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Open CASCADE学习|环形弹簧建模


Draw Test Harness:





Draw Test Harness:

pload MODELING VISUALIZATION# use torus surface.torus aTorus 10 2set aSlope 0.05line aLine2d 0 0 $aSlope 1trim aSegment aLine2d 0 2*pi# make edge by the pcurve.mkedge aHelixEdge aSegment aTorus 0 2*pi/$aSlope# there is no curve 3d in the pcurve edge.# so need this to approximate one.mkedgecurve aHelixEdge 0.01wire aHelixWire aHelixEdge# make the profile.circle aProfile 12 0 0 1 1 1 0.3mkedge aProfile aProfilewire aProfile aProfilemkplane aProfile aProfile# display the profile.vdisplay aProfile aHelixEdge# loft the circle along the helix curve.pipe aSpring aHelixWire aProfile# display the result.vdisplay aSpring#vsetmaterial aSpring steelvsetgradientbg 180 200 255 180 180 180 2vsetdispmode 1vzbufftrihedronset ray tracingif { ! [catch {vrenderparams -raytrace -shadows -reflections -fsaa -rayDepth 5}] } {  vtextureenv on 1}


#include <Geom_ToroidalSurface.hxx>
#include <gp_Lin2d.hxx>
#include <Geom2d_TrimmedCurve.hxx>
#include <GCE2d_MakeSegment.hxx>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge.hxx>
#include <BRepLib.hxx>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire.hxx>
#include <Geom_Circle.hxx>
#include <BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace.hxx>
#include <BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    gp_Ax3 loc = gp_Ax3(gp_Pnt(0, 0, 0), gp_Dir(0, 0, 1), gp_Dir(1, 0, 0));
    Handle(Geom_ToroidalSurface) aTorus =new Geom_ToroidalSurface(loc, 10, 2);
    gp_Lin2d aLine2d(gp_Pnt2d(0.0, 0.0), gp_Dir2d(0.05, 1.0));
    Handle(Geom2d_TrimmedCurve) aSegment = GCE2d_MakeSegment(aLine2d, 0.0, M_PI * 2.0);
    TopoDS_Edge aHelixEdge = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aSegment, aTorus, 0.0, 2.0 * M_PI/0.05);
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aHelixWire;
    Handle(Geom_Circle) aProfile = new Geom_Circle(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(12, 0, 0), gp_Dir(1, 1, 1)), 0.3);
    TopoDS_Edge aProfilee = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeEdge(aProfile);
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeWire aProfilew;
    TopoDS_Shape aProfilef = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(aProfilew);
    BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipe aSpring(TopoDS::Wire(aHelixWire), aProfilef, GeomFill_IsCorrectedFrenet, Standard_False);
    TopoDS_Shape Spring = aSpring.Shape();
    Viewer vout(50, 50, 500, 500);
    vout << aHelixWire;
    vout << aProfilef;
    vout << Spring;
    return 0;



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