Coursera上Golang专项课程3:Concurrency in Go 学习笔记(完结)
Concurrency in Go
本文是 Concurrency in Go 这门课的学习笔记,如有侵权,请联系删除。
- Concurrency in Go
- MODULE 1: Why Use Concurrency?
- Learning Objectives
- M1.1.1 - Parallel Execution
- M1.1.2 - Von Neumann Bottleneck
- M1.1.3 - Power Wall
- M1.2.1 - Concurrent vs Parallel
- M1.2.2 - Hiding Latency
- Module 1 Quiz
- Peer-graded Assignment: Module 1 Activity
- Learning Objectives
- M2.1.1- Processes
- M2.1.2 - Scheduling
- M2.1.3 - Threads and Goroutines
- M2.2.1 - Interleavings
- M2.2.2 - Race Conditions
- Module 2 Quiz
- Peer-graded Assignment: Module 2 Activity
- Learning Objectives
- M3.1.1 - Goroutines
- M3.1.2 - Exiting Goroutines
- M3.2.1 - Basic Synchronization
- M3.2.2 - Wait Groups
- M3.3.1 - Communication
- M3.3.2 - Blocking on Channels
- M3.3.3 - Buffered Channels
- Module 3 Quiz
- Peer-graded Assignment: Module 3 Activity
- Learning Objectives
- M4.1.1 - Blocking on Channels
- M4.1.2 - Select
- M4.2.1 - Mutual Exclusion
- M4.2.2 - Mutex
- M4.2.3 - Mutex Methods
- M4.3.1 - Once Synchronization
- M4.3.2 - Deadlock
- M4.3.3 - Dining Philosophers
- Module 4 Quiz
- Peer-graded Assignment: Module 4 Activity
- 后记
MODULE 1: Why Use Concurrency?
This course introduces the concept of concurrency in Go. The first module sets the stage by reviewing the physical factors that can restrict microprocessor performance increases in the future.
Learning Objectives
- Identify basic terms and concepts related to concurrency.
- Identify hardware limitations that affect the design of future architectures.
- Explain Moore’s Law and how it affects the future of microprocessor design.
M1.1.1 - Parallel Execution
Parallel Execution
并行执行指的是同时执行多个任务或进程。在 Go 中,可以利用 goroutine 和 channel 来实现并行执行。Goroutine 是由 Go 运行时管理的轻量级线程,它们允许函数并发执行。Channel 提供了 goroutine 之间同步和交换数据的通信机制。
要在 Go 中利用并行执行,可以启动多个 goroutine 来并发执行任务。这样可以利用现代 CPU 的多核架构,提高程序的效率。
以下是如何在 Go 中实现并行执行的简要概述:
- Goroutine(协程):Goroutine 是可以与其他 goroutine 并发执行的函数。可以使用
关键字后跟函数调用来创建新的 goroutine。
func main() {
// 同时启动两个 goroutine
go 任务1()
go 任务2()
// 等待 goroutine 完成
func 任务1() {
// 任务1 的实现
func 任务2() {
// 任务2 的实现
- Channel(通道):Channel 用于实现 goroutine 之间的通信和同步。它们允许 goroutine 发送和接收值以协调它们的执行。
func main() {
// 创建用于通信的通道
ch := make(chan int)
// 启动一个 goroutine 执行任务
go 任务(ch)
// 从通道接收数据
结果 := <-ch
fmt.Println("结果:", 结果)
func 任务(ch chan int) {
// 执行任务
// 通过通道发送结果
ch <- 42
通过利用 goroutine 和 channel,可以轻松实现 Go 中的并行执行,实现任务的高效并发处理。
M1.1.2 - Von Neumann Bottleneck
冯·诺依曼瓶颈(Von Neumann Bottleneck)是指计算机体系结构中的一种瓶颈,源于传统冯·诺依曼计算机体系结构的设计。这一瓶颈主要是指在传统计算机体系结构中,CPU(中央处理器)和内存之间的数据传输速度相对较慢,导致CPU在处理数据时需要等待内存的读写操作完成,从而限制了整个计算机系统的性能表现。
具体来说,冯·诺依曼计算机体系结构包括一个中央处理器(CPU)、一个内存(Memory)、一个输入/输出(I/O)系统和一个外部存储器(Storage)。在这种体系结构中,CPU 通过总线与内存进行数据交换。然而,由于内存的读写速度相对较慢,CPU 在执行指令时经常需要等待内存的读写操作完成,导致 CPU 的处理速度受限。
冯·诺依曼瓶颈对计算机系统的性能产生了负面影响,尤其是在处理大规模数据和复杂计算任务时。为了解决这一问题,人们提出了许多优化策略和技术,如高速缓存(Cache)、指令级并行(Instruction-Level Parallelism)、多核处理器(Multi-Core Processor)等,以提高 CPU 和内存之间的数据传输速度,从而缓解冯·诺依曼瓶颈带来的性能瓶颈。
The “Von Neumann Bottleneck” refers to the limitation imposed by the sequential nature of traditional von Neumann architecture, which slows down overall system performance. This bottleneck arises due to the architectural design of traditional computers, which separate memory and processing units and require data to be transferred between them through a single communication pathway. As a result, the speed at which data can be processed is constrained by the rate at which data can be moved between the memory and processing units, leading to a bottleneck in system performance.
The von Neumann architecture, proposed by John von Neumann in the 1940s, consists of a central processing unit (CPU) that executes instructions fetched from memory. The CPU and memory are connected by a bus, which serves as the communication pathway for data transfer between the two components. While this architecture has been highly successful and widely used in conventional computers, it suffers from the Von Neumann Bottleneck due to the sequential processing of instructions and data transfer operations.
The Von Neumann Bottleneck becomes increasingly problematic as the speed of CPUs continues to outpace the rate of improvement in memory access times and data transfer speeds. This limitation hinders the overall performance of computing systems, particularly in applications requiring high-speed data processing and large-scale data analytics.
To mitigate the Von Neumann Bottleneck, various approaches have been proposed, including:
Caching techniques: Introducing cache memory closer to the CPU to reduce memory access times and improve data transfer speeds by storing frequently accessed data and instructions.
Parallel computing: Leveraging parallel processing architectures and techniques to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, thereby reducing the reliance on sequential data processing and mitigating the bottleneck.
Advanced memory architectures: Exploring new memory technologies, such as non-volatile memory (NVM) and high-bandwidth memory (HBM), to improve memory access speeds and data transfer rates, thereby alleviating the bottleneck.
Hardware accelerators: Offloading specific computational tasks to specialized hardware accelerators or coprocessors designed to perform those tasks more efficiently, thus reducing the burden on the CPU and memory subsystem.
By adopting these approaches and exploring new architectural paradigms, researchers and engineers aim to overcome the limitations imposed by the Von Neumann Bottleneck and unlock new levels of performance and efficiency in computing systems.
M1.1.3 - Power Wall
Power Wall(功耗墙)是指在计算机芯片设计中,由于功耗和散热问题而导致处理器性能提升受到限制的现象。随着芯片技术的不断进步,处理器的晶体管数量和工作频率不断增加,导致芯片的功耗也呈指数级增长。由于功耗增长导致散热问题变得愈加严重,处理器在工作时需要消耗更多的电力并产生更多的热量,这就形成了“功耗墙”。
The “Power Wall” refers to the phenomenon in computer chip design where the performance improvement of processors is constrained due to power consumption and heat dissipation issues. As chip technology advances, the number of transistors and operating frequencies of processors increase, leading to exponential growth in chip power consumption. This increase in power consumption exacerbates heat dissipation problems, causing processors to consume more electricity and generate more heat during operation, thus forming the “Power Wall.”
The impact of the Power Wall on computer systems is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
Difficulties in heat dissipation: With the increasing power consumption of chips, heat dissipation becomes more challenging. Traditional cooling methods are insufficient to meet the heat dissipation requirements of processors, necessitating the use of more complex and expensive cooling technologies to cope with high power consumption.
Increased energy consumption: The high power consumption of processors leads to a significant increase in the energy consumption of computer systems, not only increasing operating costs but also exerting pressure on the environment.
Limited performance improvement: Due to the existence of the Power Wall, the performance improvement of processors is constrained. Even as chip manufacturing technology advances, power consumption and heat dissipation issues remain significant factors limiting performance improvements.
To address the challenges posed by the Power Wall, computer chip designers have taken a series of measures, such as optimizing chip architecture, adopting low-power processes, and introducing dynamic voltage adjustment technologies to reduce processor power consumption and heat generation, thereby delaying the impact of the Power Wall. Meanwhile, they continue to explore new computer architectures and cooling technologies to find solutions to break through the Power Wall and drive continuous performance improvement in processors.
Moore’s Law
Moore’s Law(摩尔定律)是指英特尔创始人之一戈登·摩尔在1965年提出的一个观点,该观点预言了集成电路的发展趋势。摩尔的观点是,集成电路上可容纳的晶体管数量每隔18至24个月会翻倍,而成本则保持不变,这导致了性能的指数级增长。摩尔定律为计算机科学和工业的发展指明了方向,推动了半导体技术的不断进步,以及计算设备的不断提升。
Dennard Scaling
Dennard Scaling(丹纳德缩放)是指1967年,罗伯特·丹纳德提出的一种芯片性能和功耗之间的关系模型。根据这个模型,当芯片尺寸减小,晶体管数量增加时,电源电压和晶体管尺寸会按比例缩小,从而使得晶体管的电流密度保持不变,同时功率密度也保持不变。这样,芯片的性能随着尺寸的缩小而提高,但功耗仍然保持稳定。
Dennard Scaling在过去几十年中对半导体工业的发展产生了深远影响,推动了芯片性能的不断提升。然而,随着芯片尺寸的进一步缩小和集成度的提高,Dennard Scaling的效应逐渐减弱。这是因为在微纳米尺度下,量子效应和晶体管尺寸的物理限制导致电源电压无法继续降低,从而使得功耗密度不再保持稳定。
随着技术的发展,Dennard Scaling的失效导致了摩尔定律的终结,即芯片性能不再以指数级增长。为了应对这一挑战,半导体行业开始探索新的技术和架构,如多核处理器、异构计算、新型材料和器件结构等,以继续推动芯片性能和能效的提升。
M1.2.1 - Concurrent vs Parallel
“Concurrent” 和 “Parallel” 都涉及同时处理多个任务,但它们之间有一些微妙的区别。
Parallel(并行):并行指的是在同一时刻同时执行多个任务。在并行处理中,多个任务在不同的处理单元上同时执行,例如多个 CPU 核心或者多个计算机节点。并行处理通常需要硬件支持,例如多核处理器或者分布式系统。
“Concurrent” and “Parallel” both involve handling multiple tasks at the same time, but there are subtle differences between them.
Concurrent: Concurrency refers to executing multiple tasks within the same time frame, but not necessarily simultaneously. In concurrency, multiple tasks may be executed in an interleaved manner, switching execution through time slicing or event-driven mechanisms. In single-core processor systems, concurrency is achieved through time sharing. In multi-core systems, different tasks can execute simultaneously on different cores, achieving true parallelism.
Parallel: Parallelism refers to executing multiple tasks simultaneously at the same moment. In parallel processing, multiple tasks execute concurrently on separate processing units, such as multiple CPU cores or distributed computing nodes. Parallel processing typically requires hardware support, such as multi-core processors or distributed systems.
Thus, while concurrency and parallelism both involve handling multiple tasks concurrently, concurrency is more about organizing and scheduling tasks, while parallelism is about executing tasks simultaneously. In practical applications, concurrency and parallelism are often combined to improve system performance and efficiency.
M1.2.2 - Hiding Latency
Hiding Latency of Concurrency
Hiding the latency of concurrency refers to minimizing or masking the delays caused by tasks waiting for resources or I/O operations while processing multiple tasks concurrently. This latency is often concealed by executing other tasks during the waiting period, thus maximizing the utilization of system resources. By concurrently executing multiple tasks and switching to execute another task while one is waiting for resources, overall waiting times can be reduced, leading to improved system throughput and responsiveness. The goal of hiding latency is to ensure efficient operation of the system even in the face of resource bottlenecks or I/O constraints, enhancing system performance and user experience.
Module 1 Quiz
Peer-graded Assignment: Module 1 Activity
Define Moore’s law and explain why it has now stopped being true. Be sure to describe all of the physical limitations that have prevented Moore’s law from continuing to be true.
Moore’s Law, proposed by Gordon Moore in 1965, observed that the number of transistors on a microchip doubled approximately every two years, leading to a corresponding increase in computing power. This exponential growth in transistor density enabled continuous advancements in computing technology, driving improvements in performance, efficiency, and functionality of electronic devices.
However, Moore’s Law has gradually slowed down and is now considered to have stopped being true due to several physical limitations:
Transistor Size: As transistors have shrunk to atomic scales, they are reaching the limits of miniaturization imposed by quantum mechanics. At such small sizes, the behavior of electrons becomes unpredictable, leading to increased electron leakage and reduced reliability.
Heat Dissipation: With increasing transistor density, the heat generated by densely packed components has become a significant challenge. Heat dissipation becomes increasingly difficult, leading to thermal issues that affect performance and reliability.
Power Consumption: As transistor counts have continued to rise, so has the power consumption of microprocessors. This increased power consumption not only contributes to heat dissipation challenges but also limits the battery life of mobile devices and increases operational costs in data centers.
Economic Constraints: Building advanced semiconductor fabrication facilities (fabs) capable of manufacturing chips with smaller feature sizes requires enormous investments. As the cost of developing new manufacturing processes and equipment escalates, the economic feasibility of maintaining Moore’s Law becomes increasingly challenging.
Material Constraints: Traditional silicon-based transistors are reaching their physical limits in terms of performance and energy efficiency. Exploring alternative materials and new transistor architectures requires significant research and development efforts, further slowing down the pace of innovation.
In summary, Moore’s Law has ceased to hold true primarily due to the physical constraints imposed by transistor miniaturization, heat dissipation challenges, power consumption limitations, economic factors, and material constraints. While advancements in semiconductor technology continue, they no longer follow the exponential growth predicted by Moore’s Law.
This module looks at basic concurrency concepts and race conditions in preparation for a discussion of threads coming up in the next module.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the characteristics of processes, concurrency, and threads.
- Explain how and why race conditions can arise.
M2.1.1- Processes
独立性: 每个进程都是相互独立的实体,它们彼此之间不共享内存空间,只能通过进程间通信机制进行数据交换。
资源分配: 操作系统负责对进程分配系统资源,包括内存、CPU时间、文件、网络连接等。每个进程都有自己独立的地址空间,使得它们可以独立地访问内存。
并发执行: 操作系统可以同时运行多个进程,通过时间片轮转或优先级调度等机制实现进程的并发执行,从而提高系统的吞吐量和响应速度。
通信和同步: 进程之间可以通过进程间通信(IPC)机制进行数据交换和同步操作,常用的通信方式包括管道、消息队列、共享内存和信号量等。
生命周期: 进程有自己的生命周期,包括创建、运行、挂起、终止等阶段。进程的创建和销毁由操作系统负责管理。
Processes are instances of programs running on a computer. Each process has its own memory space, code, and data, as well as allocations of other system resources such as open files, network connections, etc. Processes are the fundamental units for task management and resource allocation by the operating system, enabling multiple programs to run concurrently and providing isolation and protection mechanisms so that different programs do not interfere with each other.
Here are some key features of processes:
Independence: Each process is an independent entity, with its own memory space. Processes do not share memory directly but communicate through inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms.
Resource Allocation: The operating system is responsible for allocating system resources to processes, including memory, CPU time, files, network connections, etc. Each process has its own separate address space, allowing independent memory access.
Concurrent Execution: Modern operating systems can run multiple processes simultaneously, using mechanisms such as time-sharing or priority-based scheduling to achieve concurrent execution and improve system throughput and responsiveness.
Communication and Synchronization: Processes can communicate and synchronize with each other using IPC mechanisms such as pipes, message queues, shared memory, and semaphores.
Lifecycle: Processes have their own lifecycle, including creation, execution, suspension, termination, etc. The creation and destruction of processes are managed by the operating system.
In modern operating systems, processes are essential for implementing concurrent programming and multitasking. They provide an effective mechanism for isolating and managing resources, allowing computers to run multiple programs simultaneously while maintaining system stability and reliability.
M2.1.2 - Scheduling
Scheduling Processes
进程调度是操作系统中的一个重要功能,它负责决定在多个正在运行的进程中,哪一个进程将被分配到 CPU 执行。进程调度的目标是提高系统的吞吐量、减少响应时间、提高资源利用率和公平性。
进程调度通常由操作系统的调度器(scheduler)负责实现。调度器根据一定的策略和算法,从就绪队列中选择一个进程,并将其分配给 CPU 执行。常见的调度算法包括先来先服务(FCFS)、最短作业优先(SJF)、轮转调度(Round Robin)、多级反馈队列调度(MLFQ)等。
就绪队列(Ready Queue): 就绪队列是存放等待被 CPU 执行的进程的队列。调度器从就绪队列中选择一个进程,并将其分配给 CPU 执行。
调度策略(Scheduling Policy): 调度策略是调度器根据的一组规则或算法,用于决定选择哪个进程执行。常见的调度策略包括先来先服务、最短作业优先、轮转调度等。
调度开销(Scheduling Overhead): 调度开销是指在进行进程切换时所需要的额外开销,例如保存和恢复进程的上下文、更新进程状态等。
上下文切换(Context Switch): 上下文切换是指从一个进程切换到另一个进程时,操作系统保存当前进程的上下文,并恢复下一个进程的上下文的过程。上下文切换是进程调度的一个重要环节,它会消耗一定的系统资源。
Process scheduling is a critical function in operating systems, responsible for determining which process among multiple running processes will be allocated to the CPU for execution. The goal of process scheduling is to improve system throughput, reduce response time, enhance resource utilization, and ensure fairness.
Process scheduling is typically implemented by the scheduler of the operating system. The scheduler selects a process from the ready queue based on certain policies and algorithms and assigns it to the CPU for execution. Common scheduling algorithms include First Come First Served (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), Round Robin, Multilevel Feedback Queue (MLFQ), among others.
In process scheduling, several important concepts include:
Ready Queue: The ready queue is a queue that holds processes waiting to be executed by the CPU. The scheduler selects a process from the ready queue and assigns it to the CPU for execution.
Scheduling Policy: The scheduling policy consists of rules or algorithms used by the scheduler to decide which process to execute. Common scheduling policies include FCFS, SJF, Round Robin, etc.
Scheduling Overhead: Scheduling overhead refers to the additional overhead required during process switching, such as saving and restoring process context, updating process states, etc.
Context Switch: A context switch occurs when the operating system switches from executing one process to another. It involves saving the current process’s context and restoring the context of the next process. Context switching is a crucial aspect of process scheduling and consumes system resources.
Process scheduling plays a vital role in operating systems, affecting system performance, responsiveness, and resource utilization. With appropriate scheduling algorithms and policies, the operating system can achieve efficient process management, thereby enhancing overall system performance.
上下文切换是现代操作系统中的一种基本操作,指的是 CPU 从执行一个进程或线程切换到另一个的过程。这种切换涉及保存当前正在执行的进程或线程的状态,以便稍后可以恢复执行,然后加载要执行的新进程或线程的状态。
一个进程或线程的上下文通常包括 CPU 寄存器的值、程序计数器、堆栈指针和其他相关信息,这些信息是恢复执行所需的。上下文切换允许操作系统在多个进程或线程之间有效地共享 CPU,提供并发执行的假象。
上下文切换由各种事件触发,例如进程主动放弃 CPU(例如通过系统调用如 sleep 或 yield),或发生中断(例如硬件中断或定时器中断)。当发生上下文切换时,操作系统会保存当前进程或线程的上下文,并恢复下一个要执行的进程或线程的上下文。
上下文切换有一定的开销,因为它涉及保存和恢复 CPU 和其他相关资源的状态。因此,减少上下文切换的频率对于提高系统性能至关重要。操作系统采用各种技术,如优化调度算法、减少中断延迟和使用高效的数据结构,以减少上下文切换的开销。
Context switching is a fundamental operation in modern operating systems where the CPU switches from executing one process or thread to another. This switch involves saving the state of the currently executing process or thread so that it can be resumed later, and then loading the state of the new process or thread to be executed next.
The context of a process or thread typically includes the values of CPU registers, program counter, stack pointer, and other relevant information needed to resume execution. Context switching allows the operating system to efficiently share the CPU among multiple processes or threads, providing the illusion of concurrent execution.
Context switching is triggered by various events, such as a process voluntarily relinquishing the CPU (e.g., through system calls like sleep or yield) or an interrupt occurring (e.g., a hardware interrupt or a timer interrupt). When a context switch occurs, the operating system saves the context of the current process or thread and restores the context of the next process or thread to be executed.
Context switching has a non-negligible overhead, as it involves saving and restoring the state of the CPU and other relevant resources. Therefore, minimizing the frequency of context switches is essential for improving system performance. Various techniques, such as optimizing scheduling algorithms, reducing interrupt latency, and using efficient data structures, are employed to mitigate the overhead associated with context switching in operating systems.
M2.1.3 - Threads and Goroutines
Threads VS. Processes
- 进程是程序的执行实例,每个进程都有自己的地址空间、代码、数据和资源。进程是操作系统中的基本调度单位,由操作系统负责管理和调度。
- 线程是进程中的执行单元,共享进程的地址空间和其他资源。一个进程可以包含多个线程,这些线程可以并发执行,共享进程的资源。
- 进程之间相互独立,每个进程都有自己的内存空间和系统资源,因此进程之间的切换开销较大。
- 线程共享同一个进程的内存空间和资源,因此线程之间的切换开销相对较小。
- 进程之间的通信和同步较为复杂,通常需要使用进程间通信(IPC)机制,如管道、消息队列、共享内存等。
- 线程之间可以直接访问共享的内存空间,因此通信和同步较为简单,可以使用共享内存、信号量、互斥锁等机制。
- 由于进程之间相互独立,一个进程的崩溃不会影响其他进程,因此进程具有较强的健壮性。
- 线程之间共享同一进程的资源,一个线程的错误可能会影响整个进程的稳定性。
Threads and processes are important concepts in operating systems for achieving concurrent execution. Here are several key differences between them:
Scheduling Unit:
- A process is an instance of a program, with its own address space, code, data, and resources. Processes are the basic scheduling units managed and scheduled by the operating system.
- A thread is an execution unit within a process, sharing the process’s address space and other resources. A process can contain multiple threads, which can execute concurrently and share the process’s resources.
Resource Overhead:
- Processes are independent of each other, with each process having its own memory space and system resources. As a result, context switching between processes incurs relatively high overhead.
- Threads share the same memory space and resources within a process, leading to lower overhead when switching between threads.
Communication and Synchronization:
- Inter-process communication and synchronization are more complex, often requiring inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms such as pipes, message queues, shared memory, etc.
- Threads can directly access shared memory space, making communication and synchronization simpler through mechanisms like shared memory, semaphores, mutexes, etc.
- Processes are isolated from each other, so a crash in one process typically does not affect others, providing strong isolation and robustness.
- Threads share the same process resources, so errors in one thread may impact the stability of the entire process.
In summary, both threads and processes are essential for concurrent execution, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice between them depends on specific application requirements and scenarios.
Goroutines are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime environment. They serve as concurrent execution units in Go programs and offer several advantages over traditional threads:
Lightweight: Goroutines are lightweight compared to traditional threads, allowing programs to create thousands or even millions of goroutines without consuming excessive system resources.
Concurrent Execution: Goroutines enable functions to execute concurrently, with multiple goroutines running simultaneously without the need for explicit thread management or locking.
Simple Creation: Goroutines are created simply by using the
keyword followed by a function call, for example,go func() { /* do something */ }()
. This makes goroutine creation straightforward and concise, without the overhead of thread creation and management. -
Automatic Scheduling: The Go runtime environment automatically schedules the execution of goroutines, ensuring they run efficiently across different operating system threads. This enables optimal utilization of multicore processors.
Communication Mechanism: Goroutines communicate and synchronize with each other using channels. Channels are a key concurrency mechanism in Go, allowing safe data transfer and synchronization between goroutines.
Shared Memory: Goroutines share the same address space, allowing them to easily share memory state. However, it’s important to use channels to avoid race conditions and data races when accessing shared memory.
In summary, goroutines are concurrent execution units in Go programs that offer lightweight, simple creation, automatic scheduling, and communication mechanisms. They make concurrent programming in Go more straightforward and efficient.
协程(Goroutine)是 Go 语言中的一种轻量级线程,由 Go 运行时环境(Runtime)管理。与传统的线程相比,协程具有更低的内存占用和更高的创建和销毁速度,因此可以轻松创建大量的并发执行单元。以下是关于 Go 协程的一些重要信息:
轻量级: 协程是轻量级的执行单元,相比传统的线程更加轻量,一个程序可以创建成千上万个协程而不会消耗太多的系统资源。
并发执行: Go 协程允许函数以并发的方式执行,多个协程可以同时运行而不需要显式的管理线程和锁。
简单创建: 使用关键字
可以简单地创建一个新的协程,例如go func() { /* do something */ }()
。这种方式非常简洁,不需要像传统线程一样创建和管理。 -
自动调度: Go 运行时环境会自动调度协程的执行,确保它们在不同的操作系统线程上以适当的方式运行。这样可以充分利用多核处理器的性能优势。
通信机制: 协程之间可以通过通道(Channel)进行通信和同步,这是 Go 语言中实现并发的重要机制之一。通道可以安全地在协程之间传递数据,并且可以轻松实现同步操作。
内存共享: 协程之间共享相同的地址空间,因此可以方便地共享内存状态。但需要注意的是,使用通道来避免竞争条件和数据竞态。
总的来说,协程是 Go 语言中的并发执行单元,具有轻量级、简单创建、自动调度和通信机制等特点,使得并发编程变得更加简单和高效。
Go Runtime Scheduler
Go Runtime Scheduler(GRS)是 Go 语言运行时环境的一部分,负责管理和调度 goroutines 的执行。下面是关于 GRS 和 goroutines 的一些重要信息:
Go Runtime Scheduler(GRS):
- GRS 是 Go 语言运行时环境的组成部分之一,负责管理和调度 goroutines 的执行。
- GRS 使用的调度算法是 M:N 调度器,其中 M 代表操作系统线程(OS Thread),N 代表 goroutines。
- GRS 将一定数量的 goroutines 调度到少量的操作系统线程上执行,这样可以有效地利用系统资源。
- Goroutines 是 Go 语言中的轻量级执行单位,由 Go 运行时环境管理。
- Goroutines 可以看作是轻量级的线程,但相比传统的线程更加高效和简单。
- 通过关键字
可以创建一个新的 goroutine,例如go func() { /* do something */ }()
。 - Goroutines 可以并发执行,而且可以方便地进行通信和同步,通过通道(channel)等机制实现。
- GRS 使用的调度算法是抢占式的,它可以在任何时刻抢占当前正在执行的 goroutine,并将 CPU 时间分配给其他等待执行的 goroutines。
- 调度器会根据系统的负载和 goroutines 的状态动态调整执行策略,以实现最佳的性能和资源利用率。
- Go 语言提供了一些环境变量来配置调度器的行为,例如 GOMAXPROCS 用于设置最大并发执行的操作系统线程数。
- 调度器还可以通过 runtime 包提供的函数来手动配置,例如 runtime.Gosched() 可以让出当前 goroutine 的执行权限。
总的来说,Go Runtime Scheduler 负责管理和调度 goroutines 的执行,它使用 M:N 调度器来有效地利用系统资源,并提供了一些配置选项和函数来调整调度器的行为。 Goroutines 是 Go 语言中的轻量级执行单位,可以方便地进行并发编程。
M2.2.1 - Interleavings
M2.2.2 - Race Conditions
Race Conditions
Race Conditions 是指在多线程或并发编程中,由于竞争条件造成的程序行为不确定性。当两个或多个线程同时访问共享资源,并且至少有一个线程试图修改这些资源时,如果操作的顺序导致结果取决于不同线程之间的执行顺序,就会出现竞争条件。
Race Conditions refer to the uncertainty in program behavior caused by concurrent access to shared resources in multi-threaded or concurrent programming. When two or more threads access shared resources simultaneously, and at least one thread attempts to modify these resources, if the order of operations leads to results that depend on the execution order between different threads, a race condition occurs.
Race conditions can lead to inconsistent behavior in a program, such as data corruption, logical errors, deadlocks, and other issues. Resolving race conditions often requires the use of synchronization mechanisms such as mutex locks, condition variables, etc., to ensure that only one thread can execute modification operations when accessing shared resources, thereby avoiding data race issues.
Module 2 Quiz
Peer-graded Assignment: Module 2 Activity
Write two goroutines which have a race condition when executed concurrently. Explain what the race condition is and how it can occur.
Submission: Upload your source code for the program along with your written explanation of race conditions.
Here’s an example of two goroutines with a race condition:
package main
import (
var counter int
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func main() {
go incrementCounter()
go incrementCounter()
fmt.Println("Final counter value:", counter)
func incrementCounter() {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
// Race condition occurs here
In this program, two goroutines are launched concurrently to increment the counter
variable by 1000 each. The race condition occurs because multiple goroutines are accessing and modifying the counter
variable concurrently without any synchronization mechanism in place. Due to the non-atomic nature of the increment operation (counter++
), it’s possible for one goroutine to read the counter
value while another goroutine is in the process of updating it, leading to unpredictable behavior and incorrect results.
To fix this race condition, we can use synchronization primitives like mutexes or atomic operations to ensure that only one goroutine can access the counter
variable at a time.
Here’s the improved version of the code using a mutex to prevent the race condition:
package main
import (
var counter int
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var mu sync.Mutex
func main() {
go incrementCounter()
go incrementCounter()
fmt.Println("Final counter value:", counter)
func incrementCounter() {
defer wg.Done()
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
In the improved version, a mutex (mu
) is used to synchronize access to the counter
variable. The Lock
method is called before accessing the counter
variable to prevent other goroutines from accessing it concurrently. After the increment operation is completed, the Unlock
method is called to release the mutex, allowing other goroutines to acquire it. This ensures that only one goroutine can access the counter
variable at a time, preventing the race condition.
In this module, you’ll work with threaded goroutines and explore the benefits of synchronization. The week’s assignment has you using a threaded approach to create a program that sorts integers via four separate sub-arrays, then merging the arrays into a single array.
Learning Objectives
- Identify features and operational characteristics of goroutines.
- Identify reasons for introducing synchronization in a goroutine.
- Write a goroutine that uses threads to sort integers via four sub-arrays that are then merged into a single array.
M3.1.1 - Goroutines
M3.1.2 - Exiting Goroutines
package main
import (
func myGoroutine() {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
fmt.Println("Doing some work...")
if i == 2 {
fmt.Println("Encountered a condition, exiting early")
return // 提前退出goroutine
func main() {
fmt.Println("Main function started")
go myGoroutine() // 启动goroutine
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) // 等待一段时间,确保goroutine有时间执行
fmt.Println("Main function ended")
函数会在执行到i == 2
M3.2.1 - Basic Synchronization
在Go语言中,同步(Synchronization)是一种管理并发操作的技术,用于确保在多个goroutine之间正确共享资源和协调操作的顺序。同步机制的目的是避免竞态条件(Race Condition)和数据竞争(Data Race),以及确保并发程序的正确性和可靠性。
原子操作(Atomic Operations):原子操作是一种特殊的操作,可以保证在并发执行的情况下,对共享变量的读取和写入是原子性的,不会被打断。原子操作通常用于对简单数据类型进行并发安全的增加、减少、赋值等操作。
Synchronization in Go refers to the coordination of concurrent goroutines to ensure proper execution and data integrity in a concurrent program. It involves techniques to control access to shared resources, such as variables or data structures, by multiple goroutines to prevent race conditions and ensure consistency.
There are several mechanisms provided by Go for synchronization:
Mutexes (Mutual Exclusion): Mutexes are used to lock and unlock critical sections of code to ensure that only one goroutine can access a shared resource at a time. This prevents race conditions where multiple goroutines try to modify the same data simultaneously.
Channels: Channels are communication primitives that allow goroutines to send and receive data synchronously. They provide a safe way to exchange data between goroutines without the need for explicit locking. Channels enforce synchronization by ensuring that data is sent and received in a coordinated manner.
WaitGroups: WaitGroups are used to wait for a collection of goroutines to finish their execution before proceeding. They provide a way to synchronize the execution of multiple goroutines by blocking until all goroutines have completed their tasks.
Atomic Operations: Go provides atomic operations for low-level synchronization tasks, such as atomic memory accesses and updates. Atomic operations ensure that certain operations on shared variables are performed atomically, without the possibility of interruption by other goroutines.
By using these synchronization mechanisms effectively, developers can write concurrent Go programs that are safe, efficient, and free from race conditions. Proper synchronization ensures that goroutines cooperate and coordinate their activities to achieve the desired behavior of the program.
M3.2.2 - Wait Groups
Sync WaitGroup
The sync.WaitGroup
type in Go is a synchronization primitive that allows you to wait for a collection of goroutines to finish executing before proceeding with further code. It’s particularly useful when you have a variable number of goroutines to wait for, as it can dynamically adapt to the number of goroutines you’re dealing with.
Here’s how sync.WaitGroup
typically works:
You create a new
instance using thesync.WaitGroup{}
expression. -
Before starting a new goroutine, you call the
method on theWaitGroup
and increment the counter by the number of goroutines you’re about to start. -
Inside each goroutine, you perform the task and then call
on theWaitGroup
to signal that the goroutine has finished its work. -
Finally, you call the
method on theWaitGroup
from the main goroutine to block until all goroutines have completed their work. Once the counter reaches zero (indicating that all goroutines have calledDone
), theWait
method returns, and the program can continue execution.
Here’s a simple example illustrating the usage of sync.WaitGroup
package main
import (
func worker(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done() // Decrements the counter when the function returns
fmt.Printf("Worker %d starting\n", id)
// Simulate some work
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Worker %d: Working...\n", id)
fmt.Printf("Worker %d done\n", id)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Launching three worker goroutines
for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
wg.Add(1) // Increment the counter for each goroutine
go worker(i, &wg)
// Wait for all worker goroutines to finish
fmt.Println("All workers have completed their work")
In this example, three worker goroutines are started, each performing some simulated work. The main goroutine waits for all worker goroutines to finish using wg.Wait()
. Once all workers are done, the main goroutine resumes execution.
函数中,defer wg.Done()
的计数器减少1。 -
函数结束之前被调用,即在函数返回之前。 -
总之,defer wg.Done()
M3.3.1 - Communication
Goroutine Communication
Goroutine communication in Go refers to the mechanism through which goroutines (concurrently executing functions) can interact and share data. There are several ways goroutines can communicate with each other:
Channels: Channels are the primary means of communication between goroutines in Go. They provide a way for one goroutine to send data to another goroutine. Channels can be created with the
function, and data can be sent and received using the<-
operator. Channels are both safe and efficient for communication between goroutines. -
Buffered Channels: Buffered channels are similar to regular channels, but they have a buffer that allows them to hold a certain number of elements before blocking. This can be useful when the sender and receiver are not perfectly synchronized.
Channel Direction: Channels can be defined to be either send-only or receive-only. This allows you to restrict access to channels to prevent accidental misuse.
Select Statement: The
statement in Go allows you to wait on multiple channels simultaneously and execute the corresponding case when one of the channels is ready to send or receive data. -
Close Channel: Channels can be closed using the
function. This indicates to the receiver that no more data will be sent on the channel. Receivers can use the second return value from a receive operation to determine if the channel has been closed.
Overall, goroutine communication in Go is designed to be simple, safe, and efficient, allowing for the creation of highly concurrent and scalable programs.
- 通道的声明:通道的声明使用
var ch chan int // 声明一个整数类型的通道
- 通道的创建:使用
ch := make(chan int) // 创建一个整数类型的无缓冲通道
ch := make(chan int, 10) // 创建一个整数类型的有缓冲通道,缓冲区大小为10
- 通道的发送和接收:使用
ch <- 42 // 发送数据到通道ch
val := <-ch // 从通道ch接收数据并赋值给val
- 关闭通道:使用
- 循环接收数据:可以使用
for val := range ch {
fmt.Println("Received:", val)
M3.3.2 - Blocking on Channels
Unbuffered Channel
无缓冲通道(Unbuffered Channel)是一种在Go语言中用于goroutines之间同步和通信的机制。它不存储任何元素,必须要有另一个goroutine正在尝试接收数据时,才能成功发送数据。
An unbuffered channel in Go is a mechanism for synchronization and communication between goroutines. Unlike buffered channels, it does not store any elements and requires another goroutine to be attempting to receive data for a send operation to succeed.
Key characteristics of unbuffered channels include:
Blocking behavior: When data is sent to an unbuffered channel, the send operation blocks until another goroutine is ready to receive the data. Similarly, when data is received from an unbuffered channel, the receive operation blocks until there is data available to be received.
Synchronization: Unbuffered channels provide synchronization between send and receive operations, ensuring that they occur at a synchronization point between different goroutines. This synchronization ensures the safe and reliable transfer of data.
Immediate handoff: Unbuffered channels operate on a “handoff” principle, meaning that when a send operation completes, the corresponding receive operation happens immediately. This property ensures precise data transfer and prevents data loss or corruption.
In summary, unbuffered channels are a fundamental mechanism for achieving synchronization and communication between goroutines in Go, widely used in concurrent programming.
M3.3.3 - Buffered Channels
Buffered Channels
Buffered channels in Go provide a way for goroutines to communicate asynchronously while allowing a limited number of elements to be stored in the channel’s internal buffer. Unlike unbuffered channels, which block on send and receive operations until both sender and receiver are ready, buffered channels allow a degree of decoupling between senders and receivers.
Key characteristics of buffered channels include:
Capacity: Buffered channels have a specified capacity, which determines the maximum number of elements that can be stored in the channel’s buffer at any given time. This capacity is specified when the channel is created using the
function. -
Non-blocking sends: When a buffered channel has available space in its buffer, a send operation can proceed immediately, without blocking the sender. The send operation only blocks if the buffer is full and there are no available slots for new elements.
Non-blocking receives: When a buffered channel contains elements in its buffer, a receive operation can proceed immediately, without blocking the receiver. The receive operation only blocks if the buffer is empty and there are no elements available to be received.
Blocking behavior: Buffered channels exhibit blocking behavior when attempting to send data to a full buffer or receive data from an empty buffer. In these cases, the sender or receiver will block until the necessary conditions are met.
Decoupling of senders and receivers: Buffered channels provide a degree of decoupling between senders and receivers, allowing them to operate asynchronously. This decoupling can improve the efficiency and concurrency of Go programs by reducing the need for explicit synchronization between goroutines.
In summary, buffered channels offer a flexible and efficient mechanism for asynchronous communication and synchronization between goroutines in Go, allowing for the exchange of data with bounded buffering capacity.
Module 3 Quiz
Peer-graded Assignment: Module 3 Activity
Write a program to sort an array of integers. The program should partition the array into 4 parts, each of which is sorted by a different goroutine. Each partition should be of approximately equal size. Then the main goroutine should merge the 4 sorted subarrays into one large sorted array.
The program should prompt the user to input a series of integers. Each goroutine which sorts ¼ of the array should print the subarray that it will sort. When sorting is complete, the main goroutine should print the entire sorted list.
Submission: Upload your source code for the program.
package main
import (
func main() {
var nums []int
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Prompt user for input
fmt.Println("Enter a series of integers (press 'x' to finish):")
for {
var num int
_, err := fmt.Scan(&num)
if err != nil {
nums = append(nums, num)
// Divide the array into 4 parts
partSize := len(nums) / 4
parts := make([][]int, 4)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
start := i * partSize
end := start + partSize
if i == 3 { // Adjust the last part size to include remaining elements
end = len(nums)
parts[i] = nums[start:end]
// Print subarrays to be sorted by each goroutine
fmt.Println("Subarrays to be sorted by each goroutine:")
for i, part := range parts {
fmt.Printf("Goroutine %d: %v\n", i+1, part)
// Sort each subarray in parallel
for i := range parts {
go func(i int) {
defer wg.Done()
// Merge sorted subarrays
merged := merge(parts)
// Print the entire sorted list
fmt.Println("Sorted array:", merged)
func merge(parts [][]int) []int {
var result []int
for _, part := range parts {
result = append(result, part...)
return result
This last module ties together the various features – including threads, concurrency, and synchronization – covered in this course. The week’s programming assignment requires you to use concurrent algorithms in the implementation of the “dining philosopher’s problem" and then address the ensuing synchronization issues.
Learning Objectives
- Identify the uses of channels and how they are implemented in code.
- Identify the purpose of the “select” keyword and the meaning of “default clause.”
- Identify the definition of “mutual exclusion” and characteristics of a “deadlock."
- Develop a goroutine that makes use of concurrent algorithms and addresses synchronization issues.
M4.1.1 - Blocking on Channels
Iterating Through a Channel
Receiving from Multiple Goroutines
M4.1.2 - Select
在 Go 中,select
语句用于从多个通信操作中选择一个执行。它类似于 switch
语句,但是 select
语句使得一个 Go 协程可以等待多个通信操作中的任意一个完成。
select {
case communicationClause1:
// 执行 communicationClause1 中的代码
case communicationClause2:
// 执行 communicationClause2 中的代码
// 可以有更多的通信操作...
// 当没有任何通信操作准备就绪时执行的代码
其中,每个通信操作称为一个 case
,通常包括发送操作、接收操作或者 default
分支。当 select
语句执行时,它会按照顺序检查每个 case
,并执行第一个准备就绪的通信操作。如果多个 case
同时准备就绪,那么 select
当需要在多个通道之间进行选择时,可以使用 select
语句。下面是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用 select
package main
import (
func main() {
// 创建两个通道
ch1 := make(chan string)
ch2 := make(chan string)
// 向 ch1 发送数据的 Go 协程
go func() {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
ch1 <- "Hello from ch1"
// 向 ch2 发送数据的 Go 协程
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ch2 <- "Hello from ch2"
// 使用 select 语句选择从两个通道中接收数据
select {
case msg1 := <-ch1:
fmt.Println("Received message from ch1:", msg1)
case msg2 := <-ch2:
fmt.Println("Received message from ch2:", msg2)
在上面的示例中,我们创建了两个通道 ch1
和 ch2
,然后启动了两个 Go 协程,分别向这两个通道发送数据。接着,在 main
函数中使用 select
语句,它会等待从 ch1
或 ch2
这样,即使 ch2
也会立即选择接收来自 ch2
M4.2.1 - Mutual Exclusion
M4.2.2 - Mutex
M4.2.3 - Mutex Methods
在Go语言中,互斥锁(Mutual Exclusion)通常用于保护共享资源,以确保在任何给定时刻只有一个goroutine可以访问该资源,从而防止并发访问导致的数据竞争和不确定行为。互斥锁可以确保在任何时刻只有一个goroutine可以执行被保护的临界区代码。
package main
import (
var counter int
var mutex sync.Mutex
func increment() {
// 加锁保护临界区代码
// 解锁
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// 启动多个goroutine并发地增加计数器的值
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// 等待所有goroutine完成
fmt.Println("Counter:", counter)
M4.3.1 - Once Synchronization
package main
import (
var (
initialized bool
initializing sync.Once
func initGlobalData() {
fmt.Println("Initializing global data...")
// 进行一次性的全局数据初始化操作
initialized = true
func main() {
// 多个goroutine同时调用initGlobalData函数
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
// 等待所有goroutine完成
// 注意:这里只是简单等待,实际生产环境中可能需要更复杂的等待逻辑
// 这里主要演示Once的使用,不关注等待的实现细节
fmt.Println("Waiting for initialization...")
M4.3.2 - Deadlock
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
// 发送goroutine向通道发送数据,但没有接收者
go func() {
ch <- 1
// 主goroutine尝试从通道接收数据,但没有发送者
fmt.Println("This line will never be reached")
要解决死锁问题,通常需要仔细检查代码中的并发逻辑,确保互斥锁的正确使用、通道的合理关闭以及避免循环依赖等情况。另外,使用Go语言内置的工具如go vet
、go race
M4.3.3 - Dining Philosophers
package main
import (
const numPhilosophers = 5
var forks [numPhilosophers]sync.Mutex
func philosopher(id int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
leftFork := id
rightFork := (id + 1) % numPhilosophers
// 死循环,模拟哲学家的思考和进餐过程
for {
eat(id, leftFork, rightFork)
func think(id int) {
fmt.Printf("Philosopher %d is thinking\n", id)
func eat(id, leftFork, rightFork int) {
fmt.Printf("Philosopher %d is hungry and trying to pick up forks\n", id)
// 先获取左边的叉子
fmt.Printf("Philosopher %d picked up left fork\n", id)
// 然后获取右边的叉子
fmt.Printf("Philosopher %d picked up right fork and started eating\n", id)
// 模拟进餐过程
fmt.Printf("Philosopher %d finished eating and put down forks\n", id)
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// 创建并启动每位哲学家的goroutine
for i := 0; i < numPhilosophers; i++ {
go philosopher(i, &wg)
// 等待所有哲学家完成进餐
Module 4 Quiz
Peer-graded Assignment: Module 4 Activity
Implement the dining philosopher’s problem with the following constraints/modifications.
- There should be 5 philosophers sharing chopsticks, with one chopstick between each adjacent pair of philosophers.
- Each philosopher should eat only 3 times (not in an infinite loop as we did in lecture)
- The philosophers pick up the chopsticks in any order, not lowest-numbered first (which we did in lecture).
- In order to eat, a philosopher must get permission from a host which executes in its own goroutine.
- The host allows no more than 2 philosophers to eat concurrently.
- Each philosopher is numbered, 1 through 5.
- When a philosopher starts eating (after it has obtained necessary locks) it prints “starting to eat ” on a line by itself, where is the number of the philosopher.
- When a philosopher finishes eating (before it has released its locks) it prints “finishing eating ” on a line by itself, where is the number of the philosopher.
Submission: Upload your source code for the program.
package main
import (
type ChopStick struct{ sync.Mutex }
type Philosopher struct {
number int
leftChopstick *ChopStick
rightChopstick *ChopStick
host chan bool
func (p Philosopher) eat() {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { <- true
fmt.Printf("starting to eat %d\n", p.number)
fmt.Printf("finishing eating %d\n", p.number)
func main() {
chopSticks := make([]*ChopStick, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
chopSticks[i] = new(ChopStick)
host := make(chan bool, 2)
philosophers := make([]*Philosopher, 5)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
philosophers[i] = &Philosopher{i + 1, chopSticks[i], chopSticks[(i+1)%5], host}
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(p *Philosopher) {
defer wg.Done()
$ go run dining.go
starting to eat 5
finishing eating 5
starting to eat 2
finishing eating 2
starting to eat 4
finishing eating 4
starting to eat 1
finishing eating 1
starting to eat 2
finishing eating 2
starting to eat 5
finishing eating 5
starting to eat 4
finishing eating 4
starting to eat 1
finishing eating 1
starting to eat 3
finishing eating 3
starting to eat 5
finishing eating 5
starting to eat 4
finishing eating 4
starting to eat 2
finishing eating 2
starting to eat 3
finishing eating 3
starting to eat 3
starting to eat 1
finishing eating 1
finishing eating 3