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1 名词用法——可当主词、补语、受词
2 形容词用法——可当补语、也可以修饰名词
3 副词用法——修饰动词、副词、形容词及表示目的、理由、结果

4 S + V + O + to V


1 表希望;期待

like 、want、 wish、 expect
I want you to tell the truth.
I didn’t expect her to be absent.


allow permit

please allow me to introduce my wife zss.
Mother did’t permit her to go to the movie alone.


think; believe; consider ; find ; recognize

We believe him to be honest
We believe that he is honest.

I thought the idea (to be practical).

表依赖 建议;要求命令等

tell ; advise ; order ; ask ; beg ; request; require; force ; persuade ;get ; cause ; teach
The doctor advised him to stop smoking .
I persuaded him to go with me .

5 S + V+ O + 原形不定词


feel ; see ; watch ; look at ; notice ; observe ; hear ; listen to

I feel my heart beat violently.
I saw a boy put a chocolate in his pocket.


感官动词在被动语态中,要用to + v
The police officer watched the children cross the road.
The children was watched by the police officer to across the road.



The mother made the boy turn off the TV.


使役动词 get + to 不定词
I got him to repair the radio.


使役动词help + to 不定词/原形不定词
Can you help me put up the tent.


使役动词make 在被动语态中,要用to 不定词。

The teacher made the students try again.

The students were made by the teacher to try again.

6 S + V +it + C +to + 不定词

词句型的动词多位find, think, make 等。
She find it impossible to understand him.
I think it wrong to tell a lie.
I think it careless of you to loss your watch.

7 seem (happen ,appear, prove …)+ to 不定词

seem(appear ) to V ~ 似乎~

My dog seem to understand what I say.

happen (chance ) to V~ . 碰巧~

I happend to meet one of my friends at the station.
It happend that I met one of my friends at the station.

prove (turn out ) to ~. 结果是 ~ ,证明是~

The rumor proved (turned out ) to be ture.

It turned out that the rumor was ture.

come (get ) to~. 变得 ~

You will come to like this town.

8 be+ to + 不定词

表预订 —— 打算要做

The meeting is to be held on Wednesday.


Rules are to be observed .

You are to start as early as possible .

表可能—— 能够

Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.
Nobody was to be found on the street .

表命运—— 有~ 等命运

He was never to see his wife and family again.

表意图—— 想要;打算(intend to )

表意图时,通常用if字句,而主要子句中以must,need ,necessary 等字,来表示必要。
If you are to succeed ,you must work harder.



to be pp
I lke to teach
i liketo be taugh.


to be Ving
They seem to be waiting for me .


1 表示比叙述动词更早的时间。
The child seems to have been sick.
He seemed to have spent the money.

2 在can’t ,couldn’t 之后,表示否定推测。在must 之后表示肯定推测。
The couldn’t have been on strike.

3 在should ,ought to 之后,表示未能实现的事。
You should have seen it.
You ought to have kept the word.

4 在intend ,wish,would like 等动词之后。
I intend to have a written to you.
I expected him to have helped me with the work.

10 特别注意的不定词用法


You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to.


I wish to utterly forget the past .
She made up her mind never to return.


to spear strictly
to be frank
to begin with
to tell the turth
to be honest
to make matters worse
to be sure
to be brief
to say nothing of = not to speak of = not to mention
to say the least of it
strange to say
needless to say
so to speak
not to say

To begin with ,I’ll tell you about my character.
It’s very cold ,and to make matters worse ,It began to rain.
He can speak Franch and German. not to speak of English.

11 不定词的惯用表现

hadder better + 原形不定词

You had better leave it unsaid.

do nothing but + 原形不定词

he did nothing but eat all day.

choose /want/expect/desire + nothing but + to 不定词

She desires nothing but to live peacefully

can’t but / can’t help + 动名词/ can’t help but 原形不定词。

When I hear the news ,I could’t but cry,(I could’t help cring/ I could’t help but cry)

have only to 不定词

只要做~ 就行
You have only to follow his counsel.

used to 不定词

以前习惯~; 过去经常~
My father used to smoke ,but now he doesn’t

be used to doing

I am used to staying up late at night.



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