LaTeXChecker:使用 Python 实现以主 TEX 文件作为输入的 LaTeX 检查和统计工具
使用 Python 实现以主 TEX 文件作为输入的 LaTeX 检查和统计工具,适用于包括但不限于一稿多模板的复杂排版方式,工具以只读模式运行。
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import os
from sys import argv, executable, exit
from re import findall
from time import sleep
PLATFORM = __import__("platform").system().upper()
CLEAR_SCREEN_COMMAND = ("CLS" if PLATFORM == "WINDOWS" else "clear") if __import__("sys").stdin.isatty() else None
STARTUP_COMMAND_FORMAT = "START \"\" \"{0}\" \"{1}\" \"{2}\"" if PLATFORM == "WINDOWS" else "\"{0}\" \"{1}\" \"{2}\"&"
class DebugLevel:
defaultCharacter = "?"
defaultName = "*"
defaultSymbol = "[?]"
defaultValue = 0
def __init__(self:object, d:dict) -> object:
self.character = d["character"] if "character" in d else DebugLevel.defaultCharacter = d["name"] if "name" in d else DebugLevel.defaultName
self.symbol = d["symbol"] if "symbol" in d else DebugLevel.defaultSymbol
self.value = d["value"] if "value" in d else DebugLevel.defaultValue
def __eq__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value == other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value == other
return False
def __ne__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value != other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value != other
return True
def __lt__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value < other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value < other
raise TypeError("TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of '{0}' and '{1}'".format(type(self), type(other)))
def __le__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value <= other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value <= other
raise TypeError("TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of '{0}' and '{1}'".format(type(self), type(other)))
def __gt__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value > other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value > other
raise TypeError("TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of '{0}' and '{1}'".format(type(self), type(other)))
def __ge__(self:object, other:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, DebugLevel):
return self.value >= other.value
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.value >= other
raise TypeError("TypeError: '>=' not supported between instances of '{0}' and '{1}'".format(type(self), type(other)))
def __bool__(self:object) -> bool:
return bool(self.value)
def __int__(self:object) -> int:
return self.value
def __str__(self:object) -> str:
return str(self.symbol)
Prompt = DebugLevel({"character":"P", "name":"Prompt", "symbol":"[P]", "value":100})
Fatal = DebugLevel({"character":"F", "name":"Fatal", "symbol":"[F]", "value":60})
Critical = DebugLevel({"character":"C", "name":"Critical", "symbol":"[C]", "value":50})
Error = DebugLevel({"character":"E", "name":"Error", "symbol":"[E]", "value":40})
Warning = DebugLevel({"character":"W", "name":"Warning", "symbol":"[W]", "value":30})
Info = DebugLevel({"character":"I", "name":"Info", "symbol":"[I]", "value":20})
Debug = DebugLevel({"character":"D", "name":"Debug", "symbol":"[D]", "value":10})
class PointerNode:
def __init__(self:object, filePath:str, parentPointerNode:object = None) -> object:
self.__filePath = os.path.abspath(str(filePath).replace("\"", "")) # must be an absolute path since __eq__ needs to use it
self.__lineIdx = 0 # the initialization value
self.__charIdx = -1 # the initialization value
self.__parentPointerNode = parentPointerNode if isinstance(parentPointerNode, PointerNode) else None
self.__children = None # initialization flag
self.__lines = None # initialization flag
def __getTxt(self:object, filePath:str, index:int = 0) -> str: # get .txt content
coding = ("utf-8", "gbk", "utf-16") # codings
if 0 <= index < len(coding): # in the range
with open(filePath, "r", encoding = coding[index]) as f:
content =
return content[1:] if content.startswith("\ufeff") else content # if utf-8 with BOM, remove BOM
except (UnicodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return self.__getTxt(filePath, index + 1) # recursion
return None
return None # out of range
def initialize(self:object) -> bool:
content = self.__getTxt(self.__filePath)
if content is None:
self.__lines = None # avoid re-initialization
self.__children = None # avoid re-initialization
return False
elif content:
self.__lines = content.splitlines()
self.__children = []
return True
self.__lines = [""]
self.__children = []
return True
def isInitialized(self:object) -> bool:
return isinstance(self.__lines, list) and isinstance(self.__children, list)
def hasNextChar(self:object) -> bool: # only just the status of the current pointer node
return 0 <= self.__lineIdx < len(self.__lines) and 0 <= self.__charIdx + 1 < len(self.__lines[self.__lineIdx]) if self.isInitialized() else None
def nextChar(self:object) -> bool:
bRet = self.hasNextChar() # judge if it is initialized and if there is a following character
if bRet:
self.__charIdx += 1 # increse the character count
return bRet
def hasNextLine(self:object) -> bool: # only just the status of the current pointer node
return self.__lineIdx + 1 < len(self.__lines) if self.isInitialized() else None
def nextLine(self:object) -> bool:
bRet = self.hasNextLine() # judge if it is initialized and if there is a following line
if bRet:
self.__lineIdx += 1 # increase the line count
self.__charIdx = -1 # reset the char index
return bRet
def isEOF(self:object) -> bool:
return self.__lineIdx + 1 == len(self.__lines) and self.__charIdx >= 0 and self.__charIdx + 1 == len(self.__lines[self.__lineIdx]) if self.isInitialized() else None
def getCurrentChar(self:object) -> str:
return self.__lines[self.__lineIdx][self.__charIdx] if self.isInitialized() and self.__lineIdx < len(self.__lines) and 0 <= self.__charIdx < len(self.__lines[self.__lineIdx]) else None
def getNextChar(self:object) -> str:
return self.__lines[self.__lineIdx][self.__charIdx + 1] if self.hasNextChar() else None
def getCurrentLine(self:object) -> str:
return self.__lines[self.__lineIdx] if self.isInitialized() and self.__lineIdx < len(self.__lines) else None
def getRemainingChars(self:object) -> str:
return self.__lines[self.__lineIdx][self.__charIdx + 1:] if self.isInitialized() and self.__lineIdx < len(self.__lines) else None
def addChildPointerNode(self:object, pointerNode:object) -> bool:
if isinstance(pointerNode, PointerNode) and pointerNode.isInitialized():
return True
return False
def getFilePath(self:object) -> str:
return self.__filePath if self.isInitialized() else None
def getCurrentLocation(self:object) -> tuple:
return (self.__filePath, self.__lineIdx, self.__charIdx)
def getChildren(self:object, isReversed:bool = False) -> list:
return (self.__children[::-1] if isReversed else self.__children[::]) if self.isInitialized() else None
def __eq__(self:object, obj:str|object) -> bool:
return isinstance(obj, PointerNode) and self.__filePath.lower() == obj.__filePath.lower() or isinstance(obj, str) and self.__filePath.lower() == obj.lower()
return isinstance(obj, PointerNode) and self.__filePath == obj.__filePath or isinstance(obj, str) and self.__filePath == obj
class Pointer:
def __init__(self:object, rootFilePath:str) -> object:
absRootFilePath = os.path.abspath(str(rootFilePath).replace("\"", ""))
self.__pointerNodeStack = [] # stack (stack[0] is the root) # initialization flag
self.__pointerNodeStack.append(PointerNode(absRootFilePath)) # write separately to avoid the absence of this attribute caused by exceptions in PointerNode
self.__currentPointerNode = None # initialization flag
self.__baseFolderPath = os.path.split(absRootFilePath)[0]
self.__lastError = "Currently, there are no errors. "
def initialize(self:object) -> bool:
if self.__pointerNodeStack and self.__pointerNodeStack[0].initialize():
self.__currentPointerNode = self.__pointerNodeStack[0]
return True
self.__pointerNodeStack = [self.__pointerNodeStack[0]] if self.__pointerNodeStack else [] # avoid re-initialization
self.__currentPointerNode = None # avoid re-initialization
return False
def isInitialized(self:object) -> bool:
return bool(self.__pointerNodeStack) and isinstance(self.__currentPointerNode, PointerNode)
def hasNextChar(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = True) -> bool: # in the current line including "1\input{2}3"
if self.isInitialized():
if self.__currentPointerNode.hasNextChar():
return True
elif isinstance(fileSwitch, bool) and fileSwitch:
for i in range(len(self.__pointerNodeStack) - 1, -1, -1): # check the parents constantly
if self.__pointerNodeStack[i].hasNextChar():
return True
elif not self.__pointerNodeStack[i].isEOF(): # there is a following line but there is not a following character
return False
return False # no following characters are followed / all the opened files report EOF
return None # not initialized
def nextChar(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = True) -> bool:
bRet = self.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch) # judge if it is initialized and if there is a following character in the current line
if bRet:
while len(self.__pointerNodeStack) > 1: # no need to consider the switch again; keep the main file in the stack
if self.__pointerNodeStack[-1].nextChar():
return True
elif not self.__pointerNodeStack[-1].isEOF(): # there is a following line but there is not a following character
return False
self.__currentPointerNode = self.__pointerNodeStack[-1] # move the pointer
if self.__pointerNodeStack[0].nextChar(): # all the opened non-main files report EOF
return True
return False # the main file
return bRet
def hasNextLine(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = True) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized():
if self.__currentPointerNode.hasNextLine():
return True
for i in range(len(self.__pointerNodeStack) - 1, -1, -1): # check the parents constantly
if self.__pointerNodeStack[i].hasNextLine():
return True
return False # all the opened files report EOF
return None # not initialized
def nextLine(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = True) -> bool:
bRet = self.hasNextLine() # judge if it is initialized and if there is a following line
if bRet:
while len(self.__pointerNodeStack) > 1: # keep the main file in the stack
if self.__pointerNodeStack[-1].nextLine():
return True
self.__currentPointerNode = self.__pointerNodeStack[-1] # move the pointer
if self.__pointerNodeStack[0].nextLine(): # all the opened non-main files report the end of lines
return True
return False # the main file
return bRet
def getCurrentChar(self:object) -> str:
return self.__currentPointerNode.getCurrentChar() if self.isInitialized() else None
def getNextChar(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = True) -> str:
bRet = self.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch) # judge if it is initialized and if there is a following character in the current line
if bRet:
for i in range(len(self.__pointerNodeStack) - 1, -1, -1): # check the parents constantly
if self.__pointerNodeStack[i].hasNextChar():
return self.__pointerNodeStack[i].getNextChar()
return None # all the opened files report EOF
return bRet
def getCurrentLine(self:object) -> str:
return self.__currentPointerNode.getCurrentLine() if self.isInitialized() else None
def getRemainingCharactersInTheCurrentLineOfTheCurrentFile(self:object) -> str:
return self.__currentPointerNode.getRemainingChars() if self.isInitialized() else None
def getCurrentLocation(self:object) -> tuple:
if self.isInitialized():
tp = self.__currentPointerNode.getCurrentLocation()
return (os.path.relpath(str(tp[0]), self.__baseFolderPath), tp[1], tp[2]) if isinstance(tp, tuple) else None
return None
def getCurrentLocationDescription(self:object) -> str:
tp = self.getCurrentLocation()
return ("Char {0}, Line {1}, File \"{2}\"".format(tp[2], tp[1] + 1, tp[0]) if tp[2] >= 0 else "Line {1}, File \"{2}\"".format(tp[2], tp[1] + 1, tp[0])) if isinstance(tp, tuple) else None
def addPointerNode(self:object, filePath:str, canCallAgain:bool = True) -> bool:
if not self.isInitialized():
self.__lastError = "The instance of ``Pointer`` has not been initialized. "
return False
elif not isinstance(filePath, str):
self.__lastError = "The passed file path is not a string. "
return False
elif not isinstance(canCallAgain, bool):
self.__lastError = "The flag for calling the pointer node adding method function is unclear. "
return False
strippedFilePath = filePath.replace("\"", "").strip()
absFilePath = os.path.abspath(strippedFilePath if os.path.isabs(strippedFilePath) else os.path.join(self.__baseFolderPath, strippedFilePath))
if absFilePath in self.__pointerNodeStack:
self.__lastError = "The file \"{0}\" has been in the stack for resolving. Please check and make sure that there are no recursive calls. ".format(absFilePath).replace("\\", "\\\\")
return False
pointerNode = PointerNode(absFilePath, parentPointerNode = self.__currentPointerNode)
if pointerNode.initialize() and self.__currentPointerNode.addChildPointerNode(pointerNode):
self.__currentPointerNode = pointerNode
self.__lastError = "Currently, there are no errors. "
return True
elif canCallAgain and not strippedFilePath.endswith(".bib") and not strippedFilePath.endswith(".tex"): # call again for the ``.tex`` extension added
return self.addPointerNode(strippedFilePath + ".tex", False)
self.__lastError = "Failed to initialize the call to \"{0}\". ".format(absFilePath).replace("\\", "\\\\")
return False
def getLastError(self:object) -> str:
return self.__lastError
def getTree(self:object, indentationSymbol:str = "\t", indentationCount:int = 0) -> str:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(indentationSymbol, str) and "\r" not in indentationSymbol and "\n" not in indentationSymbol and isinstance(indentationCount, int) and indentationCount >= 0:
stack = [(self.__pointerNodeStack[0], 0)]
res = []
while stack:
node, level = stack.pop()
if node.isInitialized():
res.append("{0}{1}".format(str(indentationSymbol) * level, os.path.relpath(node.getFilePath(), self.__baseFolderPath)))
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
return "\n".join(res)
return None
class StructureNode:
def __init__(self:object, header:str = "", parent:object = None) -> object:
self.__header = header if isinstance(header, str) else ""
self.__footer = ""
self.__type = None # initialization flag
self.__descriptor = None
self.__children = None # initialization flag
self.__media = None # initialization flag
self.__parent = parent if isinstance(parent, StructureNode) else None
def initialize(self:object) -> bool:
if self.__header:
if "Root" == self.__header:
self.__type = "Root"
self.__descriptor = None
elif self.__header.startswith("\\begin{") and self.__header.endswith("}"):
self.__type = "Environment"
self.__descriptor = self.__header[7:-1] # cannot compile "\\begin{ equation }" in LaTeX
elif self.__header.startswith("\\documentclass"):
self.__type = "DocumentClass"
self.__descriptor = None
elif ( \
( \
self.__header.startswith("\\section{") or self.__header.startswith("\\section*{") \
or self.__header.startswith("\\subsection{") or self.__header.startswith("\\subsection*{") \
or self.__header.startswith("\\subsubsection{") or self.__header.startswith("\\subsubsection*{") \
) \
and self.__header.endswith("}") \
self.__type = "S" + self.__header[2:self.__header.index("{")]
self.__descriptor = self.__header[self.__header.index("{") + 1:-1].strip()
elif self.__header in ("$", "$$", "\\(", "\\["):
self.__type = "Equation"
self.__descriptor = self.__header
self.__type = None # avoid re-initialization
self.__children = None # avoid re-initialization
return False
self.__children = []
self.__media = {}
return True
self.__type = None # avoid re-initialization
self.__children = None # avoid re-initialization
self.__media = None # avoid re-initialization
return False
def isInitialized(self:object) -> bool:
return isinstance(self.__type, str) and isinstance(self.__children, list) and isinstance(self.__media, dict)
def addChildStructureNode(self:object, structureNode:object) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(structureNode, StructureNode):
return True
return None
def isFooterAccepted(self:object, footer:str) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(footer, str):
if "Root" == footer or footer.startswith("\\documentclass"):
return self.__type in ("DocumentClass", "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*")
elif "\\begin{thebibliography}" == footer:
return self.__type in ("Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*")
elif "\\end{document}" == footer:
return self.__type in ("Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*") or "Environment" == self.__type and "document" == self.__descriptor
elif footer.startswith("\\end{") and footer.endswith("}"):
return (
"Environment" == self.__type and footer[5:-1] == self.__descriptor
or "document" == footer[5:-1] and self.__type in ("Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*")
elif (footer.startswith("\\section{") or footer.startswith("\\section*{") or footer.startswith("\\subsection{") or footer.startswith("\\subsection*{") or footer.startswith("\\subsubsection") or footer.startswith("\\subsubsection*")) and footer.endswith("}"):
if self.__type in ("Section", "Section*"):
return footer.startswith("\\section{") or footer.startswith("\\section*{") # only "\\section" and "\\section*" are allowed
elif self.__type in ("Subsection", "Subsection*"):
return footer.startswith("\\section{") or footer.startswith("\\section*{") or footer.startswith("\\subsection{") or footer.startswith("\\subsection*{") # >=
elif self.__type in ("Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*"):
return True # all the three are accepted
return False
elif footer in ("$", "$$"):
return "Equation" == self.__type and footer == self.__descriptor
elif "\\)" == footer:
return "Equation" == self.__type and "\\(" == self.__descriptor
elif "\\]" == footer:
return "Equation" == self.__type and "\\[" == self.__descriptor
else: # Root etc.
return False
return None
def setFooter(self:object, footer:str) -> bool:
bRet = self.isFooterAccepted(footer)
if bRet and self.__header not in ("DocumentClass", "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsubsection"): # the "documentclass" and section-like structures do not require footnotes
self.__footer = footer
return bRet
def addPlainText(self:object, strings:str = "") -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(strings, str):
if self.__children and isinstance(self.__children[-1], str): # the last node is a string
self.__children[-1] += strings
else: # create a new string
return None
def addMedia(self:object, mediumType:str) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(mediumType, str):
self.__media.setdefault(mediumType, 0)
self.__media[mediumType] += 1
return True
return None
def getType(self:object) -> str:
return self.__type # return None if it is None
def getDescriptor(self:object) -> str|None:
return self.__descriptor # return None if it is None
def getMedia(self:object, mediumType:str|tuple|list|None = None) -> int|tuple:
if self.isInitialized():
if mediumType is None:
return tuple(self.__media.items())
elif isinstance(mediumType, str):
return self.__media[mediumType] if mediumType in self.__media else 0
elif isinstance(mediumType, tuple):
return tuple((self.__media[m] if m in self.__media else 0) for m in mediumType if isinstance(m, str))
elif isinstance(mediumType, list):
return [(self.__media[m] if m in self.__media else 0) for m in mediumType if isinstance(m, str)]
return None
return None
def getChildren(self:object, isReversed:bool = False) -> list:
return (self.__children[::-1] if isReversed else self.__children[::]) if self.isInitialized() else None
def getParent(self:object) -> object:
return self.__parent
def __str__(self:object) -> str:
return "{0}".format(self.__type) if self.__descriptor is None else "{0}({1})".format(self.__type, self.__descriptor)
class Structure:
def __init__(self:object) -> object:
self.__rootStructureNode = None # initialization flag
self.__currentStructureNode = None # initialization flag
def initialize(self:object) -> bool:
self.__rootStructureNode = StructureNode("Root")
if self.__rootStructureNode.initialize():
self.__currentStructureNode = self.__rootStructureNode
return True
self.__rootStructureNode = None # avoid re-initialization
self.__currentStructureNode = None # avoid re-initialization
return False
def isInitialized(self:object) -> bool:
return isinstance(self.__rootStructureNode, StructureNode) and isinstance(self.__currentStructureNode, StructureNode)
def addPlainText(self:object, strings:str = "") -> bool:
return self.__currentStructureNode.addPlainText(strings) if self.isInitialized() else None
def addMedia(self:object, mediumType:str) -> bool:
if isinstance(mediumType, str):
bRet = True
pStructureNode = self.__currentStructureNode
while pStructureNode != self.__rootStructureNode:
bRet = pStructureNode.addMedia(mediumType) and bRet
pStructureNode = pStructureNode.getParent()
bRet = pStructureNode.addMedia(mediumType) and bRet # the root
return bRet
return False
def addStructureNode(self:object, header:str) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(header, str):
while ( \
( \
( \
header.startswith("\\documentclass") or header.startswith("\\section{") or header.startswith("\\section*{") \
or header.startswith("\\subsection{") or header.startswith("\\subsection*{") \
or header.startswith("\\subsubsection{") or header.startswith("\\subsubsection*{") \
) \
and header.endswith("}") or "\\begin{thebibliography}" == header \
) and self.__currentStructureNode.isFooterAccepted(header) \
): # go back to the parent node if the footer is accepted
self.__currentStructureNode = self.__currentStructureNode.getParent()
structureNode = StructureNode(header = header, parent = self.__currentStructureNode)
if structureNode.initialize() and self.__currentStructureNode.addChildStructureNode(structureNode):
self.__currentStructureNode = structureNode
return True
return False
return None
def canLeaveCurrentStructureNode(self:object, footer:str) -> bool:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(footer, str):
return self.__currentStructureNode != self.__rootStructureNode and self.__currentStructureNode.isFooterAccepted(footer)
return None
def leaveCurrentStructureNode(self:object, footer:str = "", leavingQueue:list = []) -> bool:
if isinstance(leavingQueue, list):
return None
bRet = self.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode(footer)
if bRet:
if footer == "\\end{document}":
while self.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode(footer):
self.__currentStructureNode = self.__currentStructureNode.getParent()
self.__currentStructureNode = self.__currentStructureNode.getParent()
return bRet
def getCurrentStructureNodeDescription(self:object) -> str:
return str(self.__currentStructureNode) if self.isInitialized() else None
def endStructure(self:object) -> bool:
while self.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode("Root"):
return self.__currentStructureNode == self.__rootStructureNode
def getMedia(self:object, mediumType:str|tuple|list|None = None, indentationSymbol:str = "\t", indentationCount:int = 0) -> str:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(mediumType, (str, tuple, list, None)) and isinstance(indentationSymbol, str) and "\r" not in indentationSymbol and "\n" not in indentationSymbol and isinstance(indentationCount, int) and indentationCount >= 0:
stack = [(self.__rootStructureNode, indentationCount)]
res = []
while stack:
node, level = stack.pop()
if isinstance(node, StructureNode) and node.isInitialized():
r = node.getMedia(mediumType)
if isinstance(r, int) and r >= 1: # pruning
res.append("{0}{1} -> {2}".format(indentationSymbol * level, node, r))
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
return "\n".join(res)
return None
def getTree(self:object, mode:str = "A", indentationSymbol:str = "\t", indentationCount:int = 0) -> str:
if self.isInitialized() and isinstance(mode, str) and mode in ("A", "B", "D") and isinstance(indentationSymbol, str) and "\r" not in indentationSymbol and "\n" not in indentationSymbol and isinstance(indentationCount, int) and indentationCount >= 0:
stack = [(self.__rootStructureNode, indentationCount)]
res = []
if "D" == mode:
while stack:
node, level = stack.pop()
if isinstance(node, str): # also shows the text
res.append("{0}Text({1})".format(indentationSymbol * level, len(node)))
elif node.isInitialized():
res.append("{0}{1}".format(indentationSymbol * level, node))
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
elif "B" == mode:
while stack:
node, level = stack.pop() # only shows some necessary items
if isinstance(node, StructureNode) and node.isInitialized() and node.getType() in ("Root", "DocumentClass", "Environment", "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*"):
res.append("{0}{1}".format(indentationSymbol * level, node))
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
while stack:
node, level = stack.pop()
if isinstance(node, StructureNode) and node.isInitialized():
nodeType = node.getType()
if nodeType in ("Root", "DocumentClass", "Section", "Section*", "Subsection", "Subsection*", "Subsubsection", "Subsubsection*"):
res.append("{0}{1}".format(indentationSymbol * level, nodeType)) # only shows the type
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
elif "Environment" == nodeType:
res.append("{0}{1}".format(indentationSymbol * level, node.getDescriptor())) # only shows the descriptor
stack.extend([(n, level + 1) for n in node.getChildren(isReversed = True)])
return "\n".join(res)
return None
class Checker:
def __init__(self:object, mainTexPath:str = None, debugLevel:DebugLevel|int = Debug) -> object:
self.__mainTexPath = os.path.abspath(mainTexPath.replace("\"", "")) if isinstance(mainTexPath, str) else None # transfer to the absolute path
self.__pointer = None
self.__structure = None
self.__definitions = {}
self.__labels = {}
self.__citations = {}
if isinstance(debugLevel, DebugLevel):
self.__debugLevel = debugLevel
self.__debugLevel = DebugLevel({"value":int(debugLevel)})
self.__debugLevel = Debug
self.__print("The debug level specified is invalid. It is defaulted to {0} ({1}). ".format(, self.__debugLevel.value), Warning)
self.__flag = False
def __print(self:object, strings:str|object, debugLevel:DebugLevel = Info, indentationSymbol:str = "\t", indentationCount:int = 0) -> bool:
if isinstance(debugLevel, DebugLevel) and isinstance(indentationSymbol, str) and isinstance(indentationCount, int):
if debugLevel >= self.__debugLevel:
print("\n".join(["{0} {1}{2}".format(debugLevel, (indentationSymbol * indentationCount if indentationCount >= 1 else ""), string) for string in str(strings).split("\n")]))
return True
except: # avoid exceptions in __str__
return None
return False
return None
def __input(self:object, strings:str, indentationSymbol:str = "\t", indentationCount:int = 0) -> str:
return input("\n".join(["{0} {1}{2}".format(Prompt, (indentationSymbol * indentationCount if isinstance(indentationSymbol, str) and isinstance(indentationCount, int) and indentationCount >= 1 else ""), string) for string in str(strings).splitlines()]))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print() # print an empty line
self.__print("The input process was interrupted by users. None will be returned as the default value. ", Warning)
return None
except BaseException as e:
self.__print("The input process was interrupted by the following exceptions. ", Error)
self.__print(e, Error, indentationCount = 1)
return None
def __skipSpaces(self:object, lineSwitch:bool = True) -> bool:
if isinstance(lineSwitch, bool):
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in (" ", "\t"): # skip spaces in the current line
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False): # remaining non-space characters exist
return True
elif lineSwitch: # allow a line separator
if self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in (" ", "\t"): # skip spaces in the following line
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
return True
self.__print("There should be only at most a line between the command definition command and the command but there are two more at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("While scanning the command, the file reports an EOF signal at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("There should be non-space characters at the end of the line at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return None
def __fetchBraces(self:object, fileSwitch:bool = False) -> str:
if not isinstance(fileSwitch, bool) or not self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
return (False, "")
if "{" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
layer, mainBody = 1, "{"
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
mainBody += ch
if "\\" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
mainBody += self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
mainBody += "\n"
self.__print("A missing \"}\" is detected when scanning the main body at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "{" == ch:
layer += 1
elif "}" == ch:
layer -= 1
if 0 == layer:
elif "%" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
self.__print("There are not following lines after the \"%\" symbol at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
mainBody += "\n"
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported during scanning the main body at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return (False, mainBody)
return (True, mainBody)
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = fileSwitch)
return (True, self.__pointer.getCurrentChar())
def __convertEscaped(self:object, string:str) -> str:
if isinstance(string, str):
vec = list(string)
d = {"\\":"\\\\", "\"":"\\\"", "\'":"\\\'", "\a":"\\a", "\b":"\\b", "\f":"\\f", "\n":"\\n", "\r":"\\r", "\t":"\\t", "\v":"\\v"}
for i, ch in enumerate(vec):
if ch in d:
vec[i] = d[ch]
elif not ch.isprintable():
vec[i] = "\\x" + hex(ord(ch))[2:]
return "".join(vec)
return str(string)
def __handleBibTeX(self:object) -> bool:
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and "@" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
# Citation #
line = self.__pointer.getCurrentLine()
if "{" in line and "," in line:
citation = line[line.index("{") + 1:line.index(",")]
self.__print("A line starting with \"@\" contains unexpected citation information at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
if self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
continue # stop reading citation content and operating the dict
self.__pointer.nextLine() # will switch to the parent pointer
return True
# Citation Content #
citationContent = ""
while self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and "}" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
citationContent = citationContent[:-1] # remove the last "\n"
citationContent += self.__pointer.getCurrentLine().strip() + "\n"
# Handle Dict #
if citation in self.__citations:
if self.__citations[citation][0] is None:
self.__citations[citation][0] = citationContent
elif isinstance(self.__citations[citation][0], list):
self.__print( \
"The citation \"{0}\" has already been defined {1} but is defined again at {2}. ".format( \
self.__convertEscaped(citation), "twice" if 2 == length else "for {0} times".format(length), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Warning \
self.__citations[citation][0] = [self.__citations[citation][0], citationContent]
self.__print("The citation \"{0}\" has already existed but is defined again at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(citation), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
self.__citations[citation] = [citationContent, 0] # [citationContent, citeCount]
self.__print("A new citation \"{0}\" is added by BibTeX at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(citation), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Debug)
if self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
self.__pointer.nextLine() # will switch to the parent pointer
return True
def __resolve(self:object) -> bool:
self.__pointer = Pointer(self.__mainTexPath)
self.__structure = Structure()
self.__flag = False
if not self.__pointer.initialize():
self.__print("Failed to initialize the main tex file. Please check if the file can be read. ", Error)
return False
if not self.__structure.initialize():
self.__print("Failed to initialize the root structure node. ", Error)
return False
buffer = "" # can also use a flag to control the buffer like {0:"plainTextBuffer", 1:"commandBuffer", 2:"mandatoryArgumentBuffer", 3:"optionalArguementBuffer"}
stack = [] # indicate the layer of {}
isLeftPart = True # indicate the "$" or "$$" got is the left part or not
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(): # if there is a character following the current character in this line
self.__pointer.nextChar() # move to the next character
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar() # get the currenct character
if "\\" == ch: # use the active modes
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
if self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in ("(", "["):
self.__structure.addStructureNode("\\" + self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False))
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
elif self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in (")", "]"):
if not (self.__structure.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode("\\" + self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False)) and self.__structure.leaveCurrentStructureNode("\\" + self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False))):
self.__print("Cannot end the current environment ({0}) with command \"{1}\" at {2}. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription(), buffer, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
buffer = "\\" # initial a buffer to obtain the command
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False): # fetch the whole command
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "A" <= ch <= "Z" or "a" <= ch <= "z":
buffer += ch
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if buffer in ("\\section", "\\subsection", "\\subsubsection") and self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and "*" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False): # section*-like structures
buffer += "*"
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "\\" == buffer: # "\\"
if "0" <= ch <= "9": # e.g. "\\0" (ch must be defined since judging whether there is a following character is done before)
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False) # for printing purposes
self.__print("A command should only contain letters but it does not at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
else: # e.g. "\\%" (absorb the next character)
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
self.__structure.addStructureNode("\\" + self.__pointer.getCurrentChar())
elif "\\documentclass" == buffer:
if self.__structure.addStructureNode(buffer):
self.__print("A new structure node [{0}] is added. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription()), Debug)
self.__print("Failed to initialize a new structure node via \"{0}\" at {1}. ".format(buffer, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif buffer in ("\\begin", "\\bibliography", "\\end", "\\input", "\\section", "\\section*", "\\subsection", "\\subsection*", "\\subsubsection", "\\subsubsection*"):
commandName = buffer[1:] # for judging environments
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
flag, mainBody = self.__fetchBraces()
buffer = "\\" + commandName + mainBody if mainBody.startswith("{") else "\\" + commandName + "{" + mainBody + "}"
if "begin" == commandName:
if self.__structure.addStructureNode(buffer):
self.__print("A new structure node [{0}] is added. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription()), Debug)
if buffer == "\\begin{thebibliography}":
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if "{" == ch:
layerCount = 1
while layerCount:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if "{" == ch:
layerCount += 1
elif "}" == ch:
layerCount -= 1
elif "\\" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print( \
"An EOF signal is reported while scanning the escaped placeholder(s) in the \"{{}}\" for the \"\\begin{thebibliography}\" command at {0}. ".format( \
self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
return False
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print( \
"An EOF signal is reported while scanning the non-escaped placeholder(s) in the \"{{}}\" for the \"\\begin{thebibliography}\" command at {0}. ".format( \
self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
if "\\" == ch: # handle the placeholder in the form of "\\#"
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning the character after \"\\\" at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar()
if ch in (" ", "\t"):
elif "\\" == ch:
remainingLine = self.__pointer.getRemainingCharactersInTheCurrentLineOfTheCurrentFile()
if remainingLine.startswith("\\bibitem"):
self.__print( \
"Without a pair of \"{{}}\" surrounded, the \"\\bibitem\" command instead of others should be right after the placeholder at {0}. ".format( \
self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
self.__print( \
"Without a pair of \"{{}}\" surrounded, the \"\\bibitem\" command should be right after the placeholder at {0}. ".format( \
self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
return False
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning the citations at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("Failed to initialize a new structure node via \"{0}\" at {1}. ".format(buffer, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "bibliography" == commandName:
if self.__pointer.addPointerNode(buffer[buffer.index("{") + 1:-1]) or self.__pointer.addPointerNode(buffer[buffer.index("{") + 1:-1] + ".bib"):
self.__print("A new Bib pointer node \"{0}\" is added. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocation()[0]), Debug)
if self.__handleBibTeX():
break # break the loop for fetching the string within the {} to avoid moving to the next character repeatedly
return False
self.__print("Failed to add a Bib pointer node at {0}. Details are as follows. \n{1}".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription(), self.__pointer.getLastError()), Warning)
elif "end" == commandName:
if self.__structure.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode(buffer):
leavingQueue = []
self.__structure.leaveCurrentStructureNode(buffer, leavingQueue = leavingQueue)
if len(leavingQueue) >= 2:
self.__print("With \"{0}\": ".format(buffer), Debug)
for nodeDescription in leavingQueue:
self.__print("Leave current structure node [{0}]. ".format(nodeDescription), Debug, indentationCount = 1)
self.__print("Leave current structure node [{0}] with \"{1}\". ".format(leavingQueue[0], buffer), Debug)
self.__print( \
"Cannot end the current environment [{0}] with command \"{1}\" at {2}. ".format( \
self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription(), buffer, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
return False
elif "input" == commandName:
if self.__pointer.addPointerNode(buffer[buffer.index("{") + 1:-1]):
self.__print("A new TeX pointer node \"{0}\" is added. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocation()[0]), Debug)
self.__print("Failed to add a TeX pointer node at {0}. Details are as follows. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
self.__print(self.__pointer.getLastError(), Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif buffer in ("\\bibitem", "\\label", "\\ref", "\\eqref"):
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
# Fetch #
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "{" == self.__pointer.getCurrentChar():
label = ""
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if ch in ("\\", "{"):
self.__print( \
"An unexpected character \"{0}\" appears while scanning the {1} at {2}. ".format( \
self.__convertEscaped(ch), "citation" if "\\bibitem" == buffer else "label", self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
return False
elif "}" == ch:
label += ch
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
label += "\n"
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in (" ", "\t"):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
citation += self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if not self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__print("Two or more consecutive line breaks are not allowed during the label scanning at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning the label at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "\\label" == buffer and self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription() in ("Environment(equation)", "Environment(equation*)"):
self.__print("Must use a \"{{\" to follow the \"\\label\" command in the equation environment at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
label = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
# Handle #
if "\\bibitem" == buffer:
# Environment Check #
if "Environment(thebibliography)" != self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription():
self.__print("The command \"\\bibitem\" should only be used in the \"thebibliography\" environment. ", Warning)
# return False
# Fetch Citation Content #
citationContent = ""
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar()
if "\\" == ch:
remainingLine = self.__pointer.getRemainingCharactersInTheCurrentLineOfTheCurrentFile()
if remainingLine.startswith("\\begin") or remainingLine.startswith("\\bibitem") or remainingLine.startswith("\\end"):
citationContent += "\\"
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(): # ``hasNextLine`` will be handled in the new loop automatically
citationContent += self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
elif "&" == ch:
citationContent += "&"
self.__print("Please use \"\\&\" in the citation content at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
citationContent += ch
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
citationContent += "\n"
# Handle Dict #
if label in self.__citations:
if self.__citations[label][0] is None:
self.__citations[label][0] = citationContent
elif isinstance(self.__citations[label][0], list):
length = len(self.__citations[label][0])
self.__print( \
"The citation \"{0}\" has already been defined {1} but is defined again at {2}. ".format( \
self.__convertEscaped(label), "twice" if 2 == length else "for {0} times".format(length), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Warning \
self.__citations[label][0] = [self.__citations[label][0], False]
self.__print("The citation \"{0}\" has already existed but is defined again at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(label), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
self.__citations[label] = [citationContent, 0] # [citationContent, citeCount]
self.__print("A new citation \"{0}\" is added via the \"\\bibitem\" command at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(label), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Debug)
elif "\\label" == buffer:
if label in self.__labels:
if self.__labels[label][0] is None:
self.__labels[label][0] = self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription()
elif isinistance(self.__labels[label][0], list):
length = len(self.__labels[label][0])
self.__print( \
"The label \"{0}\" has already been defined {1} but is defined again at {2}. ".format( \
self.__convertEscaped(label), "twice" if 2 == length else "for {0} times".format(length), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Warning \
self.__labels[label][0] = [self.__labels[label][0], self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()]
self.__print("The label \"{0}\" has already existed but is defined again at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(label), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Warning)
self.__labels[label] = [self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription(), 0, 0] # [type, refCount, eqrefCount]
self.__print("A new label \"{0}\" is added at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(label), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Debug)
if label in self.__labels:
self.__labels[label][2 if "\\eqref" == buffer else 1] += 1
elif "\\eqref" == buffer:
self.__labels[label] = [None, 0, 1] # [undefined, refCount, eqrefCount]
self.__labels[label] = [None, 1, 0] # [undefined, refCount, eqrefCount]
elif "\\cite" == buffer:
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
# Fetch #
if "{" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
citation = ""
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if ch in ("\\", "{"):
self.__print("An unexpected character \"{0}\" appears while scanning the citation at {1}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(ch), self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "}" == ch:
citations = [item.lstrip() for item in citation.split(",")]
citation += ch
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
citation += "\n"
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False) in (" ", "\t"):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
citation += self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if not self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__print("Two or more consecutive line breaks are not allowed during the citation scanning at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning the citation at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
citations = [self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()]
# Handle #
for citation in citations:
if citation in self.__citations:
self.__citations[citation][1] += 1
self.__citations[citation] = [None, 1] # [undefined, citeCount]
elif buffer in ("\\newcommand", "\\renewcommand"):
# Command #
if not self.__skipSpaces(False):
return False
if "{" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and "\\" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
bucketFlag = True
self.__print("The command to be defined should be right after the \"\\newcommand{{\" or the \"\\renewcommand{{\" at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "\\" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
bucketFlag= False
self.__print("The command to be defined should be right after the \"\\newcommand\" or the \"\\renewcommand\" at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
newcommand = "\\"
while self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "A" <= ch <= "Z" or "a" <= ch <= "z":
newcommand += ch
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if not self.__skipSpaces(): # check after the command
return False
if bucketFlag:
if "}" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
self.__print("A missing \"}\" is detected when scanning the command definition command at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
# Option count #
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
if "[" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
counter = ""
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False)
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "0" <= ch <= "9":
counter += ch
elif "]" == ch:
self.__print( \
"Only digits instead of the character \"{0}\" can be used to indicate the option count at {1}. ".format( \
"\\" + ch if ch in ("\\", "\"", "\'") else ch, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription() \
), Error \
return False
elif not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
counter = int(counter)
self.__print("Cannot convert the counter \"{0}\" into a positive integer at {1}. ".format(counter, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
if counter < 1 or counter > 9:
self.__print("The count of options must be a positive integer not greater than 9. ", Error)
return False
counter = None
# Default value for the first option #
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
if "[" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False): # must be the default value option
layer, defaultValue = 1, "["
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
while layer:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
defaultValue += ch
if "\\" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
defaultValue += self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
defaultValue += "\n"
self.__print("A missing \"]\" is detected when scanning the default value option at {0}. ".self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription(), Error)
return False
elif "[" == ch:
layer += 1
elif "]" == ch:
layer -= 1
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextLine(fileSwitch = False)
defaultValue += "\n"
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported during scanning the default value at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
defaultValue = defaultValue[1:-1]
defaultValue = None
# Main command body #
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
flag, mainBody = self.__fetchBraces()
if flag:
if (not mainBody.startswith("{") or not mainBody.endswith("}")) and self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__print("Only a character is accepted for the main body when there is not a pair of \"{{}}\" at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
return False
mainBody = mainBody[1:-1]
self.__definitions[newcommand] = [counter, defaultValue, mainBody]
self.__print("The value of the command \"{0}\" has been set to {1}. ".format(newcommand, self.__definitions[newcommand]), Debug)
elif buffer in ("\\newenvironment", "\\newenvironment"):
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
if self.__pointer.getCurrentChar() == "{":
environmentName = ""
while True:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False)
if "A" <= ch <= "Z" or "a" <= ch <= "z":
environmentName += ch
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
elif "}" == ch:
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
self.__print("The environment should only contain letters but it is not at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
ch = self.__pointer.getNextChar()
if "A" <= ch <= "Z" or "a" <= ch <= "z":
environmentName = ch
self.__print("The one-character environment name should only be a letter but it is not at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
for _ in range(2):
if not self.__skipSpaces():
return False
if self.__pointer.getCurrentChar() == "{":
layer = 1
while layer:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
ch = self.__pointer.getCurrentChar()
if "{" == ch:
layer += 1
elif "}" == ch:
layer -= 1
elif "%" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning a newly defined environment after an annotation symbol at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif "\\" == ch:
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar():
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning the escaped character of a newly defined environment at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine():
self.__print("An EOF signal is reported while scanning a newly defined environment at {0}. ".format(self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__print("A new environment \"{0}\" is added. ".format(environmentName), Debug)
else: # the command is not special
else: # "\\\n"
elif "%" == ch: # the '\\' will be absorbed in the codes for avoiding "\\%" above if the previous char is '\\'
elif "$" == ch: # the '\\' will be absorbed in the codes for avoiding "\\$" above if the previous char is '\\'
if self.__pointer.hasNextChar(fileSwitch = False) and "$" == self.__pointer.getNextChar(fileSwitch = False):
self.__pointer.nextChar(fileSwitch = False)
ch = "$$" # else: ch = "$"
if isLeftPart:
if self.__structure.addStructureNode(ch):
self.__print("A new structure node [{0}] is added. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription()), Debug)
self.__print("Failed to initialize a new structure node via \"{0}\" at {1}. ".format(ch, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
if self.__structure.canLeaveCurrentStructureNode(ch) and self.__structure.leaveCurrentStructureNode(ch):
self.__print("Leave current structure node with \"{0}\". ".format(ch), Debug)
self.__print("Cannot end the current environment [{0}] with command \"{1}\" at {2}. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription(), ch, self.__pointer.getCurrentLocationDescription()), Error)
return False
isLeftPart = not isLeftPart # switch to the other part
elif self.__pointer.hasNextLine(): # there is not a following character but a following line
self.__pointer.nextLine() # switch to the next line
else: # EOF
if self.__structure.endStructure():
self.__print("An overall EOF signal is reported with unclosed structure [{0}]. ".format(self.__structure.getCurrentStructureNodeDescription()), Error)
return False
self.__flag = True
return True
def __printPointer(self:object) -> None:
self.__print("Pointer: ", Info)
self.__print(self.__pointer.getTree(), Info)
def __printStructure(self:object, mode:str = "A") -> None:
self.__print("Structure: ", Info)
self.__print(self.__structure.getTree(mode), Info)
def __setup(self:object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(self.__mainTexPath, str):
tmpMainTexPath = self.__input("Please input the main tex path: ", Prompt)
if tmpMainTexPath is None:
self.__print("Setup canceled. ", Error)
return False
self.__mainTexPath = tmpMainTexPath.replace("\"", "")
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\". ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__setup()
elif os.path.isfile(self.__mainTexPath):
if os.path.splitext(self.__mainTexPath)[1].lower() != ".tex":
self.__print("The main tex path is set to a file whose extension is not \".tex\". ", Warning)
return self.__resolve()
elif os.path.isdir(self.__mainTexPath):
self.__print("Since a folder was specified, the program is scanning the folder now. ", Info)
self.__print("If it takes too long time, please use \"Ctrl+C\" to stop the scanning. ", Info)
possibleTargets = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.__mainTexPath):
for fileName in files:
if os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower() in (".tex", ):
possibleTargets.append(os.path.join(root, fileName))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.__print("Scanning is interrupted by users. The results may be incomplete. ", Warning)
if len(possibleTargets) > 1:
self.__print("Possible targets are listed as follows. ", Prompt)
length = len(str(len(possibleTargets)))
for i, target in enumerate(possibleTargets):
self.__print("{{0:>{0}}} = \"{{1}}\"".format(length).format(i + 1, target), Prompt, indentationCount = 1)
self.__print("{{0:>{0}}} = I do not wish to select any of them. ".format(length).format(0), Prompt, indentationCount = 1)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print() # print an empty line
self.__print("\nPrinting is interrupted by users. The results may be incomplete. ", Warning)
choice = self.__input("Please select a tex file as the main file to continue: ", Prompt)
choice = int(choice)
if choice is None or 0 == choice:
self.__print("The main tex selection is canceled by users. ", Warning)
return False
elif isinstance(choice, int) and 1 <= choice <= len(possibleTargets): # ID matches
self.__mainTexPath = possibleTargets[choice - 1]
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\". ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__resolve()
elif isinstance(choice, str) and choice in possibleTargets: # exact matches (robust matches are not designed here since some operating systems are case sensitive)
self.__mainTexPath = choice
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\". ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__resolve()
elif isinstance(choice, str) and choice.strip("\"") in possibleTargets: # exact matches (remove the quotation marks)
self.__mainTexPath = choice.strip("\"")
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\". ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__resolve()
self.__mainTexPath = choice[int(choice) - 1]
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\". ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__resolve()
self.__print("An invalid choice was selected. Failed to resolve main tex. ", Error)
return False
elif len(possibleTargets) == 1:
self.__mainTexPath = possibleTargets[0]
self.__print("The main tex path is set to \"{0}\" automatically since there is only one tex file detected. ".format(self.__mainTexPath), Info)
return self.__resolve()
self.__print("No tex files are detected under the specified folder.. ", Error)
return False
self.__print("Setup failed since the main tex cannot be read. ", Error)
return False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
self.__print("The setup procedure is interrupted by users. ", Error)
return False
except BaseException as e:
self.__print("Exceptions occurred during the setup. Details are as follows. ", Critical)
self.__print(e, Critical, indentationCount = 1)
return False
def __selectAnOption(self:object, flag:bool) -> str:
self.__print("\n" + "#" * 100, Prompt)
if isinstance(flag, bool) and flag:
d = {"C":"Clear", "D":"Debug", "E":"Exit", "N":"New", "R":"Reload", "S":"Statistics", "T":"Tree"}
self.__print( \
"Obtained {0} pointer node(s), {1} abstracted/brief structure node(s), and {2} detailed structure node(s). ".format( \
self.__pointer.getTree().count("\n") + 1, self.__structure.getTree("B").count("\n") + 1, self.__structure.getTree("D").count("\n") + 1 \
), Info \
d = {"C":"Clear", "D":"Debug", "E":"Exit", "N":"New", "R":"Reload"}
self.__print("Possible choices are listed as follows. ", Prompt)
for key, value in d.items():
self.__print("{0} = {1}".format(key, value), Prompt, indentationCount = 1)
choices = self.__input("Please input your choice(s) to continue (non case-sensitive): ")
if choices is None:
choices = ""
choices = choices.upper()
invalid = True
while invalid:
for ch in choices:
if ch not in d:
choices = self.__input("At least one invalid choice exists. Please retry (non case-sensitive): ")
if choices is None:
self.__print("#" * 100 + "\n", Prompt)
return ""
choices = choices.upper()
else: # end naturally
invalid = False
self.__print("#" * 100 + "\n", Prompt)
return choices
def __doSetDebugLevel(self:object) -> bool:
self.__print("Current debug level is {0} ({1}). ".format(, self.__debugLevel.value), Prompt)
d = {"P":Prompt, "C":Critical, "E":Error, "W":Warning, "I":Info, "D":Debug}
for key, value in d.items():
self.__print("{0} = {1} ({2})".format(key,, value.value), Prompt, indentationCount = 1)
ch = self.__input("Please select a debug level to continue: ")
while ch is not None and ch not in d:
ch = self.__input("The debug level is invalid. Please retry: ")
if ch is None:
self.__print("The debug level has not been changed due to the cancellation caused by users. ", Warning)
return False
elif d[ch] == self.__debugLevel:
self.__print("No changes are made to the debug level. ", Info)
return True
self.__debugLevel = d[ch]
self.__print("The debug level has been changed to {0}. ".format(self.__debugLevel), Info)
return True
def __printStatistics(self:object) -> bool:
pointerTree, structureBriefTree, structureDetailedTree = self.__pointer.getTree().split("\n"), self.__structure.getTree("B").split("\n"), self.__structure.getTree("D").split("\n")
self.__print( \
"Obtained {0} pointer node(s), {1} abstracted/brief structure node(s), and {2} detailed structure node(s). ".format( \
len(pointerTree), len(structureBriefTree), len(structureDetailedTree) \
), Info \
# Tree #
d = {}
for line in structureDetailedTree:
key = line.strip()
if not key.startswith("Text(") and key not in ("Root", "Environment(algorithmic)", "Environment(tabular)"):
if key.startswith("Environment("):
key = key[12:-1]
if key not in ("document", "thebibliography"):
key = key.replace("*", "") + "(*)"
elif "(" in key:
key = key[:key.index("(")].replace("*", "")
d.setdefault(key, 0)
d[key] += 1
self.__print(d, Info)
# Commands #
self.__print("There are {0} commands defined. ".format(len(self.__definitions)) if len(self.__definitions) > 1 else "There is 1 command defined. ", Info)
self.__print("Commands defined: {0}".format(self.__definitions), Debug)
# Labels #
repeatedLabels, undefinedLabels, unreferencedLabels, hybridReferencedLabels = [], [], [], []
for key, value in self.__labels.items():
if isinstance(value[0], list):
elif value[0] is None:
elif value[0] in ("Environment(equation)", "Environment(equation*)") and value[1] or value[0] not in ("Environment(equation)", "Environment(equation*)") and value[2]:
if not (value[1] or value[2]): # can be lots of labels without being referenced
# Labels/Repeated #
length = len(repeatedLabels)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} repeated labels found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(repeatedLabels, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is a repeated label found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(repeatedLabels[0])), Warning)
# Labels/Undefined #
length = len(undefinedLabels)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} undefined labels found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(undefinedLabels, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is an undefined label found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(undefinedLabels[0])), Warning)
# Labels/Unreferenced #
length = len(unreferencedLabels)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} unreferenced labels found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(unreferencedLabels, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is an unreferenced label found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(unreferencedLabels[0])), Warning)
# Labels/Hybrid #
length = len(hybridReferencedLabels)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} hybrid referenced labels found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(hybridReferencedLabels, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is a hybrid referenced label found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(hybridReferencedLabels[0])), Warning)
self.__print("Labels defined for referencing: {0}".format(self.__labels), Info)
# Citations #
repeatedCitations, undefinedCitations, uncitedCitations, similarCitations, citationBodies = [], [], [], [], {}
for key, value in self.__citations.items():
if isinstance(value[0], list):
elif value[0] is None:
stripped = value[0].strip()
citationBodies.setdefault(stripped, [])
if not value[1]:
for value in citationBodies.values():
if len(value) >= 2:
# Citations/Repeated #
length = len(repeatedCitations)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} repeated citation entries found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(repeatedCitations, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is a repeated citation entry found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(repeatedCitations[0])), Warning)
# Citations/Undefined #
length = len(undefinedCitations)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} undefined citations found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(undefinedCitations, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is an undefined citation found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(undefinedCitations[0])), Warning)
# Citations/Uncited #
length = len(uncitedCitations)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} uncited citations found, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(uncitedCitations, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is an uncited citation found: \"{0}\". ".format(self.__convertEscaped(uncitedCitations[0])), Warning)
# Citations/Similar #
length = len(similarCitations)
if length >= 2:
self.__print("There are {0} citations found with similar content, which are listed as follows. ".format(length), Warning)
self.__print(similarCitations, Warning, indentationCount = 1)
elif 1 == length:
self.__print("There is a citation found with similar content: {0}. ".format(self.__convertEscaped(similarCitations[0])), Warning)
# Citations/Overall #
self.__print("Here are the statistics for the medium type \"Citation\". \n{0}".format(self.__structure.getMedia("Citation")), Info)
self.__print("Citations defined for citing: {0}".format(self.__citations), Debug)
self.__input("Please press the enter key to continue. ")
return True
def __handleFolder(self:object, fd:str) -> bool:
folder = str(fd)
if not folder:
return True
elif os.path.exists(folder):
return os.path.isdir(folder)
return True
return False
def __drawTree(self:object, strings:str, path:str) -> bool:
if isinstance(strings, str) and isinstance(path, str):
Digraph = __import__("graphviz").Digraph
self.__print("Cannot import ``Digraph`` from ``graphviz``. Please resolve the environment before drawing. ", Error)
return False
g = Digraph("Tree", filename = path, node_attr = {"shape":"plain"})
style = "<<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\"><tr><td port=\"f0\">{0}</td></tr><tr><td port=\"f1\">{1}</td></tr><tr><td port=\"f2\">{2}</td></tr></table>>"
g.node("0", label = style.format("0", "Root", " "))
nodeCount, stack = 0, [(0, 0)] # (node, tab)
for string in strings.splitlines()[1:]:
tabCount = string.count("\t")
if 1 <= tabCount <= stack[-1][1] + 1:
while stack and stack[-1][1] >= tabCount: # find the parent node
nodeCount += 1
g.node(str(nodeCount), label = style.format(str(nodeCount), string.lstrip(), " "))
g.edge(str(stack[-1][0]), str(nodeCount), headport = "n", tailport = "s")
stack.append((nodeCount, tabCount))
self.__print("Failed to draw the tree since the tree indentation is incorrect. ", Error)
return False
g.attr(margin = "0", rankdir = "TB", splines = "line", overlap = "scale")
return True
except BaseException as e:
self.__print("Cannot save the tree due to the following exception. ", Error)
self.__print(e, Error, indentationCount = 1)
return False
self.__print("As no trees are passed to the drawer, the drawing has not been done. \nPlease make sure that the checker has already constructed the trees correctly. ", Error)
return False
def __doPrintTree(self:object) -> bool:
if self.__flag:
self.__print("Possible tree drawing options are as follows. ", Prompt)
d = { \
"PP":"Print the pointer", "PSA":"Print the structure abstract", "PSB":"Print the structure briefly", "PSD":"Print the structure in detail", \
"DP":"Draw/Dump the pointer", "DSA":"Draw/Dump the structure abstract", "DSB":"Draw/Dump the structure briefly", "DSD":"Draw/Dump the structure in detail", \
"R":"Return" \
for key, value in d.items():
self.__print("{0} = {1}".format(key, value), Prompt, indentationCount = 1)
ch = self.__input("Please select an option to continue (non case-sensitive): ")
while ch is not None and ch.upper() not in d:
ch = self.__input("The option is invalid. Please retry (non case-sensitive): ")
if ch is None:
self.__print("Nothing has been proceeded due to the cancellation caused by users. ", Warning)
return False
ch = ch.upper()
if "P" == ch[0]:
if "P" == ch[1]:
return True
elif "D" == ch[0]:
path = self.__input("Please input a \".gv\" file path to save the figure (leave it empty for default values): ")
# while not (isinstance(path, str) and (not path or path.endswith(".gv"))):
# path = self.__input("The previous input is invalid. Please input a \".gv\" file path to save the figure (leave it empty for default values): ")
if path is None:
self.__print("The operation is canceled by users. ", Warning)
return False
path = path.replace("\"", "")
if path.lower().endswith(".gv.pdf"):
path = path[:-4]
elif not path.lower().endswith(".gv"):
path += ".gv"
self.__print("The path for drawing or dumping the tree is set to \"{0}\". ".format(path), Debug)
if (os.path.exists(path) or os.path.exists(path + ".pdf")):
answer = self.__input("The target path seems to exist. Overwrite or not [yN]? ")
if answer is None or answer.upper() not in ("Y", "YES", "TRUE", "OK", "1"):
self.__print("Users cancel the operation due to the file's existence. ", Warning)
return False
if self.__handleFolder(os.path.split(path)[0]):
return self.__drawTree(self.__pointer.getTree() if "P" == ch[1] else self.__structure.getTree(ch[2]), path if path else ("pointer.gv" if "P" == ch[1] else "structure.gv"))
self.__print("Failed to save the tree since the parent folder is not created. ", Error)
return False
return False
self.__print("No trees were built since the resolving has not been processed yet. ", Error)
return False
def mainBoard(self:object) -> bool:
while True:
choices = self.__selectAnOption(self.__flag)
for ch in choices:
if "C" == ch:
elif "D" == ch:
elif "E" == ch:
return self.__flag
elif "N" == ch:
self.__mainTexPath = None
self.__pointer = None
self.__structure = None
self.__flag = False
elif "R" == ch:
self.__pointer = None
self.__structure = None
self.__flag = False
self.__setup() # still call ``__setup``
elif "S" == ch:
elif "T" == ch:
def clearScreen(fakeClear:int = 120) -> bool:
if CLEAR_SCREEN_COMMAND is not None and not os.system(CLEAR_SCREEN_COMMAND):
return True
print("\n" * int(fakeClear))
print("\n" * 120)
return False
def preExit(countdownTime:int = 5) -> None:
cntTime = int(countdownTime)
length = len(str(cntTime))
while cntTime > 0:
print("\rProgram ended, exiting in {{0:>{0}}} second(s). ".format(length).format(cntTime), end = "")
print("\rProgram ended, exiting in {{0:>{0}}} second(s). ".format(length).format(0))
cntTime -= 1
print("\rProgram ended, exiting in {{0:>{0}}} second(s). ".format(length).format(cntTime))
def main() -> int:
if len(argv) > 2:
processPool = [os.system(STARTUP_COMMAND_FORMAT.format(executable, __file__, mainTexPath)) for mainTexPath in argv[1:]]
print( \
"As multiple options were given, {0} child processes have been launched, where {1} succeeded and {2} failed. ".format( \
len(processPool), \
processPool.count(EXIT_SUCCESS), \
len(processPool) - processPool.count(EXIT_SUCCESS) \
) \
return EXIT_SUCCESS if not any(processPool) else EXIT_FAILURE
checker = Checker(argv[1] if 2 == len(argv) else None)
return EXIT_SUCCESS if checker else EXIT_FAILURE
if __name__ == "__main__":