • 基础流程
    • 1. WriteDesign 动作类
    • 2. Architect 角色类
    • 3. 流程说明:
    • 4. Mermaid图:
    • 总结:
  • 代码
    • 1. WriteDesign类
    • 2. Architect角色
    • 3. 上下文,即数据结构
    • 4. 数据准备
    • 4. 初次编写
    • 5. 重写



1. WriteDesign 动作类



  • name:动作的名称(此处为空字符串)。
  • i_context:一个可选的上下文,描述执行此动作时的相关背景。
  • desc:描述该动作的目的,即基于PRD文档,设计相应的系统API、数据结构、库表、流程和路径。

run 方法:这是主要的执行方法,负责处理文件变更,调用相关方法来更新系统设计文档。

  • 它使用 git status 检查哪些PRD文档和系统设计文档已经发生更改。
  • 对于已更改的PRD和设计文档,调用 _update_system_design 方法来生成或更新设计文档。

_new_system_design 方法:创建一个新的系统设计文档。根据PRD内容,通过 DESIGN_API_NODE 生成新的设计节点。

_merge 方法:如果已有的系统设计文档存在,使用PRD文档和现有设计文档进行合并,并更新设计内容。

_update_system_design 方法:更新系统设计文档。如果系统设计文档不存在,则生成新的设计。如果已有设计,则与PRD文档合并并保存。

  • 还会调用 _save_data_api_design_save_seq_flow 方法分别保存数据API设计和流程图。

_save_data_api_design 方法:从系统设计文档中提取数据结构和接口部分,并保存为Mermaid图文件。

_save_seq_flow 方法:从系统设计文档中提取程序调用流程部分,并保存为Mermaid图文件。

_save_mermaid_file 方法:将Mermaid格式的数据保存为文件,用于图表渲染。

2. Architect 角色类

目的:Architect 类表示软件开发过程中的架构师角色。架构师的主要职责是设计系统架构,确保架构简单、可用且符合需求。


  • name:架构师的名称(默认为 “Bob”)。
  • profile:角色简介,默认为 “Architect”。
  • goal:架构师的目标,即设计一个简洁、可用、完整的软件系统。
  • constraints:设计系统时的约束条件,如使用适当的开源库,确保架构简单,并使用与用户需求一致的语言。

init 方法

  • 初始化架构师角色并将 WriteDesign 动作关联到架构师角色上,使得架构师可以执行设计相关的动作。
  • 设置架构师关注的事件或动作,通常是与PRD写作相关的 WritePRD。

3. 流程说明:

该系统依赖于版本控制工具(如 Git)来检查哪些文档发生了变化。

  • 对于发生变化的PRD和系统设计文档,系统会生成或更新设计文档。
  • 生成的设计文档会包括数据结构、API设计、调用流程等信息,并以Mermaid格式保存为图表文件。

4. Mermaid图:

Mermaid 是一种用于创建图表和流程图的标记语言。代码中涉及将数据结构和程序调用流程转化为Mermaid格式,然后保存为图形文件。这些图形文件有助于清晰地展示系统设计和流程。




1. WriteDesign类

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from metagpt.actions import Action, ActionOutput
from metagpt.actions.design_api_an import (
from metagpt.logs import logger
from metagpt.schema import Document, Documents, Message
from metagpt.utils.mermaid import mermaid_to_file

### Legacy Content

### New Requirements

class WriteDesign(Action):
    name: str = ""
    i_context: Optional[str] = None
    desc: str = (
        "Based on the PRD, think about the system design, and design the corresponding APIs, "
        "data structures, library tables, processes, and paths. Please provide your design, feedback "
        "clearly and in detail."

    async def run(self, with_messages: Message, schema: str = None):
        # Use `git status` to identify which PRD documents have been modified in the `docs/prd` directory.
        changed_prds = self.repo.docs.prd.changed_files
        # Use `git status` to identify which design documents in the `docs/system_designs` directory have undergone
        # changes.
        changed_system_designs = self.repo.docs.system_design.changed_files

        # For those PRDs and design documents that have undergone changes, regenerate the design content.
        changed_files = Documents()
        for filename in changed_prds.keys():
            doc = await self._update_system_design(filename=filename)
            changed_files.docs[filename] = doc

        for filename in changed_system_designs.keys():
            if filename in changed_files.docs:
            doc = await self._update_system_design(filename=filename)
            changed_files.docs[filename] = doc
        if not changed_files.docs:
            logger.info("Nothing has changed.")
        # Wait until all files under `docs/system_designs/` are processed before sending the publish message,
        # leaving room for global optimization in subsequent steps.
        return ActionOutput(content=changed_files.model_dump_json(), instruct_content=changed_files)

    async def _new_system_design(self, context):
        node = await DESIGN_API_NODE.fill(context=context, llm=self.llm)
        return node

    async def _merge(self, prd_doc, system_design_doc):
        context = NEW_REQ_TEMPLATE.format(old_design=system_design_doc.content, context=prd_doc.content)
        node = await REFINED_DESIGN_NODE.fill(context=context, llm=self.llm)
        system_design_doc.content = node.instruct_content.model_dump_json()
        return system_design_doc

    async def _update_system_design(self, filename) -> Document:
        prd = await self.repo.docs.prd.get(filename)
        old_system_design_doc = await self.repo.docs.system_design.get(filename)
        if not old_system_design_doc:
            system_design = await self._new_system_design(context=prd.content)
            doc = await self.repo.docs.system_design.save(
            doc = await self._merge(prd_doc=prd, system_design_doc=old_system_design_doc)
            print(f"doc:\n \n {doc}")
            await self.repo.docs.system_design.save_doc(doc=doc, dependencies={prd.root_relative_path})
        await self._save_data_api_design(doc)
        await self._save_seq_flow(doc)
        await self.repo.resources.system_design.save_pdf(doc=doc)
        return doc

    async def _save_data_api_design(self, design_doc):
        m = json.loads(design_doc.content)
        if not data_api_design:
        pathname = self.repo.workdir / DATA_API_DESIGN_FILE_REPO / Path(design_doc.filename).with_suffix("")
        await self._save_mermaid_file(data_api_design, pathname)
        logger.info(f"Save class view to {str(pathname)}")

    async def _save_seq_flow(self, design_doc):
        m = json.loads(design_doc.content)
        seq_flow = m.get(PROGRAM_CALL_FLOW.key) or m.get(REFINED_PROGRAM_CALL_FLOW.key)
        if not seq_flow:
        pathname = self.repo.workdir / Path(SEQ_FLOW_FILE_REPO) / Path(design_doc.filename).with_suffix("")
        await self._save_mermaid_file(seq_flow, pathname)
        logger.info(f"Saving sequence flow to {str(pathname)}")

    async def _save_mermaid_file(self, data: str, pathname: Path):
        pathname.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        await mermaid_to_file(self.config.mermaid.engine, data, pathname)

2024-12-17 21:19:18.952 | INFO     | metagpt.const:get_metagpt_package_root:21 - Package root set to d:\llm\metagpt

2. Architect角色

from metagpt.actions import WritePRD
from metagpt.roles.role import Role

class Architect(Role):
    Represents an Architect role in a software development process.

        name (str): Name of the architect.
        profile (str): Role profile, default is 'Architect'.
        goal (str): Primary goal or responsibility of the architect.
        constraints (str): Constraints or guidelines for the architect.

    name: str = "Bob"
    profile: str = "Architect"
    goal: str = "design a concise, usable, complete software system"
    constraints: str = (
        "make sure the architecture is simple enough and use  appropriate open source "
        "libraries. Use same language as user requirement"

    def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
        # Initialize actions specific to the Architect role

        # Set events or actions the Architect should watch or be aware of

3. 上下文,即数据结构

from metagpt.const import DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_ROOT
from metagpt.utils.git_repository import GitRepository
from metagpt.utils.project_repo import ProjectRepo
from metagpt.context import Context
import uuid

ctx = Context()
ctx.git_repo = GitRepository(local_path=DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_ROOT / f"unittest/{uuid.uuid4().hex}")
ctx.repo = ProjectRepo(ctx.git_repo)

4. 数据准备

from metagpt.utils.common import any_to_str, awrite

PRDS_FILE_REPO = "docs/prd"

PRD = {
	"Language": "en_us",
	"Programming Language": "Python",
	"Original Requirements": "开发一个贪吃蛇游戏",
	"Project Name": "snake_game",
	"Product Goals": ["Create an engaging and intuitive user experience", "Ensure the game is scalable and performs well on various devices", "Implement a high-quality UI/UX design"],
	"User Stories": ["As a player, I want to easily navigate the game controls to play the game", "As a player, I want to see my score and high scores displayed clearly on the screen", "As a player, I want the ability to pause and resume the game at any time", "As a player, I want to have the option to restart the game from the beginning", "As a player, I want the game to be visually appealing and responsive on different screen sizes"],
	"Competitive Analysis": ["Snake Game A: Basic gameplay, lacks advanced features and customization", "Snake Game B: Offers a variety of themes and power-ups, but can be slow on older devices", "Snake Game C: Features a simple and clean UI, but lacks multiplayer functionality"],
	"Competitive Quadrant Chart": "quadrantChart\n    title \"Performance and User Engagement\"\n    x-axis \"Low Performance\" --> \"High Performance\"\n    y-axis \"Low Engagement\" --> \"High Engagement\"\n    quadrant-1 \"We should expand\"\n    quadrant-2 \"Need to promote\"\n    quadrant-3 \"Re-evaluate\"\n    quadrant-4 \"May be improved\"\n    \"Game A\": [0.2, 0.4]\n    \"Game B\": [0.5, 0.6]\n    \"Game C\": [0.3, 0.5]\n    \"Our Target Product\": [0.7, 0.7]",
	"Requirement Analysis": "The game should be designed to be accessible to players of all skill levels, with a focus on ease of use and a high-quality visual experience. The game should also be optimized for performance on a range of devices, from low-end to high-end.",
	"Requirement Pool": [
		["P0", "Develop the core gameplay logic for the snake movement and food generation"],
		["P0", "Implement a user-friendly interface with clear score tracking and game controls"],
		["P1", "Add features such as pause, resume, and restart functionality"],
		["P1", "Optimize the game for performance on various devices"],
		["P2", "Design and implement a high-quality UI/UX"]
	"UI Design draft": "A simple and intuitive UI with a clear score display, easy-to-use controls, and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.",
	"Anything UNCLEAR": "It is unclear whether there are specific design preferences or branding requirements for the game."

filename = uuid.uuid4().hex + ".json"

json_data = json.dumps(PRD, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
await awrite(ctx.repo.workdir / PRDS_FILE_REPO / filename, data=f"{json_data}")

4. 初次编写

role = Architect(context=ctx)
rsp = await role.run(with_message=Message(content="", cause_by=WritePRD))
assert len(rsp.content) > 0
assert rsp.cause_by == any_to_str(WriteDesign)
2024-12-17 21:19:23.687 | INFO     | metagpt.roles.role:_act:403 - Bob(Architect): to do WriteDesign(WriteDesign)

## context
    "Language": "en_us",
    "Programming Language": "Python",
    "Original Requirements": "开发一个贪吃蛇游戏",
    "Project Name": "snake_game",
    "Product Goals": [
        "Create an engaging and intuitive user experience",
        "Ensure the game is scalable and performs well on various devices",
        "Implement a high-quality UI/UX design"
    "User Stories": [
        "As a player, I want to easily navigate the game controls to play the game",
        "As a player, I want to see my score and high scores displayed clearly on the screen",
        "As a player, I want the ability to pause and resume the game at any time",
        "As a player, I want to have the option to restart the game from the beginning",
        "As a player, I want the game to be visually appealing and responsive on different screen sizes"
    "Competitive Analysis": [
        "Snake Game A: Basic gameplay, lacks advanced features and customization",
        "Snake Game B: Offers a variety of themes and power-ups, but can be slow on older devices",
        "Snake Game C: Features a simple and clean UI, but lacks multiplayer functionality"
    "Competitive Quadrant Chart": "quadrantChart\n    title \"Performance and User Engagement\"\n    x-axis \"Low Performance\" --> \"High Performance\"\n    y-axis \"Low Engagement\" --> \"High Engagement\"\n    quadrant-1 \"We should expand\"\n    quadrant-2 \"Need to promote\"\n    quadrant-3 \"Re-evaluate\"\n    quadrant-4 \"May be improved\"\n    \"Game A\": [0.2, 0.4]\n    \"Game B\": [0.5, 0.6]\n    \"Game C\": [0.3, 0.5]\n    \"Our Target Product\": [0.7, 0.7]",
    "Requirement Analysis": "The game should be designed to be accessible to players of all skill levels, with a focus on ease of use and a high-quality visual experience. The game should also be optimized for performance on a range of devices, from low-end to high-end.",
    "Requirement Pool": [
            "Develop the core gameplay logic for the snake movement and food generation"
            "Implement a user-friendly interface with clear score tracking and game controls"
            "Add features such as pause, resume, and restart functionality"
            "Optimize the game for performance on various devices"
            "Design and implement a high-quality UI/UX"
    "UI Design draft": "A simple and intuitive UI with a clear score display, easy-to-use controls, and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "It is unclear whether there are specific design preferences or branding requirements for the game."


## format example
    "Implementation approach": "We will ...",
    "File list": [
    "Data structures and interfaces": "\nclassDiagram\n    class Main {\n        -SearchEngine search_engine\n        +main() str\n    }\n    class SearchEngine {\n        -Index index\n        -Ranking ranking\n        -Summary summary\n        +search(query: str) str\n    }\n    class Index {\n        -KnowledgeBase knowledge_base\n        +create_index(data: dict)\n        +query_index(query: str) list\n    }\n    class Ranking {\n        +rank_results(results: list) list\n    }\n    class Summary {\n        +summarize_results(results: list) str\n    }\n    class KnowledgeBase {\n        +update(data: dict)\n        +fetch_data(query: str) dict\n    }\n    Main --> SearchEngine\n    SearchEngine --> Index\n    SearchEngine --> Ranking\n    SearchEngine --> Summary\n    Index --> KnowledgeBase\n",
    "Program call flow": "\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant SE as SearchEngine\n    participant I as Index\n    participant R as Ranking\n    participant S as Summary\n    participant KB as KnowledgeBase\n    M->>SE: search(query)\n    SE->>I: query_index(query)\n    I->>KB: fetch_data(query)\n    KB-->>I: return data\n    I-->>SE: return results\n    SE->>R: rank_results(results)\n    R-->>SE: return ranked_results\n    SE->>S: summarize_results(ranked_results)\n    S-->>SE: return summary\n    SE-->>M: return summary\n",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "Clarification needed on third-party API integration, ..."

## nodes: "<node>: <type>  # <instruction>"
- Implementation approach: <class 'str'>  # Analyze the difficult points of the requirements, select the appropriate open-source framework
- File list: typing.List[str]  # Only need relative paths. ALWAYS write a main.py or app.py here
- Data structures and interfaces: typing.Optional[str]  # Use mermaid classDiagram code syntax, including classes, method(__init__ etc.) and functions with type annotations, CLEARLY MARK the RELATIONSHIPS between classes, and comply with PEP8 standards. The data structures SHOULD BE VERY DETAILED and the API should be comprehensive with a complete design.
- Program call flow: typing.Optional[str]  # Use sequenceDiagram code syntax, COMPLETE and VERY DETAILED, using CLASSES AND API DEFINED ABOVE accurately, covering the CRUD AND INIT of each object, SYNTAX MUST BE CORRECT.
- Anything UNCLEAR: <class 'str'>  # Mention unclear project aspects, then try to clarify it.

## constraint
Language: Please use the same language as Human INPUT.
Format: output wrapped inside [CONTENT][/CONTENT] like format example, nothing else.

## action
Follow instructions of nodes, generate output and make sure it follows the format example.

    "Implementation approach": "To create a concise, usable, and complete software system for the snake_game, we will use Python with the following open-source libraries: Pygame for game development, Flask for a simple web server if we want to deploy it online, and Pillow for image handling. The architecture will be modular, separating the game logic, UI/UX design, and server-side code to ensure scalability and maintainability.",
    "File list": [
    "Data structures and interfaces": "\nclassDiagram\n    class Game {\n        -score int\n        -game_over bool\n        +start_game() void\n        +update_game() void\n        +handle_input() void\n        +render() void\n    }\n    class UI {\n        -score_display str\n        -high_score_display str\n        +update_score(score: int) void\n        +update_high_score(high_score: int) void\n        +render_ui() void\n    }\n    class Server {\n        -game_state dict\n        +start_server() void\n        +handle_client_requests() void\n        +send_game_state() void\n    }\n    Game --> UI\n    Server --> Game\n",
    "Program call flow": "\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant G as Game\n    participant U as UI\n    participant S as Server\n    M->>G: start_game()\n    G->>U: update_score(score)\n    G->>U: update_high_score(high_score)\n    G->>U: render_ui()\n    M->>S: start_server()\n    S->>G: handle_client_requests()\n    G->>S: send_game_state()\n",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "It is unclear whether the game should be a standalone application or a web-based game. If it is a web-based game, we need to decide on the front-end technology to use."

2024-12-17 21:19:36.449 | WARNING  | metagpt.utils.cost_manager:update_cost:49 - Model GLM-4-flash not found in TOKEN_COSTS.
2024-12-17 21:19:36.466 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:57 - save to: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\docs\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json
2024-12-17 21:19:36.474 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:62 - update dependency: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\docs\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json:{'docs\\prd\\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json'}
2024-12-17 21:19:36.474 | INFO     | __main__:_save_data_api_design:97 - Save class view to D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\data_api_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee
2024-12-17 21:19:36.480 | INFO     | __main__:_save_seq_flow:106 - Saving sequence flow to D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\seq_flow\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee
2024-12-17 21:19:36.482 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:57 - save to: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.md
2024-12-17 21:19:36.483 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:3 - Bob(Architect): {'docs': {'84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json': {'root_path': 'docs\\system_design', 'filename': '84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json', 'content': '{"Implementation approach":"To create a concise, usable, and complete software system for the snake_game, we will use Python with the following open-source libraries: Pygame for game development, Flask for a simple web server if we want to deploy it online, and Pillow for image handling. The architecture will be modular, separating the game logic, UI/UX design, and server-side code to ensure scalability and maintainability.","File list":["main.py","game.py","ui.py","server.py"],"Data structures and interfaces":"\\nclassDiagram\\n    class Game {\\n        -score int\\n        -game_over bool\\n        +start_game() void\\n        +update_game() void\\n        +handle_input() void\\n        +render() void\\n    }\\n    class UI {\\n        -score_display str\\n        -high_score_display str\\n        +update_score(score: int) void\\n        +update_high_score(high_score: int) void\\n        +render_ui() void\\n    }\\n    class Server {\\n        -game_state dict\\n        +start_server() void\\n        +handle_client_requests() void\\n        +send_game_state() void\\n    }\\n    Game --> UI\\n    Server --> Game\\n","Program call flow":"\\nsequenceDiagram\\n    participant M as Main\\n    participant G as Game\\n    participant U as UI\\n    participant S as Server\\n    M->>G: start_game()\\n    G->>U: update_score(score)\\n    G->>U: update_high_score(high_score)\\n    G->>U: render_ui()\\n    M->>S: start_server()\\n    S->>G: handle_client_requests()\\n    G->>S: send_game_state()\\n","Anything UNCLEAR":"It is unclear whether the game should be a standalone application or a web-based game. If it is a web-based game, we need to decide on the front-end technology to use."}'}}}


5. 重写

# test update
rsp = await role.run(with_message=Message(content="", cause_by=WritePRD))
assert rsp
assert rsp.cause_by == any_to_str(WriteDesign)
assert len(rsp.content) > 0
2024-12-17 21:19:36.502 | INFO     | metagpt.roles.role:_act:403 - Bob(Architect): to do WriteDesign(WriteDesign)

## context

### Legacy Content
{"Implementation approach":"To create a concise, usable, and complete software system for the snake_game, we will use Python with the following open-source libraries: Pygame for game development, Flask for a simple web server if we want to deploy it online, and Pillow for image handling. The architecture will be modular, separating the game logic, UI/UX design, and server-side code to ensure scalability and maintainability.","File list":["main.py","game.py","ui.py","server.py"],"Data structures and interfaces":"\nclassDiagram\n    class Game {\n        -score int\n        -game_over bool\n        +start_game() void\n        +update_game() void\n        +handle_input() void\n        +render() void\n    }\n    class UI {\n        -score_display str\n        -high_score_display str\n        +update_score(score: int) void\n        +update_high_score(high_score: int) void\n        +render_ui() void\n    }\n    class Server {\n        -game_state dict\n        +start_server() void\n        +handle_client_requests() void\n        +send_game_state() void\n    }\n    Game --> UI\n    Server --> Game\n","Program call flow":"\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant G as Game\n    participant U as UI\n    participant S as Server\n    M->>G: start_game()\n    G->>U: update_score(score)\n    G->>U: update_high_score(high_score)\n    G->>U: render_ui()\n    M->>S: start_server()\n    S->>G: handle_client_requests()\n    G->>S: send_game_state()\n","Anything UNCLEAR":"It is unclear whether the game should be a standalone application or a web-based game. If it is a web-based game, we need to decide on the front-end technology to use."}

### New Requirements
    "Language": "en_us",
    "Programming Language": "Python",
    "Original Requirements": "开发一个贪吃蛇游戏",
    "Project Name": "snake_game",
    "Product Goals": [
        "Create an engaging and intuitive user experience",
        "Ensure the game is scalable and performs well on various devices",
        "Implement a high-quality UI/UX design"
    "User Stories": [
        "As a player, I want to easily navigate the game controls to play the game",
        "As a player, I want to see my score and high scores displayed clearly on the screen",
        "As a player, I want the ability to pause and resume the game at any time",
        "As a player, I want to have the option to restart the game from the beginning",
        "As a player, I want the game to be visually appealing and responsive on different screen sizes"
    "Competitive Analysis": [
        "Snake Game A: Basic gameplay, lacks advanced features and customization",
        "Snake Game B: Offers a variety of themes and power-ups, but can be slow on older devices",
        "Snake Game C: Features a simple and clean UI, but lacks multiplayer functionality"
    "Competitive Quadrant Chart": "quadrantChart\n    title \"Performance and User Engagement\"\n    x-axis \"Low Performance\" --> \"High Performance\"\n    y-axis \"Low Engagement\" --> \"High Engagement\"\n    quadrant-1 \"We should expand\"\n    quadrant-2 \"Need to promote\"\n    quadrant-3 \"Re-evaluate\"\n    quadrant-4 \"May be improved\"\n    \"Game A\": [0.2, 0.4]\n    \"Game B\": [0.5, 0.6]\n    \"Game C\": [0.3, 0.5]\n    \"Our Target Product\": [0.7, 0.7]",
    "Requirement Analysis": "The game should be designed to be accessible to players of all skill levels, with a focus on ease of use and a high-quality visual experience. The game should also be optimized for performance on a range of devices, from low-end to high-end.",
    "Requirement Pool": [
            "Develop the core gameplay logic for the snake movement and food generation"
            "Implement a user-friendly interface with clear score tracking and game controls"
            "Add features such as pause, resume, and restart functionality"
            "Optimize the game for performance on various devices"
            "Design and implement a high-quality UI/UX"
    "UI Design draft": "A simple and intuitive UI with a clear score display, easy-to-use controls, and a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes.",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "It is unclear whether there are specific design preferences or branding requirements for the game."


## format example
    "Refined Implementation Approach": "We will refine ...",
    "Refined File list": [
    "Refined Data structures and interfaces": "\nclassDiagram\n    class Main {\n        -SearchEngine search_engine\n        +main() str\n    }\n    class SearchEngine {\n        -Index index\n        -Ranking ranking\n        -Summary summary\n        +search(query: str) str\n    }\n    class Index {\n        -KnowledgeBase knowledge_base\n        +create_index(data: dict)\n        +query_index(query: str) list\n    }\n    class Ranking {\n        +rank_results(results: list) list\n    }\n    class Summary {\n        +summarize_results(results: list) str\n    }\n    class KnowledgeBase {\n        +update(data: dict)\n        +fetch_data(query: str) dict\n    }\n    Main --> SearchEngine\n    SearchEngine --> Index\n    SearchEngine --> Ranking\n    SearchEngine --> Summary\n    Index --> KnowledgeBase\n",
    "Refined Program call flow": "\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant SE as SearchEngine\n    participant I as Index\n    participant R as Ranking\n    participant S as Summary\n    participant KB as KnowledgeBase\n    M->>SE: search(query)\n    SE->>I: query_index(query)\n    I->>KB: fetch_data(query)\n    KB-->>I: return data\n    I-->>SE: return results\n    SE->>R: rank_results(results)\n    R-->>SE: return ranked_results\n    SE->>S: summarize_results(ranked_results)\n    S-->>SE: return summary\n    SE-->>M: return summary\n",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "Clarification needed on third-party API integration, ..."

## nodes: "<node>: <type>  # <instruction>"
- Refined Implementation Approach: <class 'str'>  # Update and extend the original implementation approach to reflect the evolving challenges and requirements due to incremental development. Outline the steps involved in the implementation process with the detailed strategies.
- Refined File list: typing.List[str]  # Update and expand the original file list including only relative paths. Up to 2 files can be added.Ensure that the refined file list reflects the evolving structure of the project. No explain at the output.
- Refined Data structures and interfaces: <class 'str'>  # Update and extend the existing mermaid classDiagram code syntax to incorporate new classes, methods (including __init__), and functions with precise type annotations. Delineate additional relationships between classes, ensuring clarity and adherence to PEP8 standards.Retain content that is not related to incremental development but important for consistency and clarity.
- Refined Program call flow: <class 'str'>  # Extend the existing sequenceDiagram code syntax with detailed information, accurately covering theCRUD and initialization of each object. Ensure correct syntax usage and reflect the incremental changes introducedin the classes and API defined above. Retain content that is not related to incremental development but important for consistency and clarity.
- Anything UNCLEAR: <class 'str'>  # Mention unclear project aspects, then try to clarify it.

## constraint
Language: Please use the same language as Human INPUT.
Format: output wrapped inside [CONTENT][/CONTENT] like format example, nothing else.

## action
Follow instructions of nodes, generate output and make sure it follows the format example.

    "Refined Implementation Approach": "To address the evolving requirements and challenges, we will adopt an incremental development approach. The initial implementation will focus on the core gameplay logic and a basic UI. Subsequent iterations will add features like pause, resume, and restart functionality, and optimize performance for various devices. We will use Pygame for game development, Flask for the web server, and Pillow for image handling. The architecture will be modular, with clear separation of concerns to ensure scalability and maintainability. We will follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern to organize the codebase. The following steps will be taken:\n1. Define the core game logic in the Game class.\n2. Implement the UI/UX design in the UI class, ensuring responsiveness and clarity.\n3. Develop the server-side code in the Server class for potential online deployment.\n4. Integrate the UI and game logic through the Main class.\n5. Perform performance optimization and cross-device testing.\n6. Implement additional features as per the requirement pool.",
    "Refined File list": [
    "Refined Data structures and interfaces": "\nclassDiagram\n    class Game {\n        -score int\n        -game_over bool\n        -paused bool\n        +__init__() void\n        +start_game() void\n        +update_game() void\n        +handle_input() void\n        +render() void\n        +pause_game() void\n        +resume_game() void\n        +restart_game() void\n    }\n    class UI {\n        -score_display str\n        -high_score_display str\n        +__init__(game: Game) void\n        +update_score(score: int) void\n        +update_high_score(high_score: int) void\n        +render_ui() void\n        +pause_ui() void\n        +resume_ui() void\n        +restart_ui() void\n    }\n    class Server {\n        -game_state dict\n        +__init__(game: Game) void\n        +start_server() void\n        +handle_client_requests() void\n        +send_game_state() void\n    }\n    Game --> UI\n    Server --> Game\n    UI --> Server\n    ",
    "Refined Program call flow": "\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant G as Game\n    participant U as UI\n    participant S as Server\n    M->>G: start_game()\n    G->>U: update_score(score)\n    G->>U: update_high_score(high_score)\n    G->>U: render_ui()\n    M->>S: start_server()\n    S->>G: handle_client_requests()\n    G->>S: send_game_state()\n    U->>G: pause_game()\n    U->>G: resume_game()\n    U->>G: restart_game()\n    ",
    "Anything UNCLEAR": "It is unclear whether the game should support multiplayer functionality and, if so, the specifics of the multiplayer mode. Additionally, the branding and theming of the game need to be defined."

2024-12-17 21:19:57.097 | WARNING  | metagpt.utils.cost_manager:update_cost:49 - Model GLM-4-flash not found in TOKEN_COSTS.
2024-12-17 21:19:57.112 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:57 - save to: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\docs\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json
2024-12-17 21:19:57.113 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:62 - update dependency: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\docs\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json:{'docs\\prd\\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.json'}
2024-12-17 21:19:57.113 | INFO     | __main__:_save_data_api_design:97 - Save class view to D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\data_api_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee
2024-12-17 21:19:57.113 | INFO     | __main__:_save_seq_flow:106 - Saving sequence flow to D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\seq_flow\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee
2024-12-17 21:19:57.123 | INFO     | metagpt.utils.file_repository:save:57 - save to: D:\llm\MetaGPT\workspace\unittest\b63fdda8667f45cfa7cfa9616800510a\resources\system_design\84bd9e60e30643ed8e854b7c08a167ee.md

 {"Refined Implementation Approach":"To address the evolving requirements and challenges, we will adopt an incremental development approach. The initial implementation will focus on the core gameplay logic and a basic UI. Subsequent iterations will add features like pause, resume, and restart functionality, and optimize performance for various devices. We will use Pygame for game development, Flask for the web server, and Pillow for image handling. The architecture will be modular, with clear separation of concerns to ensure scalability and maintainability. We will follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern to organize the codebase. The following steps will be taken:\n1. Define the core game logic in the Game class.\n2. Implement the UI/UX design in the UI class, ensuring responsiveness and clarity.\n3. Develop the server-side code in the Server class for potential online deployment.\n4. Integrate the UI and game logic through the Main class.\n5. Perform performance optimization and cross-device testing.\n6. Implement additional features as per the requirement pool.","Refined File list":["main.py","game.py","ui.py","server.py","game_logic.py"],"Refined Data structures and interfaces":"\nclassDiagram\n    class Game {\n        -score int\n        -game_over bool\n        -paused bool\n        +__init__() void\n        +start_game() void\n        +update_game() void\n        +handle_input() void\n        +render() void\n        +pause_game() void\n        +resume_game() void\n        +restart_game() void\n    }\n    class UI {\n        -score_display str\n        -high_score_display str\n        +__init__(game: Game) void\n        +update_score(score: int) void\n        +update_high_score(high_score: int) void\n        +render_ui() void\n        +pause_ui() void\n        +resume_ui() void\n        +restart_ui() void\n    }\n    class Server {\n        -game_state dict\n        +__init__(game: Game) void\n        +start_server() void\n        +handle_client_requests() void\n        +send_game_state() void\n    }\n    Game --> UI\n    Server --> Game\n    UI --> Server\n    ","Refined Program call flow":"\nsequenceDiagram\n    participant M as Main\n    participant G as Game\n    participant U as UI\n    participant S as Server\n    M->>G: start_game()\n    G->>U: update_score(score)\n    G->>U: update_high_score(high_score)\n    G->>U: render_ui()\n    M->>S: start_server()\n    S->>G: handle_client_requests()\n    G->>S: send_game_state()\n    U->>G: pause_game()\n    U->>G: resume_game()\n    U->>G: restart_game()\n    ","Anything UNCLEAR":"It is unclear whether the game should support multiplayer functionality and, if so, the specifics of the multiplayer mode. Additionally, the branding and theming of the game need to be defined."}




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